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Fantasy Legends of Lynaria | NOW OPEN!!!

<p>Totally not interested. ('<img src="<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/mellow.png" alt=" :| " srcset="<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/mellow@2x.png 2x" width="20" height="20" />)</p>


just kidding. </p>


I am happy and willing to join if you will have me.</p>
Aowyn said:
I'm thinking that perhaps the roleplayers can meet up in the LTC. By the time I actually start to get this going I will have a tab with the actual legend on it. They will probs discuss it, and from there it's up to each roleplayer how they want to take it. Some might even decide they want to serve the queen. The queen, I think, will be played by an actual person. I'll have to refine the politics of each region and set up character sheets to match. This could potentially become a war between the queen and the people. It will be set in medieval times, cause I don't like guns or bombs and all that... I'll set up a few specific roles which can only be played by one person, and other roles which can have multiple people playing the same role type, with different characters. (Example: thief or soldier.)

@Dominaiscna O.o OMG would you really? I had tried to do that but I couldn't find a good website or app to do it on so I gave up and just drew it. It would be a great help if you could do that! :D
I am quite interested in this RP and would love to join this. Also, basic guns, like hand cannons, and bombs were invented in the medieval era.
[QUOTE="The Endergod]I am quite interested in this RP and would love to join this. Also, basic guns, like hand cannons, and bombs were invented in the medieval era.

Were they really? Well I suppose if anyone wants to use those they can. Just not... bazookas or anything like that. This isn't a modern fantasy; if you're going to implement guns and bombs make sure they actually existed in the medieval era.
Scylla said:
So are there only humans and Anima?
Well... yes and no? An Anima can take the form of any creature found in mythology or legend. In the Dark Forest, The Valley of the Forgotten, The Fires of Doom, and the Lakes of Death there are unclaimed Animas. Which means

sea serphents, dragons, tree spirits... you name it. But since they are unclaimed they are pretty much Lynaria's version of wild animals. They are not playable characters.
Scylla said:
What I meant to say that are the humans the only playable characters?
Yes, though humans that can make a tree grow in less than a day by magic are still pretty extraordinary, don't you think? :)
This sounds really great and I'd love to join when it's ready! You're doing an awesome job with everything.
@Dominaiscna It doesn't really matter to me but if coloring it is too much of a hassle for you it's fine to just leave it black and white. I wouldn't want to cause you too much trouble all for tiny old me.

@Lithia Thank you so much dear! :D

@GreenEyedStranger You know I've actually be thinking about that a lot. I've decided it is possible to be on the Dark Queen's side but as for having Dark Magic... I'm not sure. I don't think it would make sense within the story, since the story states that the people's magic comes from the land and their Anima. Darkness isn't really a physical element. Plus, if I added the element of Darkness I'd also have to add in the element of light, which I had already decided against doing for the same reasons. However... Yeah you'll have to let me think about that one for a bit longer.

While we are on the subject of the Dark Queen, is there anyone here willing to actually play her? I've tried to make her character as vague as possible so others could play her if they wanted to. If not, she will become an NPC character that anyone can control (Like the castle guards).
Its totally up to you. Give me as many requirements or things you'd like me to add :)

Its a good source of practise for me on the ipad... As well as a good and much hoped for distraction from studying:3
Is there still space? If so id love to join. This is so well thought out and there is so much love put inside, it would almost physically hurt not to be a part of this. I rarely find rps i find so well done like i find this one. :D Compliments to the creator and all helpers...
;-; aww. You all make me cry in happiness. Also, don't worry -- there will be plenty of space. I'm making both unique (only playable by one) and non-unique roles. I should probably just put that in the thing when I'm done working that part out.
Aowyn said:
;-; aww. You all make me cry in happiness. Also, don't worry -- there will be plenty of space. I'm making both unique (only playable by one) and non-unique roles. I should probably just put that in the thing when I'm done working that part out.
Cool! Just poke when you need help :)
:D Guys! I did it! The thread is now up and I am accepting character sheets. I'll also have a Rules tab posted within the next twenty-four hours.
Sorry? Are you asking if you can be someone who doesn't have an Anima. If so, yes. That's why having an Anima is optional.

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