Chitchat League of Legends

I play! Not as much as I used to but I still like the game.
I'm a one-trick Support lol When I just started playing League, there was no system where you could select the roles you want to play, it only had blind pick. And Support was the role no one wanted to play. So I thought, if I learn to play that role I wouldn't have much troubles in matchmaking. And I played only support for many... years. Even when they put the role selection mode in place I kept playing support because it was faster to find teams that way.
So I have a huge gap between playing Support and playing every other role. Recently I started learning other roles too, like Mid and Adc for now. Mid because it shares some champs with Support pool so it's more comfortable for me and Adc because it's also bot lane and I hope it will improve my Support skills knowing how Adc plays as well.

I have a fairly big champion pool for Supports but I prefer to play enchanters more than anything. My favorite champs in the game are Soraka and Karma.

I don't have any rank lol because I ignore ranked mode like plague. I didn't even do placements this season XD I believe that games should be for fun and not Work 2.0 so I don't need to add extra stress to the game. And I get more stressed in ranked, and people are way more toxic there, so... nah. But I don't think I'd be very high even if I played, given that my experience is very limited to Supports.
ARAM is my fav mode XD And I also play normals and TFT when I feel like it.

For matchups, I don't like to play against heavy engage supports as enchanters XD
Wow, I started as a support main myself. I'm another fan of Soraka (though I liked her better when she could give health and mana both).

I eventually moved away from the bot lane because it felt like no matter how well we did, my fate was still tethered to my ADC. I play mostly top/mid now and I like it much more. Top lane is an island and Illaoi is my island princess.
Top lane is something I haven't dedicated much to (yet). Unfortunately, I don't play many champions who go top, so my choice is fairly limited. I also play Illaoi though, I like her a lot. I also used to play Swain top pre-rework but haven't played him much after rework even though he is cool.

I started League in 2014 but it's been on and off, there were a few years I barely logged in. Now I play every few days when I feel like it, but it's mostly ARAM. I started to enjoy the game a lot more after I decided to stop playing ranked XD
So basically between 2014 and 2021 I played 99% Support and 1% other lanes. Maybe about a month or two ago I started to try out other lanes. So I have a very imbalanced experience with the game despite how long I've been playing it.
I'm sort of in the same boat. Just recently picked it up again after a long time of not playing. Oddly enough I only play ranked. I'm pretty carefree about it. I just like the tendency of people in ranked playing champions they know fairly well.
Anyone play League?

If so, what rank are you? Who is your favourite champion? Which matchup do you dislike most?
Ahri, bronze for life, never touching ranked again. Will take any matchup. I trust the team I usually play with.
I just like the tendency of people in ranked playing champions they know fairly well.
While this is true, the amount of toxicity in ranked increases exponentially and I'm not a big fan of it lol
It's actually funny. My friends kept complaining how toxic their games are. And I was like ????? I haven't really seen much toxicity in games???? And then it dawned on me, my friends were mostly playing ranked and I was mostly playing normals and ARAM. Almost all cases of toxic behavior I encountered in League were in ranked games.
I'd rather have people who play champions for the first time and have fun than those who play well and are toxic :)
I play with chat turned off because despite my best efforts I do get irritated by irritated people. Maybe it's empathy? Or maybe I just can't stand people acting childish... in any case muting everyone really helps.
It does! I have All chat off but keep team chat just in case people write something useful there. I'm worried I might miss something like if they write what they plan to do. I'm not sure what is better, miss useful info or not read the insults, both are bad options :-_-lines:
In any case, turning off the chat will not make me enjoy ranked more XD I don't want extra stress that the LP loss/gain puts on you and games should bring relief from real world not push you into negative state even further.
I used to play, mained Jhin and Braum, though I love playing any yordles just for the lol. I only played casually so I forget my last rank. I hate the multi-dash champions with those bigg damage so when they announced Vex it almost made me reinstall the game, almost.

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