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Fantasy Lakoria High School

'Do you need something from Enki?' Willow asked Shine, noticing that she was trying to get his attention. 'I was going to try to move our group to the library so we could look at books about curses like Nyx mentioned. But I could maybe help you of you need something but don't want Enki to know it's you.' She offered, wanting to help her friend anyway she could.

@PhoenixFire13 @metalcity
Shina sighed in relief as she heard Willow's voice in her head. Yes, please. To tell you the truth ... that tree in front of you? That's Jay. He asked me to help him turn back to normal so I did what he told me to and drew a rune on the ground. She pointed a wing at her carefully drawn masterpiece on the grass. Except I need to set it on fire and ... I can't exactly summon my fire in front of everyone... so... she trailed off, unable to finish her explanation.

@OceanBunny @metalcity @Lotusy
'I could try to get everyone to the library.. But I don't think Enki would come.. He wants to be alone.' Willow told her friend, trying to think of the best way to help. 'I might be able to get everyone else to go.. And the ask Enki for help or just ask Enki for help with everyone still here.' She sighed, not sure what was best. 'Whatever you want me to do Shina.' She smiled at the beautiful bird.

By now, Shina was trying really hard not to panic. I-It's ok. I'll try to get his attention. I'll just guide him over to the rune and somehow ask him to start a small fire. Perfectly doable. No problem. She sounded like she was trying to convince herself as she pecked Enki on the ear again, harder this time. Thanks anyways, Willow. I can do at least this much... I think. Can't be hard to act like a bird, right?

@OceanBunny @metalcity @Lotusy
'But how does a bird ask a boy to creat Fire?' Willow asked, worried for her friend. "Hey everyone? I think the library might be a good place to start looking into these curses.. Nyx said there might be books there about this kind of magic.. So maybe we should head there." She said to everyone, hoping to at least get most of them out of Shina's way.

@PhoenixFire13 @metalcity @Momo Mix @sitanomoto @Suzumaki Arakai @GingerBread @Yanire @DragonStorm @Hawkeye @Lotusy @LegenDarius (I think that's everyone that was near the Jay tree)
I'll think of something. Thank you so much though, Willow. I'm really glad I didn't make an enemy out of you from that arena match. Although you're really scary sometimes. Shine chuckled happily to herself.

She closed her eyes and thought to herself, Mom ... I really can't leave them. I have too many good friends to leave behind...

@OceanBunny @metalcity @Lotusy
Nyx saw the bird fly to the bottom of the tree and fly towards enki, Nyx decided to jump down from the tree and try to sneak up on the bird once more.

Nyx looked at the ground and tried to jump down, only to find that his body wouldn't obey him, Great i'm a cat stuck in a tree Nyx thought to himself sarcastically.

He noticed everyone start heading towards the library and tried to let out a sound of distress to let people know he was stuck,When he tried to make the sound the only thing that came out was fire
I hate my life Nyx thought to himself before continuing breathing fire in hopes that someone would notice him.

@PhoenixFire13 @OceanBunny
(@GingerBread Here, kitty, kitty~ ^^)

Suddenly, Shina got a good idea. She remembered how the white kitten from before had suddenly spewed out fire when he had bitten into an apple. Hoping that he still had the fire breathing curse, she strained her neck, looking for him. She sees him in the tree and flies up to him, landing on his head. She pecked at his ears and at his face before flying off, toward the runes.

Come get me if you can, Nyx-en, she thought at him, unknowingly using the nickname she came up with by accident.
Nyx didn't notice the bird fly up to him until it pecked him in the face and then flew off the birds are making fun of me, Fantastic Nyx thought to himself. He then heard the Bird taunt him and call him Nyx-en inside his head. Annoyed at the bird and Assuming no help was going to come anytime soon, he looked for a way to get down, he spotted a branch in front of him that was lower than him. He decided to try to jump on the branch.

Nyx jumped over to the branch, only to miss it and fall to the ground luckily landing safely on his feet, he looked around for the bird once again, he spotted it near some strange runes on the grounds, not caring about the runes he decided to breath fire at it to distract it while he went in for the kill.

Getting ready to pounce at the bird as soon as it moved, Nyx Sent fire towards it.

(@GingerBread Thanks~)

Shina watched Nyx-en carefully, waiting for him to start flame-throwing her. As if on cue, the white kitten opened his mouth and sent a blast of fire straight at her. She smiled and flew up, dodging the flames and allowing it to hit the runes she was flying above. The flames quickly set fire to the grass.

Hopefully that's enough to turn Jay back... Now... she turned toward the white kitten. How should I deal with this adorable vampire kitten...

Killing this bird is now a challenge, and i will do it Nyx thought to himself as he tried to work out how to get the bird low enough for him to be able to kill it not wanting to give up, wanting to prove to himself that he's not just a worthless cat and that he can kill something.

Realizing her nyxen was missing Willow turned around to look back at the tree. She smiled seeing that Shina had gotten Nyx to set the tunes on fire. 'Nyx come on, leave the poor bird alone.' Her voice entered his mind as she knelt down and called quietly to him like she would a real kitten.

@GingerBread @PhoenixFire13
"Ooh! I can feel the heat!"Jay's tree started to shake, and he could feel his limbs regaining their energy. He closed his eyes and waited for the transformation...

He stepped out of the hole he made as a tree. He could feel two solid legs underneath him. Finally, he opened his eyes... and saw roots, and bark, and leaves. "Wait... what?" He could hear his voice now, booming through the school. He glanced at his new limbs. Roots intertwined to form legs, and lower branches combined to create arms. He had become an ent, a walking tree. He hear some crackling from the fire, and slowly turned his head to see the orange bird. "Thank... you..." His voice creaked and groaned like a tree in a storm. Oh my god. I can move, but I'm still a tree. Out with one problem, in with another.

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Shina took one look at the tree and burst out laughing. Or at least she tried to, if a series of hiccuping chirps and rolling in the air would count as laughing for a bird. This continued for a whole five minutes before she finally managed to calm herself to some slight giggles.

Ahahahaha... sorry... ahahahahaha.... I'm really... ahahahahaha... sorry.

Oops, maybe not some slight giggles.

@Lotusy @GingerBread @OceanBunny @metalcity
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Willow giggled and scooped the nyxen up, scrathing his ears and cuddling him. 'You're just too cute to stay mad at.' She smiled petting the little guy. 'I don't think that worked the way he wanted.' Her voice was amused as it entered Shina's mind.

@GingerBread @PhoenixFire13
Ahahahahahaha.... I can't stop laughing... ahahahahahahahahaha... Shina continued her fit of laughter. It became so bad that she couldn't stay in the air and had to land rolling on the ground.
I am Not a pet! nyx thought angrily, he saw the bird drop to the ground, he saw this as an opportunity to finally kill it. He struggled out of willows grasp and sprinted over to the bird, Placing a Paw on top of it to stop it moving Time is up Birdy Nyx thought maliciously

@PhoenixFire13 @OceanBunny
Shina's small body shivered under the kitten's paw, but not from fear. She was still trying to hold in her laughter and she wasn't very successful.

Maybe... ahaha... later... ahahaha... Nyx-en... ahahaha......... ahahahahahahahaha.

Nyx took his paw off the bird before quickly Swinging it at the bird hoping to break it's wings or something I will make your death slow and painful He thought at the bird, he let a sly grin appear on his face as heard willow call out to him not to.

@PhoenixFire13 @OceanBunny
Colliah left with a wave to Allumbus goodbye. She then headed off to P.E. and excersized as much as she could, but got fatigued frequently from his body. (I dunno what to do. Involve me in stuff.)
Shina finally managed to stop laughing until she realized she was pinned down by a white paw. She stared at the white kitten above her as he lifted his paw and aimed a swipe at her wing. When the paw touched her wing, however, the paw caught on fire. Grinning mischieviously, Shina flew away from Nyx-en's reach and watched, amused as Nyx-en dealt with his now burning paw.

Nyx's eyes widened as his paw caught on fire, he hit it against the ground, desperately trying to put the fire out. When he finally got the fire to go out he tried to rush in the bird's direction, only for a searing pain to shoot through his paw as it made contact with the ground. Nyx let out a small sound of distress causing flames to shoot out in front of him, in an effort to help the pain go away he brought his paw up to his face and starting Licking his paw, trying to make the pain go away. When i change back everyone in this school is going to die Nyx thought.

@PhoenixFire13 @OceanBunny
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(@GingerBread No, stay as Nyx-en forever XDDDD)

Shina found it fun to fly high above Nyx-en. She would circle him a few times then fly in close only to fly farther away when he tries to grab her. Maybe she was having too much fun but for now, she was content as the kitten's playmate.

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