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Fantasy Land Of Merath (Open and Accepting)

Inheritance said:
Oromis stepped out of the boat. "Do you wish to do the talking? Or do you want me to. "

(@Shiro kurogane you are gonna need to like come to us m8)
(i will when i can. im working today, so i might not post like normal...)
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Angelostar4 said:
"You'll do the talking, while i'll show the note. Sounds like a plan Oromis?"
"Good call. Come with me." He cast a spell, and followed a glowing orb around the island. Finally, he stopped. "Spirit of Earth (or is it water? My bad it's been a while), it has been a long time hasn't it?" A pillar of earth rose....and a glowing figure emerged from it. "Oromis! What a surprise!" A beautiful maiden said. This was but one of her many forms.

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