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Fantasy Land Of Merath (Open and Accepting)

[QUOTE="Shiro kurogane]"Lyra..." Rei repeated, moving so that he stood directly in front of her and stared into Lyra's eyes intently for a second. After which, Rei smiled at Lyra and took her hand. Where he placed a kiss on the top of her hand. "Lady Lyra... such a beautiful sounding name. Rei stood back up again and seemed to look apologetic for the weird gesture. "ah, sorry. i picked up those habits from staying a bit too long in Gastea. i apologize if you found any of that rude just now."

Lyra blinks as she looks at him confused as she tilts her head "what was that for?"
Zelarous stood up and walked towards his 'followers', he heard their breathing begin to quicken as fear began to take hold. He stopped in front of them for a moment and waved them away. The worshipers walked slowly got up still bowing their heads, never gazing up until they left the cathedral. Zelarous walked up the stairs until he had reached the top. He walked out onto a small balcony and looked out at the people of the town. He let out a small sigh as he watched the feeble creatures.
[QUOTE="Takenaka Emika]Lyra blinks as she looks at him confused as she tilts her head "what was that for?"

"hehe.." rei chuckled nerviously. "that was a habit i picked up. in another world that i stayed in. it was normal to treat females, no matter their species, like they were royalty."
[QUOTE="Shiro kurogane]"hehe.." rei chuckled nerviously. "that was a habit i picked up. in another world that i stayed in. it was normal to treat females, no matter their species, like they were royalty."

Lyra blinks as she scratches her head "right....well I'm used to my habits heh I been here...uh....centuries..."
He opened the door for her. "Please, close your eyes while I teleport us to the top layer. Don't open them unless up wanna see REALLY bright light. " he began muttering a spell.
Inheritance said:
He opened the door for her. "Please, close your eyes while I teleport us to the top layer. Don't open them unless up wanna see REALLY bright light. " he began muttering a spell.
Sophia blinks as she closes her eyes "let me know when its safe to open them"
[QUOTE="Takenaka Emika]Lyra blinks as she scratches her head "right....well I'm used to my habits heh I been here...uh....centuries..."

"centuries? you only look sixteen... are like me? stuck with looks, younger than your actual age?" Rei asked, immensely curious now.
[QUOTE="Shiro kurogane]"centuries? you only look sixteen... are like me? stuck with looks, younger than your actual age?" Rei asked, immensely curious now.

"yes here in Mareth we don't really age by looks so we are around like forever I got stuck here when I was Sixteen around,.. a few hundred years ago" Lyra says as she noticed she is still in her human form but keeps that appearance although she is not sure how long she can staty in her form before its over
Zelarous walked out of his village and through the thick forest. He was never worried about his little villagers leaving him, he had made it clear in the past as to what would happen to those who attempted it. He continued to walk through the forest cooling the air around him. He had walked until he found a waterfall. It was quite sightly and so he decided to take a seat on a nearby rock, listening as the falling water met with the river.
[QUOTE="Takenaka Emika]"yes here in Mareth we don't really age by looks so we are around like forever I got stuck here when I was Sixteen around,.. a few hundred years ago" Lyra says as she noticed she is still in her human form but keeps that appearance although she is not sure how long she can staty in her form before its over

"oh?... what do you mean by stuck here? couldn't you have just looked for a town?" Rei asked, still looking Lyra up and down. With his telekinesis, Rei could roughly sense the different between human minds and that of other races. Although he couldn't exactly tell what race a nonhuman was until they told him.
Arc wander through the plains of Merath. Looking around himself in case he was getting approach from his back. As the coast was clear, he took out the letter and reads it over to himself one more time. Putting the letter back into his pocket, Arc let's out a sigh as he walks. "If only my dad told me where the spirits are... I would find them in no time flat." He thought as he walks.
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[QUOTE="Shiro kurogane]"oh?... what do you mean by stuck here? couldn't you have just looked for a town?" Rei asked, still looking Lyra up and down. With his telekinesis, Rei could roughly sense the different between human minds and that of other races. Although he couldn't exactly tell what race a nonhuman was until they told him.

"if you think I did that we wouldn't be talking right now" Lyra snickers as her eyes starts to change colors
[QUOTE="Takenaka Emika]"if you think I did that we wouldn't be talking right now" Lyra snickers as her eyes starts to change colors

"... oh, i guess thats true." Rei chuckled lightly, catching a glimpse of Lyra's changing eye color. His own crimson eyes seemed to acquire a red glow as they filled with curiosity. "i take that back then. im glad you got stuck out here and i was able to meet you."
As he continue his trek through the plain, Arc spots a rock formation in the distance. His adventurous nature cause him to rush towards it, his iron boots hitting against the soft grass beneath his feet. The rock formation was rather tall, but it's nothing Arc couldn't handle. He began to climb it, putting one foot firmly into the rock's surface, and his hand holding onto that very same surface. Arc pulls himself up onto the rock formation and look at the plains horizon.
(What's up @Shiro kurogane another rp we in)

"Open them" he said as he strode to his desk. "Please sit" he beckoned at a beautifully carved chair. " Think of what you want it to be, that's what it will become. A perch or whatever. " @Takenaka Emika
Inheritance said:
(What's up @Shiro kurogane another rp we in)
"Open them" he said as he strode to his desk. "Please sit" he beckoned at a beautifully carved chair. " Think of what you want it to be, that's what it will become. A perch or whatever. " @Takenaka Emika
(whats up, and yes it seems we are. :D )
Zelarous began to walk once again, getting further and further away from 'his' village. Perhaps he should turn back, there was nothing out here that truly interested him. He reached the edge of the forest, in front of him were where the plains began. A village lingered in the distance; a smile found itself to Zelarous' lips. He wondered if he should 'indoctrinate' them. He let out a small sadistic chuckle.
[QUOTE="Shiro kurogane](whats up, and yes it seems we are. :D )

(I am playing as the Arch-Mage of a land called Bracada. Technically it is a safe haven for all magi.)
(Gosh... I feel so out of place that people know each other)

He looks at the plain, taking in it's beauty. "Wow... it sure is something." Arc says to himself as he squints his eyes, finding any noticeable locals. Alas, it wasn't the case. He jumps off the rock formation and continue his walk. " Maybe I should find the King's Castle. If i'm lucky, i'll be sure to know at least one location of the spirits!" With that in mind Arc began to pick up speed, and runs.
Inheritance said:
(I am playing as the Arch-Mage of a land called Bracada. Technically it is a safe haven for all magi.)
(that sounds pretty interesting, not gonna lie. my char this time is a world traveler thats travel the multiverse... and also has a gender problem.)
Angelostar4 said:
(Gosh... I feel so out of place that people know each other)
He looks at the plain, taking in it's beauty. "Wow... it sure is something." Arc says to himself as he squints his eyes, finding any noticeable locals. Alas, it wasn't the case. He jumps off the rock formation and continue his walk. " Maybe I should find the King's Castle. If i'm lucky, i'll be sure to know at least one location of the spirits!" With that in mind Arc began to pick up speed, and runs.
(don't be, as you join more Rps. its not uncommon to run into someone you've seen before in another Rp.)
[QUOTE="Shiro kurogane](don't be, as you join more Rps. its not uncommon to run into someone you've seen before in another Rp.)

(I see, I see. Got it.)
Inheritance said:
(Agreed. Shiro is a good RPer...I'd like to think I am too. Be warned.
(same to you inheritance. i see you as a better Rper than myself tbh.)

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