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Fantasy Legend of Knights IC

"Agreed, but he must found," David says.
He sits up straighter in his chair to assume a better role. He was suppose to be brooding, but he just couldn't do it. His protective nature just gets in the way of it.
"Knights, we have been called together to discuss the future of our kingdom," David says in confidence.
Quill felt like an idiot. He slept in after working in disguise at the slums helping the poor. He knew they were going to think he was an idiot. He didn't really know what to do sometimes. He wishes he could give up this life but knows that's impossible. he was born into it and he would have to die out of it. Still, he always hated his job. He finally made it to the door and say the guards were knocked out. He calmed down, put up his masked and pulled off his normal shit-eating grin. He slams open the doors and walks in. "Sorry I'm so late. But I feel the help I put into this court gives me a bit of an exception, I mean with out me we wouldn't even be here." He says as smug as ever. He sits down in the most prestigious chair in the room and extremely comfortable. It was gold with soft purple cushions on the back were three gold and gem swords the symbol of Gold Knight. "Now that I'm here how about we get to business."
"Now that I'm here how about we get to business?" Burner mocked, head turning to the Knight that walked in. That smug, disgusting look on his face.. Burner wished he could wipe it off. More likely get in a fight and knock him right in the mouth. His pale skin began to flare, heating up and turning a dark tint of red. It only made the black and orange colors of his colors further stand out. It stood out against his shaggy white hair, hands clenching into balled fists. "You insignificant brat, you come in late and you don't even care! Nobody cares about your money and what you've put into any of this, effort is worth far more than stacks of gold. And you seem to lack that quite a bit." He snarled, pushing his chair back as he stood up.

"So why don't you place your behind, slathered in gold, into your overly expensive chair. You may see yourself as some regal god, though you're far from it in my eyes." Burner snapped at him, placing his hands against the table. What a way to start the day, Jackson thought. Just amazing, you're going all inferno before the meeting's started. But this is what has to be done, this is who you are.
Ada was on the edge of her seat, watching Burner get fired up. She wasn't going to intervene yet, Moon didn't really take an overtly active role in trying to stop fights, but Ada was also very keen on watching the two go at each other. Avidly waiting for someone else to speak up and intervene, she scanned the room, looking at the different Knights. The Gold Knight took a lot of heat, but Ada could understand wanting to keep your wealth to yourself, but she also despised him for it too. She knew all too well how miserable the slums could be.

"Time is a valuable commodity that none of us have enough of." She found herself saying, looking at Gold, and then to Burner. "Let's get our business settled, and then you two can continue your folly." Ada spoke, raising her chin as if to come off as prissy as possible. She didn't stand, but remained seated, keeping her eyes on the two, but as if she was disinterested in what could happen. She was honestly hoping they'd brush off her remark, and continue bickering. It was the only entertaining thing to happen this morning, but she felt like she had to say something to get the ball rolling. It was the Moon thing to do.
"We have seen an outbreak of crimnals around the castle," David states,"Many animals in the first have been injured and require medical attention."
A look of sadness comes across David's face as he mentions the animals. It was both his role and himself that felt sorry for them. He would do all he could for them, but all may not make it. His gaze wanders around the room, looking at each individual knight.
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"N-now now you two. Moon and Shield are correct. We don't have much time and the entire reason we are here is for this important meeting. Once it is over, we can all go back to our daily lives, yes? I must be getting back to the hospital soon." She mentioned, rubbing her chin slightly as she was lost in thought on all the patience she had waiting for her.

"Wish i had the amount of gold that blubbering fool has. I work the damn medical wing for free because i'm the Angel Knight." She sighed internally, glancing at the man's chair. She would kill for a chair like that...

"Now then, these criminals...are they just the normal scoundrels that like to cause trouble, bandits attempting to raid? Do you have anymore info on these dear?" She asked, using one of her endearing terms to David that she used for everyone. "As for the animals, we would need a whole squadron of medics and professional vets to help with that, something that we sadly just can't expend as of this moment...." She frowned, looking away.

"Hah. This man cares quite a bit for those woodland creatures. But why? It's natural selection that brought those injuries upon those animals, who are we to interfere?"
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The Snow Knight sighed, rolling her eyes at Burner's temperamental attitude. Even as Veronica, it annoyed her. What was the point in getting so angry over some lateness? Really, the Gold Knight was only, what, five, ten minutes late?

Listening in, she herself grew sad at the death of animals. Veronica wondered if her pet cats were okay. She knew Richard had a penchant for going outside and getting himself into trouble. Outwardly, she appeared as if she couldn't care less about the conversation. "Who cares about the animals? Do these people pose any danger to the people of the city?"
_Exodus_ _Exodus_ Sitting and Dreaming Sitting and Dreaming @others
A hurt look crosses David's face.
Not able to help? He thinks.
"That's the problem, the criminals have been attacking the animals. Then they use their oils and skins to create bombs to use on raids," David mentions.
He was upset by this whole situation, but it infuriated him that the vets couldn't help. He as going to do everything he could, but it wouldn't be enough.
Burner was quick to take his seat after realizing his outburst, catching himself in the middle of another one of his rampages. Jackson couldn't help but feel ashamed, it was so unlike him. But for Burner, it feel good. To let everything off of his chest. His skin slowly began to pale again as he calmed, returning to its natural color. Instead of butting in with an apology, he scooted his chair in towards the table and let his silence do it for him. Showing himself as relaxed would surely be enough, instead of distracting them farther.

Each of the others were right, more significant matters were at hand. "There we go, shield. More of a reason. First off, killing animals could so easily affect nature. If they continue dying off unexpectedly, a population may die or simply have trouble growing back. Predators and prey, we can't allow the balance to be disrupted so easily. Second off, if they're using the animals oils and such to create bombs for raids, we can't let them destroy communities. We have a duty to fight back, to put a stop and allow things to remain in order." Burner spoke matter of factory, nodding his head and looking around at the others. "We may not always get along, but this is something we're meant to fix."
Quill was saddened by the hurt animals and angered by the criminals causing them harm. But sadly he knew what his response would have to be. "Honestly I don't know why we should so worried about some animals. Things die. It just happens. If we take care of the criminals then the animals will be safe." He looks to Burner "And Burner how about you calm down before you get yourself hurt. We wouldn't want to be down a Knight would we?"
Ada nodded, listening carefully. She had to try hard to focus in these conversations, and force herself to actively think about everything in order to stay involved. She bit her lip, most of the time she ended up overthinking because she had to process things so actively to be useful in conversation. While she would love to hear Goldie go off on Burner, it wasn't productive. She cleared her throat, trying to draw attention away from his comments.

"It's not merely what's happening at the surface level that's troubling." She said quickly, her voice cracking at the end of her sentence. She wasn't sure of herself, which was very odd for Moon. She straightened up, while a light blush covered her cheeks she continued on in a stronger tone that sounded much more assured and certain than her previous voice. "In lore, animal death is nature's first sign for something truly ominous on the horizon. We should be on our toes." She began, and then continued, "Moreso, I believe it disrupts the game economy, like what Burner was saying a moment ago. Not only is the environment at risk, but the livelihood of many within the lower classes is in danger as well." She nodded to him. "This might sound drastic, but we should watch a raid carefully. It sounds like a unified effort from a group, rather than individuals acting out as usual." Ada released a quiet sigh. Public speaking wasn't her forte, not in the slightest. She rested her shoulders back onto the chair, everything she said probably sounded dumb anyway. Ugh, she wished she hadn't spoken up now, it would've been cooler if the two fought, anyway.
"Well the next time you go to eat a pig, there may not be one for you," David scolds looking at the gold knight.
He was considering that the problem would have to be solved via him and Burner.
"If nature becomes unbalanced, we will see a drop in population. Woman, children will die without the proper food provided by these animals. They need to be cared for as they are magnificent creatures," David composes.
Leliana placed her hands down on the table as she looked over the crowd of men and woman dawned in armor. "I must agree with Gold. Well....the last part anyways. If we take care of these criminals then the animals deaths should drop and we will have a much better chance at helping those poor creatures without unnecessary danger befalling the medics." She spoke with clear conviction, a worried face shifting onto her beautiful looks.

As she said that, she slowly began to take in what the Moon knight had said to everyone. "An omen? What a foolish girl. What, is she still dreaming from her late night sleeps. What a child. These animals are obviously dying because those bandits scum actually have a good use for them despite just eating the creatures. Though, killing so many animals that it garnered the knights attention is quite the issue. Even I don't like the sound of that..." She thought to herself, inner mono-logging.

"What's that Moon? Watch....a raid? What is it you mean by this? Surely you can't be telling us to just sit back and do nothing but take notes as people die, correct?" Leliana felt offended and decided to let that show slightly through her facade. Even she couldn't do that. Surely those common rabble would die quickly to a brigands sword or ax. What was there to watch?

Miracle Corgi Miracle Corgi
"Perhaps Moon is correct, we should watch a raid. I'm just unsure of how easy t would be to stand around watching them use their bombs without doing anything." Burner noted, shaking his head as he looked towards Ada. Burner had chosen to ignore the Gold Knight, no longer having a temper. Of course he was still temperamental, but it would sure be quite a while until he was set off again. He covered his mouth with his hand as he leaned back into his chair, looking around.

"If we could all simply agree on the best thing to do.. you don't mean to tell me that you'd like to ignore the men creating bombs from dead animals and then using them in raids?" He questioned them, brushing his hair back against his scalp and out of his eyes. Burner didn't skip over things, he didn't beat around the bush. He was straightforward and spoke his mind. His tone may be soft and low but he was no soft spoken man. He wanted everyone's opinion before a decision was made, or at the very least a majority vote so they could work together.

"Angel, I do truly apologize, but.. jumping in rashly won't do us much good. We don't know anything about them, perhaps it is better to gain an understanding. We don't know much about them, we have no idea what they're capable of." Burner spoke gently to the Angel Knight, someone he could never imagine angering or being rude to. She'd never done anything to make his trust falter, and therefore would only do the same in return.
"As much as I hate it Burner is right we can't just sit around watch death around us." One thing Quill liked about Gold was that he hated criminals and human death. Not for any righteous reason though. More people equals more money. "I say we go prepare for battle and slaughter the criminals. They don't deserve their lives."
Ada was freezing up, she knew she shouldn't have spoken. Moon would keep their composure. Deep breath, deep breath, deep breath. If she didn't have to use such silly big words in every sentence, she could slap her hands down on the table and get her point across to these ostentatious Knights. She took a deep breath, she did look up to them. If she could just be like them for ten minutes this wouldn't have sounded so bad, she even made Angel upset. "Obviously" She began, and immediately bit her tongue. That sounded too sassy, dial it back a bit, Moon. She cursed herself, but quickly continued. "Rather, I should say, none of us want meaningless injuries. If there was a way to bait them to a more controlled and abandoned village, I would say we should pursue that. But, time is of the essence." She was stuck in thought.

"Shield, you brought these attacks up, is there a pattern they are following? If we can predict the next village, we can evacuate the weak and sufficiently equip every able-bodied person." Ada spoke, looking at the brooding Knight now. Her hands were shaking in her lap, but her voice was still strong. "I know we want to eradicate the issue as fast as possible, but the more intelligence we have, the better. Let's not be rash, and play into any tricks." She finished, awaiting responses. She probably sounded as uneducated as she felt, and she always did get nervous around her role models.
"I have prepared a map with all the locations," David says standing.
He pulls out a map from his bag. Rolling it out he points out that all of the raids have been in a line.
"The next likely target is a small fishing village named Acqua. Along the line of raid, there seems to be a pattern of dead animals," David notes. He had come prepared for anything, well mostly anything. A fire was one of the things he was not prepared for.
"And how do you expect them to waltz into an empty village? If this isn't just a ragtag group of thieves then they have recon, planning. They will figure out it is a trap." Nathan sighed, "For a wolf to survive it must chew off it's leg to survive. To find out whoever is behind this we need, maybe, to sacrifice a few villagers to save many." He stood up and said with confidence. "Now if you want to put it to a vote, to decide which plan we should go with, just say the word." He stood up. "Or we can sit here like children and bicker all day while innocents die." He sat back down and spectated what came next.
Burner nodded his head to Ironfist, "I agree, I believe it's time we vote. We've discussed, we should all have a clear understanding at this point. We shouldn't waste much more time." Though moments later he nodded towards Shield as well. He agreed with the man, feeling much better about him than earlier. He was prepared, he knew what he was doing. "You understand this better than any of us, and I truly appreciate your work here." He said softly, brushing dust off of his shoulder. He was far more serious, sitting straight in his chair with his arms folded in front of him. "As far as I can tell, the majority has come to an agreement. I don't. Believe we'll have many more problems, aside from how we will work together out in the land. Don't forget to push aside differences as best you can, I'll admit I don't favor many of you, but saving lives must come first." He ranted, letting out a deep breath after he'd spoken.
"Agreed," David says.
He wanted to save everyone in the village and the animals, but if it came down to it, by nature, he would have to save the animals. It was the Shield's main priority. He wanted to stop these people badly. He wanted them to be impisoned for the rest of their lives.
The angel knight had stayed quiet and let the rest discus their thoughts on the matter. Her choice was obvious. No Innocents should be slain, not even sacrificed. But she is but one mouth in a see of many. Biting her tongue, she sat back and listened on to the rest of the knights.
The Black Knight

"Ah, the Taxman has finally gotten off his golden balls to pay us a visit. What a damn delight." Sarcasm dripped from Void as the Golden Knight entered, causing Marx to internally grimace at his own statement. There was such a thing as being tactful, or even just not fanning the flames, but of course it was his forced nature to stir the tension.

As the talks about the current issues arose, Void was simply content to let them talk as he caught Ice's attention. He raised a quizzical eyebrow and smirked, making 'kissy-lips' half-mockingly. It wasn't a 'star crossed lovers' relationship, but more of a mature, mutually defended relationship - an alliance of sorts, although the idea of romance was still to be maintained. Marx wasn't sure if any romance was supposed to actually take place between them, his 'advisors' hadn't really informed him when he was training for his role, but he assumed this was the correct thing to do. Short of kissing the woman now, Marx didn't know if he was brave enough to do so, although he knew Void definitely was. The Black Knight would have sex with her on the table right now if he wanted, in front of the other knights too.

When the call for a vote came, Void perked up as his attention flicked back to the conversation at hand, "A vote?" He barked a laugh, apparently amused by this notion, "Please, we do not need a democratic election on how we deal with mere bandits!" He shook his head, a hand on his face as tried to stop himself from chuckling at the state of the situation.

"When the city is attacked, when we are attacked: we defend. We do not stay the hand that slays our enemies. We do not restrain the dogs of war." He had raised his voice now, clearly addressing the other knights in contempt, "There will be no 'observation', we will not 'sacrifice' for the greater good."

Void stood up, spreading his arms wide grandly, "WE ARE THE GREATER GOOD!"

He swept his gaze around slowly at the faces staring back at him and laughed heartily, "I will amass my army and defeat these, these... peasant criminals." He spat the words, disgust rife for the bandits, "You are free to join me, if you wish." Void's offer came with knowing glances sent at Burner and Shield, guessing that they would join him in moving to fight off the bandits. "They are common folk with weapons and a taste for taking what's theirs. If they dare to enter that village or any other, I can personally assure you their deaths. And if any of you doubt me, then I can give you a firsthand experience of that." His aura was deadly, a poisonous challenge to those that wanted to speak against him. He was a daunting, imposing presence and he knew it. It was the idea behind the Black Knight. He was the evil to their good. A necessary evil. He would make the tough decisions when morality called for understanding. Sometimes, when dealing with a wound, it was better to simply cut the limb off than waste time on fixing it. And Void had no doubt in his ability to cut off the limb.

The sound of clanking emanated through the halls outside the meeting room. A knight, a green knight, with a shield of an oak face on his left hand and sword his hip, was walking though these big and lavished halls.

He was the Green Knight, Knight of the Forest, Last of the Companions.

This was his first venture into the city, he had almost forgotten the feeling of the busy streets and the among of people that lived here. A part of him felt uneasy back in the cities, for he had spent much time away from it, yet apart of him felt back at home here. Still, he was not here to indulge in the city, he was here for this meeting of knights that were of his own age.

As he finally made his way to entrance of the meeting halls, he looked up, and gave a deep sigh.

I don't want to be here. The young man thought thought.

I know. Came a response in his head. No, it was not his voice, but a deeper and wiser voice. It came his shield, the two eyes of the shield glowed blue every time that voice responded. It was Great Oak, talking to the young knight, the two had a strong bond not unlike those many animal handlers had. They could communicate, through telepathic means.

Then you know why I don't want to be here. The Green Knight thought. Not again...not again...

I understand, sapling. But it is your duty, to the forest...
The Great Oak responded ...and to your master.

The young knight's gaze went to the ground, and he gave another sigh, closing his eyes for a moment.

I will be with you, young sapling. The Great Oak's words echoed. I will be with you, I will be your shield, and I will guide you when you need it.

The man gave out another sigh, this opening his eyes and looking up back at the meeting hall's doors. This time, he breathed in, and shook himself a bit to ready himself.

"Alright..." The young knight murmured to himself. "Like we practiced..."
With a loud slam, the tension in the room was cut when the doors were kicked open with great force. A hearty laughter followed, as one would see a knight in green stroll on in with a little bounce in his step.

"Well, well, well! What are the city dwellers doing today!" The knight in green laugh, loud enough for it to echo in the halls behind him. "Are you lads and lassies having a part? Without me!?"

The knight in green gave another heartily laughing, swing himself from side to side, before focusing himself back to the room. "So what are we shouting about today? City dwellers? Murdering more folks are we? Eh?
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"Green Knight?" Leliana stood up in surprise, staring at the man in...well...green. Now, the green knight had never really bothered Leliana as much as the others, as he could easily keep to himself and not bother her.

"I...WE were not expecting to see you at this meeting. We humbly apologize for starting it without your consent. Please, come and take a seat and listen in on what we have to say of our kingdom." She said with a smile. That smile however quickly shifted to a frown of regret however.

"You might want to hear what is happening to the animals in nature as of now.

Elekta Kount Elekta Kount
"All who agree the village should be evacuated, say I," David says.
He follows with, "I"
He watches as the green knight enter. He was a bit entranced by the green. He snaps out of it and continues to look through the room for others who will agree with him.

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