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Fandom Legend of Zelda: The Old Ways OOC

I realised I haven't put rules down anywhere, oops, it's mostly site rules and standart extra rules anyway (like no one liners, no perfect characters etc.)
I think the performance is the one thing that everyone has in common.. Ideas on how we could play off of that?
Well the ideal thing would be everyone having their bag nearby when Ganon returns since that holds all their current items, so maybe he returns right before, after or in between dance performances
SheepKing SheepKing Now THAT is a full length post, lol. If it’s alright with the GM, I’d like to write next and attempt to match that. Really enjoyed reading!
Hey, y'all. So I understand that this is poor timing since I've already posted and engaged with the Rp. However, some things have come up and I likely won't be able to participate anymore. Apologies.
I thought it'd be cool for Alys to have been descended from Hylian and Rito, but since the Rito are bird-people, I wasn't sure if they could have a kid together, so I went with just Hylian for Alys
I thought it'd be cool for Alys to have been descended from Hylian and Rito, but since the Rito are bird-people, I wasn't sure if they could have a kid together, so I went with just Hylian for Alys
In modern times Hyrule there is basically no difference between them, they all look humanoid (Rito could fly against planes, oceans and rivers being polited making sure the Zora can't swim freely) so it is possible, but it's have be very VERY far down the family like or after Ganon was supposedly sealed away forever.

I had been thinking if giving Rosa half a Sheikah heritage as well instead of just Hylian, but am not too sure about that either.

So a Zora descendant would look like a human or Hylian, but have sharper teeth like Sidon and Mipha for example, I imagine they also have a different diet.
For context on Ganon's whereabouts at this time, he's deep under the castle (think deep like totk tunnels) except all access has been broken off due to age, tunnels collapsin etc.

As for what will happen to the castle when he returns, so everyone's up to speed on that, all doors and windows will close and lock by themselves, starting from the back to the front. There will be monsters appearing and from what I've seen Rosa, Wulf(his doggo) and Alys have weapons currently on hand to fight and they can if needed, but everyone's first priority should be evacuating and if possible, help everyone get out of there.

SheepKing SheepKing DracoNightshade DracoNightshade IcarusEm IcarusEm
In modern times Hyrule there is basically no difference between them, they all look humanoid (Rito could fly against planes, oceans and rivers being polited making sure the Zora can't swim freely) so it is possible, but it's have be very VERY far down the family like or after Ganon was supposedly sealed away forever.

I had been thinking if giving Rosa half a Sheikah heritage as well instead of just Hylian, but am not too sure about that either.

So a Zora descendant would look like a human or Hylian, but have sharper teeth like Sidon and Mipha for example, I imagine they also have a different diet.
Oohhh! Okay. So like her grandfather could have been a Rito then?

For context on Ganon's whereabouts at this time, he's deep under the castle (think deep like totk tunnels) except all access has been broken off due to age, tunnels collapsin etc.

As for what will happen to the castle when he returns, so everyone's up to speed on that, all doors and windows will close and lock by themselves, starting from the back to the front. There will be monsters appearing and from what I've seen Rosa, Wulf(his doggo) and Alys have weapons currently on hand to fight and they can if needed, but everyone's first priority should be evacuating and if possible, help everyone get out of there.
Good to know! I’m glad I decided to have Alys leave the castle before he rose and it locked itself lol
Oohhh! Okay. So like her grandfather could have been a Rito then?

Good to know! I’m glad I decided to have Alys leave the castle before he rose and it locked itself lol
Think way further back in time, WAY back. If it's her grandfather she would have visible Rito traits, but all visible traits are basically gone for a long time (unless it's the sharp teeth from the zoras, but that's not even a think they need to have

Also her grandfather would've been grounded his entire life, so that doesn't work either.

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