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Realistic or Modern Let's Catch a Murderer!


Hemaris Thysbe
I am looking for two things for this rp. 1.) Someone to work with on this. A co-GM, if you will.

2.) Interest. I want to see if people are interested.

You lied there, on your deathbed, looking out through blurry vision. An apparition appeared before you in wisps of fog. You could not determine much detail. He was dressed in light colors, and exerted a powerful, but benevolent presence. It was a being to respect. He spoke to you, “Friend, I see you, in this frightening place. So close to death. Everything you have worked hard for is so close to being nullified. You life is close to destruction; so fragile. I will grant you life, and the power of your resolve. In return, I need you to carry out a task for me. So many have been put in a similar position. Unlike you, their lives were wiped away so simply and deliberately, like how you wipe the water off you hands after washing them. And that is where you come in. Put an end to these crimes. Sunday, the 17th... 4:30 P.M. … At the public library...” Briefly, a faint images of a variety of faces flashed before your eyes. His image then drifted away as your vision went black.

The idea I cam up with essentially involves a set of people who have come close to death. The first victim of a serial killer appears before the character guarantees their life, and grants them "The power of their resolve.", kind of like a minor superpower. In return, he enlists you to track down, and avenge his, and many other victim's deaths. He intends all of the people to meet at the public library on Sunday at 4:30. The particular group of people are the second generation. The first either didn't follow through, or died trying.

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