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Realistic or Modern let's make some gay slice of life ocs, yeah??


i'll be brief in this thread since my idea list is kinda short!

hey there! you can call me jiji, they/them or he/him, i'm in my early 20s and i'm on the west coast USA. i rp primarily on discord but you might be able to convince me to go elsewhere depending on what we do. i'm looking for someone who wants to make some slice-of-life goodness happen. i only rp m//, but i'm fine with female and nb side characters and such. just give me the gay shit tbh. i usually write super long intros and then my posts get a bit shorter, but i never write anything less than two paragraphs or so. you don't have to match up with how much i write, i just like to give a warning that my posts usually run pretty long.

i really love talking ooc. we probably won't get along too well if i know nothing about you or if i can't come to you with a weird AU idea or cliche situation to throw our characters into. i live for talking to people about our favorite shows, games, music, etc. and i really like to be at least friends with my rp partners! we don't have to become bffls by any means but i enjoy talking to the people i write with! i get lost in a confusing ocean of messages and replies so i prefer to talk ooc on discord, but if you don't have discord i've also got skype, twitter, kik, line, and basically every other IM platform out there!

i'm looking for something super slice-of-life style, think 19 days or dokyuusei. classmates at school. roommates. across-the-apartment-hall-neighbors. coworkers, or workers for rival cafes/coffee shops who work across the street from one-another. i just want domestic fluff, happy gay shit, and down to earth drama. i love angst and would love to include it, but it's not super necessary and the whole thing could be happy and i'd still be super down. i don't want anything high-fantasy or super sci fi, though i'd be fine incorporating modest fantasy or sci-fi elements, such as the setting being in the near future or something along those lines. i am also a huge sucker for friends to lovers, or childhood friends reconnecting. also, characters going on road trips together brings me so much life i cannot even explain. that's the basics of what i want tbh, i am not hard to please. i want enjoyable, down-to-earth characters and a plot + setting with realistic drama. i'm sorry if this is boring haha ;;

here are some more solid/thought out plot ideas:
- two boys who are childhood best friends. sometime in their early middle school years, one of them vanishes. the other thinks his friend had run away or died for years, until their senior year of high school when he returns. whether he acts totally different or tries to play if off as if nothing happened, you decide! i want both of these characters to be dealing with their own internal struggles and problems and kind of realize that they aren't the same people they were back in middle school. they still care about one another and have promised to be best friends forever, and help eachother work through their issues.

- a popular, gorgeous straight-a student, the school prince, has a mad crush on a gloomy, tired, introverted deadbeat kid in his class. he isn't a delinquent, but he hardly shows up to class, has terrible grades, and rarely talks to anyone. some people think he's rude / thinks he's too good for the school, while some people just write him off as a loser with no friends. for some reason, the school prince is drawn to him and tries to figure him out. as with the previous plot, both of these characters are dealing with their own internal struggles and probably have major issues, but i want them to end up becoming awkward friends and the school prince trying to play his crush off really badly. i don't mind either role in this!

- two boys live in apartments across from eachother in a city where it always rains. their bedroom windows face one-another's and they are close enough to jump over into the other's house. idk what their whole deal is at all tbh. i just kinda love that type of setting ??

- two old friends go on a month-long roadtrip together before they go their seprate ways for college. they drive around aimlessly, get lost as hell, sleep in the back of their cramped, shitty old van, and take bad polaroid pictures of one-another while trying and failing to hide their feelings for one another. i want this one to really be based around being in love with someone for a long time and pushing it down, and the feeling of dread that creeps on you when you realize that soon they'll be gone. do you confess and move on or just let them drift away without them ever having known how you felt? also i totally already have a lofi chillhop playlist already made for this, i want it to have a really sentimental and halfway angsty, halfway hopeful vibe.

- (fair warning: this last one is literally a plot straight out of a shitty BL anime. it's more fantasy based so keep that in mind also!) a nervous, socially anxious guy sees an adorable plushie on display at the store one day. it's advertised as "the cuddle buddy you've always been missing" or something like that. for some reason he's drawn to it and ends up buying one. i'm picturing it to be like one of those big stuffed animals they sell around valentine's day, but way cuter? maybe a cat or a fox? he brings it home and it ends up being his favorite thing ever, he sleeps with it every night for like a week and laments his troubles at work to it like it can totally hear him. one night, he randomly kisses it on its nose, and POOF suddenly he is kissing this super beautiful dude who just so happens to have the same ears/tail as his plushie? the plushie guy is actually some kind of divine gift sent down to people who are miserable and the only way for him to get back and forth from stuffed animal mode to human-ish dude mode is via nose kiss. (i told you it was a bad BL anime okay) and he helps the nervous guy not be so nervous by being his friend / cuddle buddy he's always been missing. he's very content and slightly smug as a human, he knows all the guy's secrets, and lounges around his house all day eating all his food and generally being a pest, never shutting up and always craving the nervous guy's attention.
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I'm interested in the popular school prince x gloomy loser student! And maybe play the gloomy student...

Though I also love the idea of roommates, friends to lovers and road trips (which can probably be done altogether?).

Ah, it's hard to chose!
I'm interested in the popular school prince x gloomy loser student! And maybe play the gloomy student...

Though I also love the idea of roommates, friends to lovers and road trips (which can probably be done altogether?).

Ah, it's hard to chose!
ooh im hyped! i'm down for any of those things tbh~~ do you have discord?
aaaaaa 19 days is such an aesthetic, i live for that style of slice of life genre - like ghibli movies for gays. i'm totally interested in either the third or fourth plot bunnies, if you're still looking. we can bounce ideas back n' forth!
aaaaaa 19 days is such an aesthetic, i live for that style of slice of life genre - like ghibli movies for gays. i'm totally interested in either the third or fourth plot bunnies, if you're still looking. we can bounce ideas back n' forth!
omg yeah absolutely! that's the best description i've seen for it so far tbh?? ghibli for gays is now how i will describe it lmao;; do you have discord?
I was thinking that our characters could be friends and really get along well. They might have met at uni or before. Sometime, during or after uni, they would have decided to live together to split rent, and well, because they get along. One might have a crush on the other or they might feel attracted to each other or nothing yet. They can definitely go on a road trip later too.

Sadly I don't have Discord, if that's fine with you we can rp through PM's?
I was thinking that our characters could be friends and really get along well. They might have met at uni or before. Sometime, during or after uni, they would have decided to live together to split rent, and well, because they get along. One might have a crush on the other or they might feel attracted to each other or nothing yet. They can definitely go on a road trip later too.

Sadly I don't have Discord, if that's fine with you we can rp through PM's?
ooooh i love this a ton!! i don't mind them meeting in uni and deciding they get along well enough to rent together, or them having met before & basically coming to the conclusion that they got along well before so it'd be good for both of them to split rent together.

i use discord as my primary means of ooc chat and plotting so i'd definitely perfer to use it for that at least! if you feel more comfy going through PMs for the actual rp i could give it a shot. they usually just get totally lost and confusing to me haha; i'm way too disorganized;;
- (fair warning: this last one is literally a plot straight out of a shitty BL anime. it's more fantasy based so keep that in mind also!) a nervous, socially anxious guy sees an adorable plushie on display at the store one day. it's advertised as "the cuddle buddy you've always been missing" or something like that. for some reason he's drawn to it and ends up buying one. i'm picturing it to be like one of those big stuffed animals they sell around valentine's day, but way cuter? maybe a cat or a fox? he brings it home and it ends up being his favorite thing ever, he sleeps with it every night for like a week and laments his troubles at work to it like it can totally hear him. one night, he randomly kisses it on its nose, and POOF suddenly he is kissing this super beautiful dude who just so happens to have the same ears/tail as his plushie? the plushie guy is actually some kind of divine gift sent down to people who are miserable and the only way for him to get back and forth from stuffed animal mode to human-ish dude mode is via nose kiss. (i told you it was a bad BL anime okay) and he helps the nervous guy not be so nervous by being his friend / cuddle buddy he's always been missing. he's very content and slightly smug as a human, he knows all the guy's secrets, and lounges around his house all day eating all his food and generally being a pest, never shutting up and always craving the nervous guy's attention.

yes please
- (fair warning: this last one is literally a plot straight out of a shitty BL anime. it's more fantasy based so keep that in mind also!) a nervous, socially anxious guy sees an adorable plushie on display at the store one day. it's advertised as "the cuddle buddy you've always been missing" or something like that. for some reason he's drawn to it and ends up buying one. i'm picturing it to be like one of those big stuffed animals they sell around valentine's day, but way cuter? maybe a cat or a fox? he brings it home and it ends up being his favorite thing ever, he sleeps with it every night for like a week and laments his troubles at work to it like it can totally hear him. one night, he randomly kisses it on its nose, and POOF suddenly he is kissing this super beautiful dude who just so happens to have the same ears/tail as his plushie? the plushie guy is actually some kind of divine gift sent down to people who are miserable and the only way for him to get back and forth from stuffed animal mode to human-ish dude mode is via nose kiss. (i told you it was a bad BL anime okay) and he helps the nervous guy not be so nervous by being his friend / cuddle buddy he's always been missing. he's very content and slightly smug as a human, he knows all the guy's secrets, and lounges around his house all day eating all his food and generally being a pest, never shutting up and always craving the nervous guy's attention.

yes please
bless tbh ;; i would die to do this lmao
Yo yo I’m interested in the childhood friend’s or the rainy day apartments

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