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Realistic or Modern Let's be Us!


That One Dinosaur That Didn't Get the Message
INTERVIEW TIME! (Character Skeletons)

Name: (Just your first is fine)


Age: (I won't judge. Promise!)

Sexuality: (See "Age:")

Appearance: (A picture of yourself if you want. If not, describe yourself)


Origin: (Country is fine)


Notice I've excluded anything about personality. WE GOTTA GET TO KNOW EACH OTHERRRRRRRR

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Name: Richard

Gender: Male

Age: A whopping 16

Sexuality: Gay *Becomes Nervous*

Appearance: I'm this fat, fairly tall half-Asian guy. I have dark skin from always being forced outside and I have this tanline around my wrist from wearing a watch all the time. I'm thickly built (though I only have noticable amounts of muscles in my legs...) and I have black hair and brown eyes. I'm told it looks like I wear mascara because of my eyelashes and eyeliner because of the oft-present bags beneath my eyes. I have acne and dandruff problems, but the dandruff is under control.

Room: F1-1 (Woo first one!)

Origin: USA

Past: I've had a pretty run-of-the-mill childhood. I'm a bit of a weirdo, though. (Just warning you...)
Alright, color me curious.

Name: Reyerson (that's actually my last name, but it's what most of my friends call me and I like it a lot)

Gender: Female

Age: 15

Sexuality: ??? I'm kind of calling myself Asexual for now but who the hell knows, honestly.

Appearance: *Miiiight upload a pic here if this gets some takers*

I'm a little bit tall for my age, and my friends make fun of me a lot for being skinny. My family (my dad, in particular) takes health and healthful habits very seriously, so I do work out and thus have decently strong legs and arms (however, genetics have rendered my arms and legs both rather long and thin, so I'm having some trouble gaining visible muscles on either of those, even with the weight training - if I may quote a friend; "You're so... narrow."). I've got good stamina, and my skin is clear, except on my nose, as it burns kind of easily and has a few small zits. While we're talking about my nose, that's my most distinctive facial feature. It's sort of long and pointed. I've got darker blue eyes and blonde hair that I had cut short a few months ago, but it's grown out to about chin length, and my bangs now hang in my face a bit. I'm not outwardly gothic or punk or anything, but I wear mostly black, just because it's a calm, neutral color and I like it. I really don't like wearing shorts, but I don't mind skirts. However, I'll always opt for jeans when they're available.

Room: F1-2

Origin: USA

Past: Meh, fairly normal childhood. Grew up with one younger brother and two parents, hundreds of miles away from any and all extended family. Learned to play the piano from a rather young age and I like to think I can play it really well now. I also write daily and snowboard during the winter.
Name: Hannah

Gender: Female

Age: 15

Sexuality: Pansexual

Appearance: Chubby, kinda average hightish, mostly European but I look Native American a lot. I have lightish yellow toned skin but get tan really easily (hate it). I have very dark brown eyes and wear pretty dark eye makeup. Due to this I tend to be called either goth or girly (what even am I). I have dark brown hair, but due to a bad dye job, when i walk in the sun i have a redish-purplish tint to my hair. I have a ''Jewish nose'', that and my eyebrows are my most bold characteristics. Physically I am pretty strong and flexible and love to do yoga and dance. I do like flowy skirts and things of the sort.

Room: F1-3

Origin: USA

Past: Pretty decent life so far. One younger brother and a mom and dad. I've grown up with a rather musical family on my dads side and (used to) play guitar for a long time, I now play the bass guitar and sing sometimes. I like to draw but am almost always in an artblock.
Name: Skib (not my first or last name but it's what everyone calls me so there you go.)

Gender: Female

Age: 16

Sexuality: bisexual (just don't tell my parents xD )

Appearance: I'm going to be the first brave soul to post a picture of myself...

This is not a very good photo, I know, but it is the only one of me that I could find that wouldn't link me to any website (heh heh not that i don't trust y'all.... heh....heh). My hair is a little different then it was then. It's chin-length and slightly pink, with purple reverse ombre (so like, my roots are purple and it fades into pink and then into platinum blonde). The other thing you can't see in this photo is my nose: I have that kind of nose where its curves out in the middle... its kind of like a semitic nose if you care to look that up which I'm sure y'all don't xD .

Room: F1-4? I'm not quite sure how the room thing works...

Origin: USA

Past: I grew up in a backwater town in Kentucky pretty much right in the middle of a forest. We lived in a cute little log cabin right by a lake.I was pretty much free to roam all over and I often walked down to the lake and played around in the creek by our house. Me and my 3 brothers screwed around all day blowing things up and making sure all of our clothes were covered in dirt. Me and my dad have always both really been into similar things like motorcycling, canoe/kayaking, skating, etc. Me and my mom, however, are also really close; we cook together a lot and if you could be nerds about cosmetology we would be. Almost everyone in my family is in the airline bis so I know quite a bit about planes and I've been to a couple really cool places, my family traveled a lot because of our flight benefits. Uh... pretty much it I suppose. (I'm making myself seem really tom-boyish but I'm pretty girly. I want to study make-up in college if that gives you an idea)
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You know what, why not.

Name: Hannah

Gender: Female

Age: 18

Sexuality: Lesbian, Kinsey 4-5.



F2-1. Is that how this works, considering I'm an "adult" ? (ew.)

Origin: California, USA.

Past: I'll give you the highlights.

  • Oldest of 3.
  • Learned to read when I was two and a half.
  • Went to a small private school K-8 and a slightly larger private high school. Didn't have a ton of fun.
  • Kissed a lot of people to narrow down whose lips I liked better.
  • 1 hospitalization, 1 residency, 0 fucks given.
  • Now continuing on to yet another small private college up in Oregon. Studying linguistics, Mandarin, and Japanese.
  • Professional rare pepe finder.

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