Other Least favorite ship?


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Just like the title states. What is your least favorite ship? What fandom is it from and why do you dislike it?

If you don't have a least favorite ship, then, what fandom/fandom characters do you think shouldn't be shipped?

For me, the answer to question 1 is a mixture. For me, my least favorite has to be Deku x Aizawa (yes it's gross) from the mha fandom, I personally hate it because it's a teacher x student thing and it's blatantly pedophilia. Oh and Thorki too, that shit is cursed as hell.

And I think that a fandom character that shouldn't be shipped is.........uh.......Bill cypher?

I just want to know your thoughts and opinions lol
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I don't hate any ships. There are ships that I find less believable, for example. But if I don't care about the ship I simply don't read about it. Hate is too strong of a word.
Hardship. Definitely my least favorite "ship"
Otherwise, the USS Enterprise. Not a Trek fan, and that ship is like the Mary Sue of spacecraft.

It's not so much I hate them it's that the people who ship them act as if their relationship is a healthy and cute, sweet one.

SHE LITERALLY KIDNAPPED HIM, GUYS. TWICE. And also, when he realized she had "changed" from when she was 12-fricken-years-old, he suddenly wanted nothing to do with her.

I don't really understand any of the shipping that happens in Fnaf. They're animatronics. The best outcome you're getting is shipping corporate mascots with zero personality together the same way you'd smash a barbie and ken doll together. The worst outcome is shipping dead children trapped in murderous machines while unintentionally romanticizing their suffering. The fan base is dominated with minors, I understand, but it's slightly disturbing to see younger people coming up with this shit.

And it gets worse when you look at the human aspect of all is the shipping. There's like five human characters: William Afton being the worst offender. He's literally a child murderer and the the few "real" people he could be shipped with are either blood related to him or his business partner(but even then it's a terrible pairing because he murdered one of the dude's kids).

I wish the series stayed a cool niche horror thing with an interesting story, but alas, those masses of 14 year olds are a terrible force to reckon with.
I'm in the under tale fandom and I'm fine with a lot of ships, but I hate sans and papyrus shipper, yes those exist, and nightmare sans and dream sans shippers who if you don't know, are twins. Also the fresh and paperjam ship freaks me out because most people think of fresh as paperjams uncle, even those who ship them think that. Basicly the undertale fandom is weird as hell but as long as you avoid the things you don't like its fine
Okay maybe controversial but light fury x night fury. It's wrong. We should have did stormfly and toothless.
Any ship involving a character that is very immature vs a far more mature character. This can be in personality, and also very literally.

Raphtalia and the Shield Hero

I don't think it gets much worse than that. I also am not a fan of random ships that cross over different Fandoms, though that's purely personal preference, I can see at least some appeal for others.
Just like the title states. What is your least favorite ship? What fandom is it from and why do you dislike it?

If you don't have a least favorite ship, then, what fandom/fandom characters do you think shouldn't be shipped?

For me, the answer to question 1 is a mixture. For me, my least favorite has to be Deku x Aizawa (yes it's gross) from the mha fandom, I personally hate it because it's a teacher x student thing and it's blatantly pedophilia. Oh and Thorki too, that shit is cursed as hell.

And I think that a fandom character that shouldn't be shipped is.........uh.......Bill cypher?

I just want to know your thoughts and opinions lol
TWD, Daryl/anyone. Just let this man love platonically. The ONLY romantic ship I can somewhat get behind is him and Connie or a one-sided, unrequited, on and off Rick/Daryl but that’s gonna be a slow as piss burn. I’ve never seen him as the romantic/physical type.
In the fandoms I am in there is a lot of like questionable and not great ships.
Harry potter case in point Hermione x Snape.
TWD’s Daryl paired with everyone I don’t see him as the romantic type at all. I mostly see Daryl as having platonic or sibling type of relationship.

Luffy paired with everyone in the anime. I don’t see Luffy kind to be interested in any kind of romance. He’s only really interested in making friends and focusing on his goal of becoming the King of Pirates.He did turn down Boa many times.
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I'm pretty biased here but i gotta say that Battleships get too much love. They were super expensive to manufacture and probably disastrous for the environment, especially with holes punched into the- oh wait, we're talking about relationship ships. Oops.

Never really liked Rick Grimes and Michonne. She can do so much better.
So let’s start with fandom ships ::

Wednesday x Enid. I don’t think there is anything immoral about the pairing I just personally read Wednesday as asexual and it feels kinda “compulsory romance” to me (more on that below).

Harry x Cho, Ginny x Harry, and Remus x Tonks. Again I don’t think there is anything immoral about pairings. I personally just don’t think the characters have any chemistry and it always comes across as “these characters were accidentally queer coded quick throw them in a hetero romance, stat!

The types of characters I don’t think should be shipped ;;

Death Eater, Voldemort, or Grindelwald pairings. They are quite literally Nazis. That is not a fan reach, that is not a woke agenda, that was the Author’s state goal in creating the characters. And call me crazy but I don’t think fictional Nazis deserve to have love stories.

The only exception I will make is for Draco Malfoy because he was forced into the movement against his will and actively seemed horrified by it the entire time.


I also don’t love relationships in fandoms that are all about a character (usually a woman) “fixing” a man’s toxic behavior.

Looking at you Lily and Snape shippers. It is not her responsibility to make him a better person.
Hanako x Tsukasa(Toilet bound Hanako Kun) Reason:spoilers for those who havent seen the anime) siblings and hanako killed tsukasa and tsukasa is pretty manipulative

Muzan x Tanjiro(Demon slayer) I HAVE NO IDEA WHY THIS IS ACTUALLY A THING-???????

Muzan x Nezuko(Demon Slayer) muzan turned nezuko into a literal demon and killed her family with only her and tanjiro surviving-also nezuko is 12-14-

Shouta x Lucoa(Dragon maid)........no words...shouta is 11....and lucoa is uhh..a interesting person...
Hate isn't the right word for me.
It's more like, I get seriously uncomfortable even seeing some ships get mentioned.
For me, it's YamiWill (Black Clover), BlackIce (Rise of the Guardians), Jelsa (no points for guessing what fandoms), Jackunzel, Gothel x Pitch, Blacksand (Pitch x Sandy), Rotten Eggs (Pitch x Bunny), Nightmare Before Christmas (Pitch x North), Patri x William, Eri x Anyone and a few others. I just feel physical pain and nausea seeing them. Maybe stating it here will help avoid people asking me to play these ships out.
Otherwise, I'm generally pretty open-minded on these things. Some ships may seem less rational than others, but as long as you ensure that in whatever you put out those ships aren't directly romanticizing abuse or toxic relationships... I usually don't have too much of a problem. I think there are more ships I like (at least a little bit) or feel neutral about than don't.
Definite agree on the Daryl thing. I do not think he's a romantic sort of character. But his friendships are top tier! Daryl and Carol all the way!
Bakugo x Izuku shipping unsure how that works as Deku was bullied over the years by Bakugo sometimes unprovoked. No amount of going around in circles makes his abusive treatment of Izuku acceptable. He tried to kill Deku at some point.
Okay maybe controversial but light fury x night fury. It's wrong. We should have did stormfly and toothless.

I agree with not being a fan of Toothless and the Light Fury, but more in the sense that I'm really disappointed that we never got more Nightfuries. I feel like it was always a question of when, not if we would see them appear in the story and get to learn more about the species, but then we got the Light Furies instead.. Overall, I really didn't like the third movie.

As for my least favorite ship, it's Grace x Tommy from Peaky Blinders.
Izana x Yuhata, Knights of Sidonia manga. It's not so bad because the suddenness is funny, but it looks an awful lot like a heartbroken Izana settling for someone because the protagonist's heart is already taken.
Well currently I would ship.

Kira X Kida
Kira X Esmeralda
Kira X Ahsoka

These are my biggest Ships. But well over the years have many. But these are my big ones for the currently craving.

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