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Realistic or Modern Lemon Cake and Herbal Tea (character forms)


I'd rather be in the jungle. <3
Age: [nineteen-twenty-five]
Sexual Orientation:
Face Claim:

Appearance: (at least three sentences.)

Personality: (at least three sentences.)

Biography: (at least one paragraph.)


Name: Marci A. Lafon
Age: Twenty-two
Gender: Woman
Ethnicity: Hispanic and French
Sexual Orientation: She likes men
Face Claim: Emma Watson

Appearance: Marci is like a daisy, beautiful and resilient. Her eyes are brown, the sincerity in her actions emphasizing unique intensity that is within them. She takes care of brunette hair, and enjoys using hair accessories or wearing chic hats. The frame of Marci is petite, but she tends to cover her body in fashionable ways. Winter is her favorite season, simply for the cute clothes.

Personality: A gregarious woman, who approaches others with kindness and is hardly ever rude. She is a perfectionist, and often judges herself over other people. Marci does not easily give up, and likes setting goals for herself. As far as friendships go, she takes them very seriously, but is somewhat selective of who she befriends.

All aspects of fashion seem to intrigue this woman. Her wardrobe consists of clothing that she buys as material, and is usually sewn together with other pretty fabric. She spends time thinking of new trends, and likes incorporating beautiful ribbons and jewels for several different looks. The collection of clothes she owns is precious to her, and she keeps all of her belongings organized.

Biography: Marci grew up in Cancún, the city with entrancing nightlife and turquoise beaches of Mexico. Her childhood was one of love, though she has faced some tribulation. Eloise and Raul (parents of Marci), own a mansion on of the most popular beaches of Cancún. Their work and major interest is marine life, and they earn money by exploring the Caribbean Sea. The married couple were granted plenty of time to spend with Marci, although Raul would work more often so Eloise could be with their only child. Marci cherishes memories of early mornings, when she and her mother would search for treasures amidst white sand.

Her parents are also creative, and considered imaginative and respectful from the people they know. Artistic ability is displayed through paintings and art sculptures around their home, and also by indoor flower gardens. In the center of their house, the roof is made of glass, allowing flowers to thrive below. Eloise and Raul used to host art gatherings, and this was the first room guests got to be a part of. Many fashionistas would come to see their work, and Marci was drawn to the eloquence of their outfits. She began to ask her parents for material she favored, and a sewing machine so she could begin her new passion.

School life was always fun for Marci, even if she didn't associate with many of the other students. She chose to be reserved, but confided in a few female students. In high school, she excelled in mathematics and considered herself diverse because of her interests in fashion and art. After her graduation, she took this time to relax and enjoy the seasons at home. The nineteenth birthday of Marci was one she will never forget. Her parents informed her of a family tradition, just for her. She was to decide what college to attend, but that it would have to be in California where she would also be meeting a man they chose to be her husband. They explained how they were a part of an elite community, where other parents have expressed their interest in their daughters betrothals from all over the world. She was told she would not be alone, and other woman would also be meeting their new husband. This only eased her worry slightly.

To help her daughter feel more comfortable, Eloise moved with her to an apartment on a busy boulevard in Los Angeles. Raul stayed in Mexico at their beach home, and further studied the wonder of aquatic life. Marci did not adjust to this very well, and sought friendship with partiers and drug addicts. She had the misfortune of meeting men who treated her poorly, and does not talk lightly about some of the situations she got into. However, through their acts of vulgar, she has become even more afraid of men than she already was.

There is no way she is going to marry a man she does not even know. Best intentions her parents may have; but she is not ready to be with a man just yet.
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Angelique Fox

Age: 22

Gender: Female

Ethnicity: Afro-Asian

Sexual Orientation: Bisexual

Face Claim: Jasmine Hollins

Appearance: Angelique stands at 5'10 with a medium cut that goes past her shoulders. Being tall with a pear-shaped build attributes a few curves to her body. Her face presents a square, sharp jaw which provides contrast for her plump lips and lean eyes. There's no doubt she has a very peculiar body but throughout the years she has grown to love and accept it.

Personality: Angelique takes the role as a strong willed yet caring mother figure. She firmly stands by her beliefs and is not easily swayed however she'd much rather adapt to her situation than to directly take action to change something that displeases her. This can make her seem spineless and in truth that would be a valid assessment but she believes very little is accomplished by escalating situations. Perhaps overly-patient and ever gentle Angelique certainly believes 'good things come to those who wait.'

Biography: Born the eldest into what would eventually become a family of four siblings and two loving parents Angelique knows what it's like to be the substitute parent for any given situation as she would often be in charge of her siblings while their parents were off at work. At first it was overtly hard, having others depend on you and yet not having anyone to lean on yourself. You'd best believe she would complain to her parents and friends -basically anyone who would listen to her- about her home struggles. Seeing as this provided her with nothing but words of encouragement she decided to save all the negative emotions she experienced and deal with them internally as best she could. Being in charge of the house became easier once her siblings grew up and seemed more capable of caring for themselves, at least partially.

With one problem practically gone Angelique should have known there would be another on the way when her father fell ill and eventually died when she was just merely nineteen. This had placed more hurdles in her path to become fully independent but she knew her family needed her. So she stuck around, at least until she was twenty one and her family had finally gotten on their feet again. Before leaving there were many things the young adult wanted to reveal to her mother. How she felt lacking in an identity, how she began to question her sexuality and of course, how she wasn't sure if she was still partially angry at her parents for what they made her go through for her entire childhood. In the end however, she kissed her mother and thanked her for everything before finally cutting ties from her first nest. There was no looking back this time.

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An Vinh Phan

FC: Wu Ying Jie (Emma Wu)


Name: An Vinh Phan

Nickname: Vinh [usually only by peers]



Ethnicity: Vietnamese

Sexuality: Biromantic Bisexual


Vinh stands at 5'6" [~168 cm]. Her complexion is a faint brown tint only a shade or two away from pale. Her build is average with very slight curves, her shape nearly straight. Her straight chocolate hair is long and thick. Her oval eyes are dark brown with thin brows and thin eyelashes. She typically wears little to no makeup. She has a medium nose and medium-sized plush pink lips. Both of her ears are pierced and she's contemplating a nose stud.
In presentation, she enjoys wearing anything that fits her mood. However, her clothes tend to be more casual and gender neutral.

An Vinh is a tomboy in most regards, from her clothing to her interests. She's very laid back and generally friendly with everyone, although some may find her hard to approach. She isn't a person whose had many friends, but rather few close ones. While she always had a harder time relating to female peers, she does have female friends - her best friend being one. Once you get to know her, she is someone who is easy to confide in due to her calm and caring nature. It doesn't take a lot to entertain/make her happy, so she's generally a good time. However, if something displeases her, she will speak up. Her greatest fault also has the possibility to double as a strength. She's very determined and knows practically no boundaries. This means she has the will to achieve and reach for the things she wants, but may also be manipulative and cross lines to do so.
Likes: orange, cooking, skateboarding, videogames, hiking & camping, fruit
Dislikes: judgment/discrimination, very 'girly' girls, cocky people, cold places, sitting for long periods of time

An Vinh was born to two Vietnamese American parents, her father - Quyền Bảo "Brian" Phan - being first generation and her mother - Lydia Ng - second. She grew up in a devout Catholic household and actually met her best friend, Celeste, in church -- who was also the one to coin her with the nickname 'Vinh'. They grew up together and at some point during high school, they became 'best friends with benefits' when Vinh began exploring her sexuality. Fast forwarding past some drama from her junior year onward, she left home at 19 to live in Vietnam for a year and a half, then moved back to America. She's unsure if it will be her permanent home, but she's here for now. Life is a journey and she's steadily figuring hers out. Meanwhile, she always keeps in touch with Celeste.

Father | Quyền Bảo "Brian" Phan (47) - Professor
Mother | Lydia Ng (49) - Business woman

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Name: Amelia Humphries

Age: 21

Gender: Female

Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual

Ethnicity: Irish-American

Face Claim: Lottie Tolhurst

Appearance: Amelia has long auburn hair that falls down her back in soft waves. She almost always leaves her hair down. Her skin is alabaster, soft and smooth. Her eyes are a steely gray color, but she always tries to keep a soft look in them. She can often be found wearing floral patterned dresses in pastel colors.

Personality: Amelia is a sweet, but terribly shy young woman. She has a hard time talking to people whom she has never met, finding it hard to even order in restaurants. She keeps to herself, and she's always afraid of embarrassing herself. She is timid and meek, someone who is scared of her own shadow. However, she is far more clever than she appears. She is observant and she thinks outside the box to find solutions.

Bio: Amelia was born in Dublin to Patrick Humphries and Moira Byrne Humphries. Her parents were wealthy and and busy, often having very little time with their only child. Growing up, Amelia was raised primarily by a nanny, who was the closest thing to a parental figure that she had. She really only saw her parents at meals, and that was only when they were home. Her parents tried to make up the lack of presence with material objects, often showering her with expensive gifts. When Amelia was five, her parents business made them move to the United States. Amelia never had much interaction with anyone who was her age, as her parents had her home schooled. She always excelled in her classes, and was a very bright student, though she was often alone, never having anyone to talk to.​
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