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Late Night Role Players.

Artificial Sugar

Plus Ultra

Hello there! I'm looking for late night role players, people who are on around this time, usually.

I live in Washington, and currently, it's 10:20pm for me. I'm usually sleeping until two or so in the afternoon, so I need people on around 3pm-3am, so that our replies can match up better.

If anyone is close to my timezone, or is on around these times, that would be super cool!


1- Literacy. I need a partner who is the same level as me. Which to me, means that you can use proper grammar, and punctuation, as well as spacing, and you know how to spell correctly, as well as use the correct versions of words.

(Example; your and you're)

2- Activity. I would prefer a partner who is quite active. I would love if someone could reply more than once a day, but I understand that isn't always possible, so I'll accept someone who can reply at least once every other day.

(Example; You reply Monday, but not Tuesday, and then you reply again Wednesday)

3- I appreciate a partner who loves to plot with me, as well as make oc bios. I have been getting a lot of unenthusiastic people when it comes to these things, and it just takes away from the whole spirit of the role play.

4- Please let me know if you're bored of the role play, or if you simply want to quit. I would also appreciate it if you could let me know these things during planning as well- I hate having to send a message asking what happened. Please don't leave me hanging. In return, I won't leave you hanging.

5- Although I would prefer someone 18+ in age, I'll accept people who are 16+. If you're younger than that, I just can't do a romance with you, I'm sorry.

If you've read all this, please tell me your favorite color.

Please note that I prefer to play female.

If asked, I may double, as long as you do, as well.

I like to play my oc's, but when it comes to fandoms, I will always double as a canon if asked, if you will.

I only do canon/oc for fandoms.

~Original Pairings~

(A * next to a pairing means I'm more interested in this idea)


Tall guy/Short girl*

Rich girl/Poor boy



Childhood friends

All girls school

All boys school

MtF transgender/Boy*

Artist Boarding school



Arranged Marriage




Punk/Prude or preppy type*

Unplanned pregnancy



(All of these will be canon/oc!)

Harry Potter

Percy Jackson


Dragon Age

Persona 3 & 4

Buffy the Vampire Slayer (maybe)


The Hobbit



Fruits Basket

Ouran High School Host Club

Attack on Titan

FMA: Brotherhood

Walking Dead

Beauty and the Beast

Phantom of the Opera

Alice in Wonderland

Hunger Games

I'm also open for celebrity role plays, and band romances, as well as dystopian type role plays, and horror.

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I often stay up late. So yeah, I'd be down to RP with you. Hate logging onto empty notifications after dark. Message me and I'll tell you what I have in mind.
If you're down to double, I'd love to do a Percy Jackson! However, I'm also up for Ouran, Harry Potter, or Supernatural! And the answer is blue. Shoot me a PM! :)
Hello my favorite color is green although I confess mostly I was skimming, I'm interested in the art school or even Harry potter with OC's or something. Anyways let me know if you're still looking.
My favorite is red like the color of angry men.

Hmm, I'm 15 but I turn 16 in a month so you tell me if its that big of an issue. I will reply late at night. Um, not big on oc bios but i'll do a straight to the points ones... I wouldn't mind doing the prudish character.
My favorite color is a toss up between pink and green. I have a hard time choosing favorites.

It's 4:30 am right now, so I totally get the whole night owl thing. :)

I really like the idea of an artist x muse role play...especially if we double up!

Really, with a little bit of plotting, any of these pairings could be a lot of fun.

I'm new so I can't PM yet - if you're still looking, please shoot me a message! ^^
I love orange!

And also, all of your ideas.

I've got a pretty good idea for the Ghost/Human one if you don't, as well as a few others. PM me with your current favorite pairing and we'll get something figured out if you want!!
Pura234 said:
Hello my favorite color is green although I confess mostly I was skimming, I'm interested in the art school or even Harry potter with OC's or something. Anyways let me know if you're still looking.
I only do canon/oc for fandoms. I would be willing to do Art School, though.

BoatBehind said:
My favorite is red like the color of angry men.
Hmm, I'm 15 but I turn 16 in a month so you tell me if its that big of an issue. I will reply late at night. Um, not big on oc bios but i'll do a straight to the points ones... I wouldn't mind doing the prudish character.
As long as you're not too far from sixteen, it should be fine. Okay, can you PM me?

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