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Fandom ❉ lacuna*: fruits basket

  • intro




    oneliness is the God's cruelest fate.

    Sitting atop their mountain, the God watches. Echoes of laughter reach them every morning and every night. The God closes their eyes and tries to imagine what joy must look like. Scraped knees and dirty hands in search of adventure in the overgrowth. Fond looks and tender embraces exchanged under painted skies. Pretty dolls dancing in the moonlight for crowds of bright eyes full of wonder.

    They have lived countless lifetimes but still shed a tear.

    God was afraid. Despite all the ache, the envy, and the desire, they were a coward. For all the joy there was in the world, there was also heartbreak. Loss. God feared the pain an immortal life would inflict on them should they dare to fly too close to the sun. The mortals, with all the warmth of their love and laughter, could not escape death's cold embrace. The God would only end up alone again.

    The day the Cat arrived, God was wary. They turned the Cat away and yet they remained. The Cat confessed that they were drawn to the God and wanted to remain by their side. Desperate for companionship, the God conceded. It was not long before more animals began to show and the banquets between friends began. God had never felt happier amongst his new found family.

    God's fears resurfaced as the years passed them by. The Cat and the twelve animals began to grow old. With a spell, God bound himself to his friends and promised them that they would be reborn again to be with one another until the end of time. The twelve animals agreed to be with the God for eternity, but the Cat did not. The others viewed this as a betrayal and thus began the Cat's eternal punishment.

    For several millennia, the legend of the God and his Zodiac has been passed down generation after generation. Muddled and forgotten, the truth of the God's trickery and his friendship with the Cat is lost. Only the servants of the God, born with the Sight, remember the first banquet and the curse the God placed upon his friends. They also know that one day, when the God is reunited with all thirteen of his Zodiac, the curse will come to an end.

    It took many years, but finally the God's servants witnessed a vision of the last Zodiac's birth at the start of a new year. For the eighteen years that followed, they waited for the last Zodiac to turn of age. The God hosted the annual banquet in celebration of the New Year, but also to mark the Zodiac's introduction to society. Unfortunately, it would be short-lived. At the start of the banquet, the God's servants told the Zodiac the truth of their curse.

    With all Zodiac reunited and of age, their curse and bond with one another will come to an end. The Zodiac will slowly return to their true forms. Whether it be the Ox or the Snake, all of them will lose their humanity and live out their days at the God's side. The outrage was immediate, but what could any of them do? Generations of Zodiac had tried to break the curse to no avail, how could they be any different?

    With only three months left before their fate is sealed, the impossible seems farther from their reach than ever before and yet for some hope prevails.





a blank space, or
missing part


romance, slice of life, fruits basket





spots open



1 per roleplayer at this time

♡coded by uxie♡
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The foundations of the Zodiac curse are mostly the same, just adjusted to suit the cast not being related. Those possessed are still born two months premature, but they can only hug the God and zodiac on either side of them on the wheel. For example, the Ox can only hug the Rat and the Tiger without transforming into their animal form. They can still attract and communicate (minimally) with the animal that possesses them.

They should have characteristics of their animals, the Cat can have a dislike for water and the Horse can have a great deal of stamina. When feeling weak, upset, etc., physical characteristics of their animal can pop out (ears, tails, tongue). They'll transform into their animals entirely if pushed too hard.

Zodiacs will be split into three groups: prey, predators, and guardians. The God can shift and change between all three at will, he technically doesn't fall into one category. Due to this, he is unaffected by all three but can affect them himself. The Cat is born into a different category every generation.

Prey zodiacs are the Rat, the Sheep, the Rabbit, and the Rooster. They are typically more meek or passive, but this isn't always the case and can vary. Their pheromones tend to be floral or fruity, like citrus or rosewater.

Guardian zodiacs are the Ox, the Dog, the Horse, and the Monkey. They are strong-willed and face both predators and prey without being heavily affected. Their pheromones are on the earthy and soothing side, like fresh rain or clean linen.

Predator zodiacs are the Boar, the Tiger, the Snake, and the Dragon. Their temperaments are more on the aggressive side and their pheromones reflect that. Predators have scents that are more spicy or woodsy, like cinnamon or cedarwood.

When a zodiac is conceived, servants of the God witness a vision. When the child is born seven months later, they inform the parents that their child is a host and that they will return to retrieve them when they turn thirteen. The God and Cat are exceptions to this, they are taken at birth to live at a compound in Saisei, Japan. Once the Zodiac has turned thirteen, the servants wipe the family's memory before bringing them to the compound. Zodiacs can be born in any country that uses the Eastern zodiac, they do not need to be from Japan but they will live there.

Prey, guardian, and predators are kept in three separate sections of the compound until they are eighteen. Prey and predator interact minimally during this time, with the exception of the annual banquet where they are monitored by the servants in case of any incident. The God and guardian zodiacs can go between both sections as they are not heavily affected by prey or predator. Zodiac can live outside of the compound currently, but need to be somewhere in Japan. They would have been pressured to visit the God often. Everyone will be in Saisei throughout the roleplay.

The curse became public several generations ago and those possessed are something like celebrities to the public, assuming they choose to reveal themselves. The world is made up of people who are also born with characteristics of their zodiac, however in comparison to the hosts they are very subdued. Those born under the Dog or Dragon are more likely to favor that particular host, but overall all the Zodiac are generally well-received with the exception of the Cat. Think of the zodiac as being revered, much like celebrities and idols. Some can choose to benefit financially from this, others may be exploited, etc.
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oh man this interest check is so pretty!! i'm def interested, gonna be on the hunt for some fcs now
finally done with my app! hope i can join everyone, kinda fell in love with akane as i made her fdgjk
interested! actually already wrote the blurb for the cat lmao, i stayed up all night to finish it oops. it’s quite late now, so i’m going to submit my app as soon as i wake up in the morning and get a good code for it !! — ✦
Love when that happens, makes it so much more fun to plot and write when you're really into a character
100%. If u aren’t into ur character it makes everything rlly difficult
interested! actually already wrote the blurb for the cat lmao, i stayed up all night to finish it oops. it’s quite late now, so i’m going to submit my app as soon as i wake up in the morning and get a good code for it !! — ✦
I love that you’re going for the cat while having a cat pfp 😂
i have submitted my app !! i didn't use any labels like some of the other apps did, i just combined it all into one big blurb, hope that's alright. — ✦
Kind of interested in the dragon role but I had some questions:

1. When would applications be due?
2. Would the dragon's characteristics be based on an actual, mythical dragon or a seahorse (like the original Fruits Basket)? I ask this because the dragon is listed as a predator (and therefore aggressive) but a seahorse would likely not fall under that lol. But also, Chinese dragons are not as aggressive in myth as their western counterparts.
3. Does the rule about hugging apply to someone's parents?
4. As a corollary to question 3, can they still generally touch other people? I forgot how it goes in the anime but I assume it's fine lol.
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Kind of interested in the dragon role but I had some questions:

1. When would applications be due?
2. Would the dragon's characteristics be based on an actual, mythical dragon or a seahorse (like the original Fruits Basket)? I ask this because the dragon is listed as a predator (and therefore aggressive) but a seahorse would likely not fall under that lol. But also, Chinese dragons are not as aggressive in myth as their western counterparts.
3. Does the rule about hugging apply to someone's parents?
4. As a corollary to question 3, can they still generally touch other people? I forgot how it goes in the anime but I assume it's fine lol.
1. At this point, we're taking a look at applications as they come in and accepting them if there's no issues. So no real deadline for apps.
2. I've been flexible with the dragon role and how people would like to interpret it! A mythical dragon (albeit smaller in size) or another animal that can be related to a dragon in some sense (komodo dragon, as an example).
3. The rule applies to parents, yes!
4. Yes, touching is allowed. It's essentially no embracing, hugging, cuddling, that sort of thing. Canonicallly they can hold hands and such.
Awesome, thanks for the answers! I suppose heavier forms of physical intimacy are out the window as well? My app should be up soon regardless
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