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Futuristic Leviathan Age CS

  • Name: Bellona Madison
    Alias: Belle, RoSE_73 (Private Username)
    Gender: Female
    Age: 22
    Appearance (Realistic Pic or Description):

    Sexuality: Heterosexual
    Personality: Could be manipulative and/or patient when she really wants to get something. One thing for sure is that she is a curious, prideful young woman who loves to snoop into somebody’s business for ‘data’ by dubious means if she can get away with it.
    History: Thanks to her mother and her corporate political connections, Belle managed to be hired as an intern for as a database recorder within the IT department of some company. With this kind of work mind-numbing easy and to spite her mother for using her as some kind of political spy piece, Belle decided that the best revenge for that is to do her assigned job the best she could in the most discreet way possible to not get promoted and advance but good enough to not get fired.
    As time shortly passed, she found out a particular LEV who had saved her from death to be on the LEU’s radar and on the run. Her view on other LEVs being the boogieman changed drastically was in part due to being saved by this LEV from dying in an ambush planned by a rival company that was meant for her younger brother years ago and finding out that her little brother is a LEV from that ambush.
    Weapons: She has a PDA with a custom suite of hacking tools, code, and functions that she made herself.
    Strengths(opt): Belle is very proficient with technology as well as passionate with them. Most of her expertise is in hacking and computer forensics, but she can dabble into other technological related subjects if she really want to, or in most cases, have to as a part of some plan.
    Weakness (opt): Belle will do anything for her little brother’s life if she feels that there’s no way for him to get himself out of a sticky situation that can kill him due to his theving jobs, or worse by her own actions.
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  • Name: Bellona Madison
    Alias: Belle, RoSE_73 (Private Username)
    Gender: Female
    Age: 22
    Appearance (Realistic Pic or Description):

    Sexuality: Heterosexual
    Personality: Could be manipulative and/or patient when she really wants to get something. One thing for sure is that she is a curious, prideful young woman who loves to snoop into somebody’s business for ‘data’ by dubious means if she can get away with it.
    History: Thanks to her mother and her corporate political connections, Belle managed to be hired as an intern for as a database recorder within the IT department of some company. With this kind of work mind-numbing easy and to spite her mother for using her as some kind of political spy piece, Belle decided that the best revenge for that is to do her assigned job the best she could in the most discreet way possible to not get promoted and advance but good enough to not get fired.
    As time shortly passed, she found out a particular LEV who had saved her from death to be on the LEU’s radar and on the run. Her view on other LEVs being the boogieman changed drastically was in part due to being saved by this LEV from dying in an ambush planned by a rival company that was meant for her younger brother years ago and finding out that her little brother is a LEV from that ambush.
    Weapons: She has a PDA with a custom suite of hacking tools, code, and functions that she made herself.
    Strengths(opt): Belle is very proficient with technology as well as passionate with them. Most of her expertise is in hacking and computer forensics, but she can dabble into other technological related subjects if she really want to, or in most cases, have to as a part of some plan.
    Weakness (opt): Belle will do anything for her little brother’s life if she feels that there’s no way for him to get himself out of a sticky situation that can kill him due to his theving jobs, or worse by her own actions.
Accepted ^.^

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