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he just brought me to my high school parking lot because we went to the same school and we had a picnic and watched the sunset
But ahhh nothing more romantic than your old high school. If my husband took me to my old school I'd laugh as I handed him the divorce papers, also I think we'd be asked to leave, they don't let people on site when it's not school hours.
It's just him because i was never able to go to school
Ah I seeeeee he was being sweet in a 'let's take you somewhere most ppl who have to go hate' kind of way. But yes, understood, it was a touching gesture.
i don't recall worrying, well not about that. Other things occupy my concerns, like one day, some day I'll get a car I actually give a fuck about...
chevrolet GIF
hi, i'm kaisar. i like pizza, gifs, dragons, anime, and mercenaries

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