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Fantasy Lakoria High School

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Kurotani Yato

Upon falling to the floor as water continued to flow out from his busted toilet, Yato tried to get up but came to the realization that he didn't have any arms or legs. "...What...?" Actually, he also has no idea that he's a shark considering he can't move. The boy lay there in silence for a brief moment, trying to wrap the situation around his head. The room had soon began to flood even more as he zoned out, forgetting about what was going on. For some reason, the pain in his ribs had subsided, and Yato was still really hungry. He seemed to be craving meat? A few strange events had occurred, and Yato now found himself in a gravity-defying pool of water, still completely oblivious as to what was going on. However, he did realize that he was no longer human after seeing his reflection in a nearby window. "...I'm not gonna be naked when this shit wears off, right?"



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This isn't so bad Nyx thought relaxing as willow scratched behind his ears. Realizing what he had just thought his eyes shot open like he'd just been hit by a car.

@OceanBunny (Nyx is getting used to being a kitten :P )
(Hey, @OceanBunny, can you please stop controlling my character? I know your character can control nature, but if you could just please let me have control, I have a plan for him. First it was talking to him, then it was restraining him as a tree. I tried to have him attack so he could do things on his own. As much as it would be easy for him to talk to Willow and get it over with, I have a different way. Just let me do my thing. Please.)

Jay's consciousness was roused once again, this time by a brown pigeon falling on his branches. Instantly his thoughts became normal. "Democritus! Thank god, you're here! Please go to my dorm and get my alchemy book, I need to reverse this!" ... ... "Coo?" "Goddammit Democritus."
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Esme watched her little Joey have fun breaking things. She then yelled to the Joey "Sweetie come on lets head to the library, I need to do some research on some stuff"

(@Lotusy I gotchuuuu)

(@DragonStorm @Hawkeye aw you guys are so cute =w=)

Shina turned her head as she accidentally overheard a brown pigeon nearby. He seemed to be talking to himself, no, talking to the tree. She flew over and began to join in the conversation, curious at what a bird would say to a tree.

"Hello, there. Sorry to interrupt your conversation but... You can talk to trees?"

"Huuuuuuuh? 'Course I can. Tree be my fwiend." The pigeon looked at her like she was crazy for not knowing that.

"Oh, um, ok. Then can you tell it to stop attacking my friends?"

"Fwiends? Jay my fwiend. Huuuuuuuh. Not attacking fwiend." The pigeon made a show of opening and flapping his wings, gesturing at the tree.

"Jay?" Shina blinked in surprise. "This mood swings, disoriented tree is Jay?"

"Jaaaaaaaay," the pigeon began to break out into a series of coos and caws in a pathetic attempt at making a song.

Giving up on trying to hold the conversation, Shina instead flew to lowest branch of the tree. She tried to think of a way to confirm what she had just discovered but didn't know what to do without revealing her identity to Jay, if he really was the tree.

Distressed, she sat there on the branch, thinking about what she should do.
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Seraph now in the library had a bunch of books collected that may have been relevant to the recent problem she was facing. She also had a back up Science book about boy anatomy in case she was stuck like this forever. Well if it came to it she may have to adjust and she may as well do it right. She sat at a table on her own digging into the first book she found. "The Quick Guide to Curses and Other Unlucky Stuff."
Kino laughed. "I believe it." He looked at the Jay-tree and at the birds sitting atop the branches. "Excuse me," he said to the bird with beautiful plumage (@PhoenixFire13). "Are you cursed too? Because I've never seen a bird with feathers like that before." His ears flicked in amusement. "They ARE very pretty, by the way."
Hoping willow hadn't heard that he was getting used to being a cat. Nyx starts to look around for something to to kill, spotting the bird that pecked his face earlier he decides to get some revenge.

Making sure Willow wasn't paying attention, he started making his way up the tree once again, determined to kill the bird this time.

Nyx once again got in a position above the bird, Carefully observing it, Waiting for the perfect moment to strike.

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Jay felt a small tap on one of his branches, the feel of a bird. "Go away, Democritus." He sensed around. The bird wasn't Democritus. It was warm, orange... and a bit fluffy. "Oh my god. Thank goodness. Please tell me you're an intelligent bird."

(Dun eat meeeeeeeh)

Shina smiled at the fox after being complimented again. "Thank you, and uh, yes, I'm cursed. I woke up today and I was suddenly a bird. Luckily, I turned into a pretty one." She felt bad about lying to him but she was determined to keep her identity a secret for now.

At the corner of her eye, she could see the white kitten climbing the tree. Not wanting to become cat food, she pretended to be occupied with the pigeon while keeping her senses open in case the kitten decided to jump her a second time.

The tree surprised her, however, when Jay's voice appeared in her head.

"Ja- I mean, um, I guess? Although I'm ..." she slowed down here to choose her words carefully, "Yeah, I guess I'm an intelligent bird."

@Lotusy @GingerBread @sitanomoto
"Alright, thanks. I'm... not sure who you are, but it's a blessing to be able to communicate with a bird who can understand me." He struggled to stay awake. "Being a tree is so boring... I used to be a human. Could you help me? In my old alchemy book, there was a rune that accelerates movement." He forced himself to think of it, then sent a mental image to the bird. "This may be too much to ask, but could you draw this rune in the grass, then set it on fire? I might be free of this wretched prison afterwards."

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Corvus was surprised at how quickly he got used to his newfound movement mechanics. Thanks to Az's magic, he was normal-sized now, but his entire lower body was still that of a spider's. It was like Corvus was basically Sagittarius, but instead of being half-horse, he was half-spider.

Still, Corvus preferred his being 100% elf the best, so he quickly made his way to the school library in order to find something that could help him. "Excuse me, librarian. Do you have anything on both curses and spiders?"

The librarian, staring at Corvus while on the phone, gestured towards him to wait a moment. After she had finished talking, she replied, "I think we had one or two pieces. Let me take a look. Follow me."

Corvus followed the librarian as she made her way through the labyrinth of ancient, dusty bookshelves. Jeez... These look like they haven't been touched for centuries..., Corvus thought.

"Some of them haven't."

That reply quickly silenced him, as the librarian undoubtedly had read his mind. What a dangerous power that is...

"Indeed it is," she replied, turning to him with a smirk as she walked.


Finally reaching what was apparently their destination, the library began to climb one of the bookshelves. The librarian surprisingly managed to avoid compromising the antediluvian bookshelf, even though she had a petite figure. Returning back down from her ascent, the librarian handed Corvus two dusty tomes before leading back out of the labyrinth of bookshelves that bore too close a resemblance to ruins. Thanking the librarian, Corvus placed the two dusty books onto a vacant table, glad that he gained some respite from carrying those books, for they felt and weighed like the two tablets that held the Ten Commandments.

He noticed the other people who were in the library, and all of them appeared to have been turned into animals as well. What is going on? he thought to himself before becoming absorbed into the books that lay before him.
Venus was in quite the conundrum. She was stuck. In the form of a dog. All because she had picked up the collar and put it on. Well it wasn't her fault, the collar made her have the urge to put it on. Venus sighed and turned to look at her new form. Well, at least i'm not a tiny dog. I do look like a chocolate lab though. Venus squinted at the dark shiny fur she had grown after putting on the collar. Ugh why did I put that stupid thing on? She inwardly groaned. Caspian was laughing his butt off. I told you not to put it on. He snickered. Well its not my fault. Maybe I can find someone to help me. Venus grimaced at her condition and tried to walk, only to end up flat on her face. OHMYDOSHDANGGOD! She screamed on the inside. This only lead to more howling laughter from her brother. Try using your front legs! He said trying to hold back tears. Right. Try one foot at a time until you can use two. Venus very slowly walked towards the outside to get help.
Shina carefully analyzed the image that appeared in her head and nodded. "Sure, looks simple enough." She hopped down to the ground and looked around for something she could draw with. Seeing a stick, she picked it up with her beak and began to scratch at the grass before the tree. She stopped a few times to study the image in her mind before starting again.

After a while, the symbol was complete. She dropped the stick from her beak and was about to summon fire when she stopped herself just in time. Crap, I almost summoned fire just now, didn't I... Normal birds don't summon fire... she scolded herself.

"Is there anything around here that I can use to start a fire ..." she looked around for something useful. Her eyes landed on the boy sitting beneath the tree, Enki. She turned a full 180 degrees on the spot but couldn't find anything that she could use to start a fire. She was almost in tears when she turned back around to stare at Enki.

... Don't cry, don't cry, don't cry, act like a normal bird. I'm just a normal bird.

She took a deep breath and took flight, landing on the boy's shoulder. She pecked at his ear softly.

@Lotusy @sitanomoto @metalcity @GingerBread
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