• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Realistic or Modern Kiss Me ∞ - Characters


Appearance [Realistic Image or Gif]
Eye Color
Hair Color

Social Status [East or West]
History [Feel free to be descriptive]

Clothing Style
Any Issues? [eating disorders, learning problems, home problems, etc.]
ThatGuyWithSouvlaki ThatGuyWithSouvlaki Lacuna Lacuna Slytherins Slytherins wanderlost wanderlost BrokenRemedy BrokenRemedy

If you know anyone who may be interested let me know and tag them!

Feel free to make up to a max of 4 characters ~

Here is the Roleplay thread;
Here is the OOC;
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(I'm not good with BBCode, sorry. At least one more character to come!!)

Emily Whycoff

Eye Color:
Hair Color:
130 lbs

Personality: Emily is an introvert at heart. It's not to say that she has no friends, but she's more than likely to be the friend that listens instead of speaks- her actions definitely speak louder than her words. She wants nothing more than to help those around her, be it by mending the broken souls, or simply helping someone find their makeup. Emily has a heart of gold, which can often make her a pushover. She has been taken advantage of many times before, and hates herself for it. She is often hard on herself, not caring what happens to her as long as her friends are okay. She would be willing to fight someone (even though she would definitely lose) if it was necessary to keep her friends happy. Emily doesn't hate the bad kids, in fact she pities them and wants to help them, while at the same time she is envious of their seemingly carefree lifestyle.
~Seeing those around her smile~
~Being praised for her accomplishments~
~Having a sense of usefulness~
-Being ignored-
-Being completely alone-
-Small spaces-
-Being yelled at/hated by others-
Social Status: East
History: Emily was raised in an incredibly wealthy family, like almost everyone living on the east side. Her father was a doctor and her mother was a well known businesswoman. She was raised with an older brother and a younger sister. Her older brother became a successful businessman like their mother, and her younger sister is already a child prodigy. Due to Emily being about as average as a rock, she was always pressured in her life to find her talent. Her parents wanted her to be something great, like an engineer or a politician, but Emily found her true calling to be music. She never voiced her love of music though, as her family thought that a career in music was a waste of time and potential. If they only knew how talented Emily truly was, her family wouldn't see her as a failure.




Mutt Pup named Hershey
Clothing Style:

Christina McIntyre


Eye Color
Brown-Hazel Color

Hair Color
Black to Maroon Ombre


130 Lbs.

||Caring||Charasmatic||Realistic|| Opinionated||Overly-Friendly||Blunt||Trust-Worthy||

[Music][Cheer][Dancing][Partying][Weed][Frozen Yogurt][Exotic Coffees]



Social Status

Growing up, Chris had a fairly normal childhood. Her father owned his own practice, only taking patients a few hours a day. Because of it, he was able to spend time and be around his family. Her mother, on the other hand, was a high end real estate agent. She was barely around, always looking after her clients instead of her own daughter. It sucked not having her mom invested in her life but she had her dad, so it would all be okay. Her father was the more laid back parent, letting her do almost whatever it was she wanted and wasn't that strict. Unlike most, she had to earn almost everything she was given through grades. She worked hard for the almost straight A's she had and for her position of head cheerleader. How she became the type of person to smoke weed and party a lot no one will ever understand, not even Chris.



Commander Shepard

Aaron McIntyre
Sheri McIntyre

Clothing Style



Any Issues? [eating disorders, learning problems, home problems, etc.]
Drug Issue

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Asem Inju Madiev
A or Juju
17th February
closeted bisexual
social status:


code by pasta
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Most believe Asem is a total bitch although she likes to call it tough love. And while she can be a bitch Asem is quirky. She is an enigma. She is unpredictable, and independent. She doesn't take kindly to people telling her what to do. But if you need help, she is a true humanitarian who is ready and willing to assist someone who might be short on cash or down on their luck. She'll also dole out sound advice. She cares about her fellow man, woman, child, animal, and environmental cause. Asem tends to mingle with people from all walks of life. She tends to greet and interact with people the same way, no matter what their age or background. While she loves to progress, on a personal level, she doesn’t like change. It has to do with her loyalty, her attachment to the past, and her memories, so even though she has the courage to look ahead, usually with optimism, and see the best things in store, she still likes to know where she has come from and who she is. While most may very well keep their promises in their relationships, Asem can take loyalty to a different, deeper level. She will stay loyal to anyone unless of course they truly prove themselves unworthy. Plus she's a bit of a hopeless romantic.

A side most do not get to see to often is that Asem is a bit of a control freak. She can not stand not knowing, and something that is out of her control can and will drive her crazy, but she tries to hide this knowing it ca be a pain for others. Those that know her well are able to tell the signs but other than that she is very hard to read.

cursive writing, takeout chinese, dogs, cold weather
capital letters, chick flicks, coffee, most cats

Her uncle loaned her a car so she can travel from the west side to the east side.
She shares a house with her mother, siblings and her uncles family
She has a dog named Duckie
Aidos Madiev - Deceased father
Sayra Madiev (nee. Amirov) - Mother
Amir Madiev - Eldest Brother (23)
Tair Madiev - Youngest Brother (7)
Asem has an abusive homelife ever since her father passed. The abuse mainly comes from her uncle although when her mother has has a little to much to drink then she likes to join in. Asem also is intoxicated about 90% of the time she is at school, finding it easier to deal with things.

Asem grew up in a rather unstable household. Her parents both immigrants who were just working to get through the day, having Asem and her brothers in America making them natural born citizens. Soon after the birth of Asem's baby brother Jonas, her father up and moved the family to New York. There her father opening up a sports bar just so he could watch baseball every day without disturbances, always telling Asem that it was the true American sport. Her father manned the kitchen while her mother manned the front of the house. From the looks of it Asem believed her parents were finally getting what they deserved. It wasn't until, what her family calls the 'incident" that everything, in lack of better words, went to hell.
Asem's father suddenly collapsed one day, which caused him to be hospitalized. Every week her father seemed to rot away in the tiny sterile room, until one day he passed. Her mother was forced to sell the bar, moving to live with relatives of her mothers while they attempted to get their lives back together. Asem never had a chance to mourn after everything moved so quickly. Her eldest brother, Amir, deciding to stay in new york as he wished to stay with his girlfriend.
Although he called every week to check in on them and sent money from time to time Asem felt betrayed. Feeling as though he did not have the right to run away and leave her behind.
With her new surroudings Asem became overwhelmed. Having to take care of not only her youngest brother but her mother's families children as well when they left for the day. With the months Asem and her family settled into their new life, attempting to pick up the peices of the past and put them back together.

103 lbs
Eye Color
Hair Color
X - X - X - X

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oliver raven blakefield


what doesn't kill you
makes you wish it did.

Oliver Raven Blakefield, but goes by Raven unless he's friends with you, in which case it's usually shortened to Oli
Eye color:
Baby blue, seems to darken a bit when sad or angry
Hair color:
Black with an undertone of blue
107 lbs
Though perhaps not as fridgid as he hopes to appear, Oliver is a cold and mysterious person who isn't known for being social. Those that have befriended Oli and have seen the rare, emotional side of him know he's far nicer than he lets on, not that they'd ever tell you. When interacting with strangers and acquaintances he tends to be blunt and sarcastic, though he isn't cruel unless annoyed. If you're one of the few that manage to actually anger him, he becomes icily unreadable and is far scarier than those that fly into rages. Oliver does have a very big soft side, and loves animals more than most people. He'll never turn away a critter in need, and spends a fair amount of his minimum wage earnings feeding the local strays. For all his feigned indifference, he's a very emotional kid and cries all too easily, a fact he finds extremely embarrassing. Depression has had a major impact on his life, and is part of the reason he's so careful to avoid relationships and people in general. Frankly, he just doesn't see the point, and figures he'll only end up hurting those that get close to him after a while anyway. Besides, cats are better than humans.

Music (NOT radio stuff! REAL music!)
Singing and playing guitar
The dark
Energy drinks
The color black
Drawing and sketching
Poetry (preferably morbid and depressing)

Popular/radio music
Bright sunlight
Pastel colors
Excessive optimism
Medication (refuses to take it)

Demiromantic Asexual

Social Status:


This vintage Charger originally belonged to his uncle, but Oli inherited it after the man's suspicious passing. He absolutely adores the car, and can't bear to part with it due to its sentimental value of being the last gift his uncle gave him. As for how such an expensive car was acquired by the Blakefields in the first place, well, some things are better left unknown...

Once a beautiful old home, it has fallen into disrepair and would need extensive renovations to restore it to its former glory... renovations that its owners simply can't afford.

October, a stray kitten he rescued at two weeks old and raised as his own. She's his baby, and he'll do anything for her.

Oli lives with his mother, who has been single for as long as he can remember, unless you count a few week-long flings here and there. He lived with his uncle for most of his life, but sadly Darrel passed away two years ago, leaving nothing behind but his beloved vintage Charger and just enough blood to be recognized by the forensics...

Clothing Style:




no amount of sleep
can cure the tiredness i feel.


my soul is not
yours to save.
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Guangli "Garry" Zhou
Appearance [Realistic Image or Gif]

Eye Color
Dark Brown
Hair Color
5ft 9in

Boisterous, good natured and easy going giving the air of someone who lets nothing trouble or worry him with a live and let live attitude. He is fun loving as well almost to hedonistic, enjoying to make jokes both good and bad and flirt with members of any gender. He can come of as lazy and irresponsible at time by intelligent with a good head from science as well as music. In addition he loyal generous and dedicated in to those he considers friends.

However there are times he swithes to darker side. He becomes clingy and overprotective about his friends and have paranoid fear of abandonment. This display in bust random anger where he can be really aggressive to the point of violent or bouts of depression that can be left bed written and even suicidal. In either case during this time he can more indulgent than he normal would trying to find any sort of fix and ad much as he could get. This change to the darker side can be random and can last any time between a few hours to a couple of weeks.

  • Cooking
  • Motorcycle
  • Soccer
  • Loyalty
  • Singing
  • Being alone
  • Betrayal
  • Parents
  • Not being the centre of attention
  • Spiders
Social Status [East or West]
History [Feel free to be descriptive]
Actually born into a rich east side family of Chinese immigrants who managed to come into the country and succeed in the American dream. His father forming a known restaurant chain and food supply business. The family are regular contributors and benefactors to the east high school He grew up in a life of luxury but his parents were distant raised mostly by either his grandparents or once they passed nannies, rarely ever having a a regular parental figures due to one reason or another. In addition he had only few friends as a child and more than one of them were only after his money. Both of these had a great effect on his psyche and the way he view his relationship with others which still effect him to this day.

Due to his families connection to the high school, it was only natural for Garry to attend it as soon as he was able to. And it was around this time that true trouble began for him as in his teens was when his father finally took an interest in Garry, not as a son but as a successor to the family business. His father took control of Garry's life working him hard to learn the business in addition to Johnny's cool work. Johnny's interest though was elsewhere wanting to either go to music or cooking. This caused a lot of fighting between father and son with one particular bad one leading the father to completely disown Garry leaving him to take care of his own with no support. Garry tried his best to make due without his parents support, he managed to gain the support of a family friend who loaned him a trailer to live in and helped him in role into the west school.

Salvaged from various parts, mostly stolen.


no disowned.
Clothing Style
Jeans, tshirts, blazers and the occasional shirt.
Any Issues?
borderline personality disorder that has led to drug use and promiscuity.​
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Name: Penelope Stone
Age: 17
Sexuality: Bi-Sexual

Eye Color: Blue
Hair Color: Blonde
Height: 5'8"
Weight: 120lbs

Penny is awkward, tall and clumsy in every way imaginable. She has no social skills, and tends to speak out of place or say something that she realises is dumb two seconds later. There is a lot of awkward silences you'll have to get used to with Penny as she thinks of something to say. She is very uncoordinated and in known to drop things, trip over things, bang into things and knock things over. She apologises all the time, especially when she doesn't need to. She is very passive and soft and likes to listen rather than talk.

She is completely open to anyone from the west side, but is too afraid to do anything outrageous or un-acceptable, and tends to be viewed as very straight and narrow because of it. She is quite proper and polite, always uses her manners and never speaks out of line or raises her voice.

it is hard to anger her, but she does have her outbursts if you push her a lot. She hates rudeness, she hates people being bullies and she cannot stand anyone who is cruel. She doesn't speak out unless something is REALLY bothering her or someone she really cares for. In a way, she cares for everyone, as she is always trying to make other people happy, but she takes the safe path all too often.

Likes: Tea, sweet pastries, picnics, painting, retro/vintage things, small businesses, online blogs, fashion mags, big glasses, pastel colours, Summertime
Dislikes: Judgmental people, bullies, spicy food, confrontation/violence, hard mathematics, being cold, Sports
Social Status: East

History: Born to a mother who was in jail and imidiatly lost custody to her daughter. The baby was raised by the state and put into an orphanage. Penny spent about six years there before she was adopted by the famous celebrity chef. The woman couldn't have children of her own, and she'd been divorced three times, in part, because of that, so she decided to adopt a daughter. Penny was a quiet child that followed whatever her mother said without too much rebellion. Her mother was not a bad woman, a difficult and vain one that was for sure, but not bad.

She had a fairly happy life, and she was given a lot of physical things. Unfortunately Penny couldn’t stand appearing on TV or being interviewed by the press. She appeared very awkward on the TV and almost always people just gave her a script so that she wouldn’t have to think of her own things to say. On TV she seemed conceited and dumb because of this, so anyone who has seen her on her mothers cooking show would probably not think much of her.

She had no idea what to do when she grows up. She doesn’t feel she is good at anything. She does like fashion and has tried the sewing machine before, so she thinks maybe she could make clothes. But there is very little confidence in her. Her ‘mother’ has been known to tell her she is useless or stupid when she is having a bad day, and Penny does nothing to retaliate.

Now Penny is just trying to get though life one step at a time.


1962 Ferrari 250 GT SWB - Vintage car sold at an Auction, bought by her mother gifted to her





8 year old female Giant Poodle named Dolly


7 Year old Male Giant Poodle named Whiskey

(Adoptive) Mother:
Name: Samantha Stone
Age: 35
Celebrity Chef, owner of several restaurants worldwide, stars in various TV shows

Clothing Style:

*See gallery*

Any Issues: Short-sighted, Fatally allergic to nuts, Extreme fear of people touching her neck

*Gallery of images*





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I'll put up my characters at some point today! If those of you who have wip character sheets could try to finish then that would be great :)
Name: Valor Johnson


Age: 18
Sexuality: straight
Area: West side
Personality: Has lived a life of broken dreams and promises so finds it hard to open up. He is afraid to open up as it is a way for him to stop getting hurt.

History: Valor is a bastard child raised by a crack head mother. His mother is a great woman in his eyes because she always provides even though she has an expensive addiction and can barely survive with her only child.

Valor knows his mothers drug dealer very well and sells crack on the side for him without his mothers knowledge. He earns 10% of what he sells and uses the money to help out where he can. Knowing his mothers addiction Valor shoulders most of the responsibility as he feels it's his duty to look after them both.

Car: none
House: one room apartment. The apartment has a shared toilet and shower with the rest of the tenants.
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Name: Valor Johnson


Age: 18
Sexuality: straight
Area: East side
Personality: Has lived a life of broken dreams and promises so finds it hard to open up. He is afraid to open up as it is a way for him to stop getting hurt.

History: Valor is a bastard child raised by a crack head mother. His mother is a great woman in his eyes because she always provides even though she has an expensive addiction and can barely survive with her only child.

Valor knows his mothers drug dealer very well and sells crack on the side for him without his mothers knowledge. He earns 10% of what he sells and uses the money to help out where he can. Knowing his mothers addiction Valor shoulders most of the responsibility as he feels it's his duty to look after them both.

Car: none
House: one room apartment. The apartment has a shared toilet and shower with the rest of the tenants.
The image is broken, do you think you can post a different one?
If you're posting another character too then now would be the time (we don't have a lot of boys so if people could volunteer to make another boy then that would be much appreciated!)

Name: Harlow Sienna Roy
Age: 17

Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: Was brown but she dyes it blonde

Height: 5'4"
Weight: 100 LBS
Personality: Harlow is a bubbly person. She does think she rules the world, and sort of acts like a queen bee, but she isn't a mean person unless someone targets their hate toward her. She is spoilt and flaunts it. But, she has her insecurities from years of bullying in elementary school. The girl is a flirt, and has no problem with flirting with every guy, whether they are taken or not. When she is close enough to someone she is the most loyal. She is there for them, and when someone hurts them she sticks up for them. Lastly, she is a wild child. She likes to get into trouble, so she does things against her parents rules to do so.

Likes: Shopping, reading (though no one knows this), boys, partying.
Dislikes: Bugs, cold weather, the teens in her school (but she doesn't tell anyone this), her mom.

Sexuality: Heterosexual
Social Status: East
History: Harlow has always grown up privileged. Her dad being a doctor and her mom a boutique owner. At a very young age, Harlow's mother started putting her in pageants, despite the fact she was definitely not a thin child. As she grew up, people would tease her for being an ugly pageant child so around 6th grade she started starving herself. Though it has died down a little, she still has days where she stops eating. Despite that, the girl has dropped out of pageants, and started up on modelling - having been in a couple magazines and a few ads. The girl lives a pretty good life, and she knows it.
Problems: Her mother is controlling and pressures her to be beautiful so she suffers from Body Dismorphia Disorder causing her to have anorexia and [not often] bulimia.


Name: Jared David Webber
Age: 18


Eye Color: Green
Hair Color: Brown
Height: 6'1"
Weight: 180 LBS
Personality: Jared is very cold and distant toward a lot of people. When he is friends with someone, he talks a lot more and laughs a lot more but other than that he is distant. He does like to party so he's often out a lot. He has a bad anger issue, so he curves that with alcohol and drugs that make him more mellow and friendly. He is a flirt, and will chase after girls a lot, he's not shy in that department.
Likes: Partying, sports, drugs, women.
Dislikes: Boring, school, his home, fads.
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Social Status: West
History: He has a horrible home life. Ever since he was young, he's had to deal with his drug addict mother, who brings men home a lot. While the men would beat Jared up a lot when he was young, Jared grew up and filled out and the crack heads became more scared of him. Not that he was home a lot anyway. He had learnt to stay away from the house a lot. While he is determined to not end up like his mom, he is slowly going down that road without even realizing it.
Problem: His mom is a drug addict which has had a psychological affect on him. He has intimacy issues and a drug problem because of this.


Atticus Braun Mosely Jr.
Atti (although he seriously hates this nickname)
22nd December
social status:

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Atticus is what one would call a "goody two shoes", as there is not one bad rumor to be heard about him. In all honesty Atticus doesn't have much of personality, normally he keeps to himself. A quiet bookworm, Atticus is like any person his age meaning he is extreamly awkward.
Libaries, Coffee, fresh notebooks
his house, most sweets, people who put excessive amounts of sugar in their coffee
There is not much that Atticus does, besides his parents verbal abuse theres not much else. Although he has recently picked up a habit of smoking, mainly the nonconventional things to settle his nerves instead of relying on his meds. He has severe anxity and other things his parents paid a lot of money for to label.
146 lbs
Eye Color
Hair Color

Atticus has lived a very privleged life and he knows it. His parents both important functioning members of their community. His father being one of the top lawyers in the state and his mothers holding a chair in the city council, the Mosely name is very well known.
Atticus has always been held to a high standard by his parents, especially her father. His 'tough love' approach often meant verbally bullying Atticus if what he did was not good enough. His mother taking a back seat, staying out of his fathers weekly rants. Because of this Atticus grew up a very paranoid child, feeling as though it would be the end of the word if he got below an A on a paper. He started to draw away from people, going into his studies and blocking out the outside world.
He has a cat named Bowie and his parents own two show dogs named Duke and Lady.
Atticus Braun Mosely - Father
Adeline Branwen Mosely (Nee. Cainbridge) - Mother
Avalon Blaire Mosely - Younger sister (13)
Amelia Bea Mosely - Younger sister (8)
Arden Brinley Mosely - Younger sister (8)

You might be asking yourself, "How in gods green earth does everyone in this family have the initials A.B.M.?" Well how am I supposed to know ... It's not as if I had the choice to name them.





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Devin Kross

Eye Color:
Hair Color:
170 lbs
Personality: Devin seems like the average bad boy on the outside, when in reality he's nothing more than a thrill seeker with bad anger issues. He doesn't trust a lot of people, but at the same time could care less if he gets hurt. However, once he truly opens up to a person he's the most loyal guy anyone could ask for. If someone hurts his friends, he will without a doubt beat them to a pulp, and would honest-to-god take a bullet for someone if need be. Despite what some would assume, Devin doesn't do drugs, and 9 times out of 10 is sober enough to be the designated driver at parties. He enjoys doing stupid things, but not because he's high while doing it. He's shy when first meeting people, due to his social anxiety, but can quickly warm up to others if given a chance to show off.
~Heavy Metal~
~Being with those he cares about~
~Pop Music~
~Ignorant People~
~Arrogant Preps~
~The Sound of Gunfire~
Sexuality: Bisexual
Social Status West
History: Devin had seen both sides of town throughout his life. He was orphaned at a young age when his mother died of cancer and his father overdosed on drugs from the grief of it all- or that's what he was told. He has no memory of his parents, and only knew the many faces of foster parents that he had been given. Being fostered in the west side was fun, and despite having horrible foster parents, and being neglected beyond belief, he called it home. So he was in for a surprise when his next foster home was on the East side. A pair of elderly socialites wanted to raise Devin to be more like them. It was alright at first, but he knew he didn't belong. He lived with them for about a year, yet no matter how much they tried to force him to be someone he wasn't, Devin never changed. In fact, he grew worse. Knowing he didn't belong on the East side, and missing the few friends he had back in west, Devin grew depressed.

He didn't belong in that school with those people, he wanted nothing to do with the east side. One night, in an impulsive rage, Devin got in his car and sped down the road, wanting as fast as he could to make it back to the West side. He ignored any and all laws, to the point where he had even the police of the East side chasing him. At that point, his rage became excitement, and his love for adrenaline was born. Needless to say he was kicked out of that foster home after he got out of jail- not to mention he hasn't been able to get his liscense ever since. Devin currently lives in a rundown West side "appartment", finally able to live by himself.
Car- N/A

Pets- N/A, but he loves dogs
Clothing Style-
Screenshot 2017-04-09 at 7.08.01 PM.png
Any Issues?- Depressed, Suicidal, Anxiety​

Brice Tang


Name: Brice Baocheng Edward Tang

Age: 18

Eye Color: Dark brown

Hair Color: Near-black dark brown

Height: 5'10" [~178 cm]

Weight: 131 lb [~59 kg]



Personality: Brice is the quintessential fresh off the boat guy, or, perhaps 'plane' is more appropriate. He comes from a well-off family and only lets that get to his head in the best way [if such a way does exist]. Unlike the rich kid careless with spending and flaunting the money that's not actually his, he's pompous with the dominant, go-getter personality to strive for his own successes. He has a leadership mentality -- positive traits for a business-oriented drive. However, his level of narcissism and bad habit of being condescending follow. Where he gets his arrogant attitude is a bit of a mystery since neither of his parents are like that, but perhaps it's just a phase? Or maybe a subconscious cover for something more? ...Or he's just a jerkface. --Pick your excuse and stick to it. In conversation, he may be very blunt and sarcastic, but knows how to 'recover' his words if they strike someone the wrong way as he's crafty with speech.

Although, his personality seems very coarse, he surely has a soft side -- well capable of being sweet and has an unexpectedly good sense of humor as he can be a jokester. And, despite the narcissism, he's actually quite giving and not that selfish; he just spends a lot of time complimenting himself and boosting his name in ways calculated enough not to be too abrasive or too subtle. That same leadership mentality helped his good trait of being outgoing. Generally, he is friendly and very laid back to new people he meets. He'd seem quick to judge, but is very analytical before casting judgment unless someone strikes him the wrong way. First impressions are important in his world. Lastly, family and his culture are important to him. Though he has been in the States for 3 years, he still holds many of his Taiwanese cultural customs. ...But do call him 'Brice'. His Chinese name, eh... Don't worry about it.

>>himself [too much]
>>congee! [rice porridge is his favorite]
>>being in charge
>>piers on the lake/etc.
>>old kung fu movies [guilty pleasure]
>>playing pool
>>saucy girls

>>ignorant people
>>American popcorn [it's alright, but he still prefers Chinese popcorn]
>>fantasy genre
>>lazy people
>>submissive girls [he likes a challenge...]

Sexuality: Heteroromantic Heteroflexible

Social Status: East

History: His parents met in the U.S. His father, Chaojian, was there on a business trip and had gone out one night with a coworker/friend to a burlesque show. His mother, Eileen, had actually been one of the performers there. His father ended up making it backstage after the show and things progressed from there. After maintaining a fair long distance relationship and being prompted continuously by his father, his mother moved to Taiwan where they later married.

Brice has had a rather clean, simple background compared to most; not too much hardship. Born in Sanxia, New Taipei City, he had since spent all his growing life in Taiwan. His father was very strict on enforcing the culture on him and his mother didn't object. After all, they were living in a place where it would be important as possible for Brice to 'fit in'. Though, she is the reason he speaks English.

While 'fitting in' was ideal, he typically stood out. Due to his appearance, he was often treated as a foreigner by those who didn't know him until they learned he was fluent in Mandarin and Taiwanese, and mixed race. Being that 'hunxue-er' - as they are called there - is often idolized, this probably brought him more praise than prejudice, making him popular with girls and many others. However, while fully embracing his combination of ethnicities, he didn't always enjoy the 'awe' he got over something he didn't even control. In his book, he was just another Taiwanese guy, and not some spectacle to ogle and interact with for the sake of it. Don't get him wrong, though; he loves his home country and has often missed it.

When his father ended up agreeing to a business deal that would bring in more income, but required them to relocate, the family moved from Taiwan to the U.S. when Brice was 15.


BMW 5-series


James, male boa constrictor

Mother | Eileen Breckenridge
Father | Chaojian Tang

Clothing Style:
Casual dressy when out and about, and casual when the mood strikes or he's doing physical work, though he will definitely go 'all out' for formal events

Nothing too serious...
>>Highly competitive
>>Lacks tact [in most, but not all regards]
>>Can only read extreme emotions


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Stephany Anne Bayarsaikhan


Name: Stephany Anne Sarnai Bayarsaikhan

Age: 17

Eye Color: Brown

Hair Color: Chestnut brown

Height: 5'4" [~162 cm]

Weight: 122 lb [~55 kg]


Personality: Stephany Anne is quiet and tends to keep to herself, often journaling her thoughts as opposed to expressing them. She is friendly when approached, but also noticeably cautious and a tad reserved to those she doesn't know well. She's can be sassy with a spark of determination and has always had the will to stand up for herself, although she has a bad habit of assuming people are behaving differently toward her due to her condition and getting unnecessarily snippy. (She probably has an underlying paranoia of never getting fully accepted for herself or accepted for all the wrong reasons.) However, she may also get agitated on her own, occasionally frustrated with her own limitations. She realizes when this happens and if she snaps at others, she's usually quick to apologize. While cautiousness has protected her, it also leaves her a bit naive when she does open up and take chances. Although she tends to take part in one-person activities, she does like hanging out in small groups - about 3 other people at most so she can concentrate. In the meantime, it's not uncommon to find her reading alone or spending time at the park. She has quite the girly persona, but has some hobbies picked up from her father that are on the edgier side. If it wasn't clear already, she's a daddy's girl.

◊ Reading
◊ Nature
◊ Animals [llama are her favorite]
◊ Flowers [particularly, butter and eggs and chicories]
◊ Horse riding
◊ Archery

◊ Being treated 'special'
◊ Being underestimated
◊ Hot weather
◊ Judgmental/mean/rude people
◊ Most vegetables
◊ Being ignored

Sexuality: Panromantic Heterosexual

Social Status: West

History: Stephany Anne was born to Enebish Bayarsaikhan and Silvia Yannick, a Mongolian-Canadian man and a biracial English woman. Her parents discovered she was deaf as an infant and immediately began learning and teaching her sign language. As soon as she began trying to speak - essentially mumbling sounds that were supposed to be words - she was put in speech therapy and counseling. She attended through her elementary years, the visits decreasing as she made progress, at least for the physical aspects. After elementary school, she attended speech therapy sparingly for check-ups and such, but continued counseling as needed. Of course, bullying wasn't tolerated in school, so it never became a huge problem aside from uncouth remarks from children and occasionally being left out. There was only one incident where she was being continually mocked and teased and she ended up getting into a fight. High school has been better with the occasional murmur behind her back. Regardless of school life, her parents were always very supportive and encouraging, pushing her to be successful even if she had to accomplish things differently.

Although her parents are married, they've always had an off-on relationship. Stephany Anne lived in Canada with her father as a child until she was about 10. Meanwhile, her mother spent her time going back and forth, being home for a number of months, then going back to England and so on. She is a fluent signer, signing in English and Mongolian (and also being able to write it). She understands bits and pieces of Russian picked up from her father as well (although his knowledge is only conversational) and French from her mother.





Father | Enebish Bayarsaikhan
Mother | Silvia Yannick

Clothing Style:
Casual but stylish (she enjoys dressing up, but her dressy clothes are limited)

◊ Legally deaf (hears very little and really has to focus to hear details); only wears a hearing aid at school
◊ Speech impediment (it's almost like a lisp with a heavy accent - she's understandable, but may need to repeat herself sometimes)

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IMG_2717.GIF Name
Rayne Anagonos




Eye Color

Hair Color
Dark Brown



Personality IMG_7355.GIF She's guarded and can be a little intimidating. Promiscuous, aggressive, courageous and reckless, the girl lets people know she's not one to be messed with. That doesn't mean deep down maybe she has a sweet side especially when it comes to close friends, though I don't recommend pointing that out to her.

Her brothers
Her little sister

Her father
East Side


Social Status


The Anagonos family had never been financially stable, that was a fact. But maybe at one point they had been kinda happy. That was before Raynes mother, Annie got sick, bills piled up and her father turned to booze and drugs for comfort. Then even after Annie died Hank wasted away, becoming less and less of a father and more and more of an abuser as the years went by.
Rayne was 10 when her mother died and at first her oldest brother took over and worked to pay the bills, that work landed him in prison leaving a now 13 year old Rayne to take care of her younger brothers and sisters.
That brings us to now, Rayne works as a waitress but also deals with less legal things on the side. Selling drugs, scraping cars. You name it she probably has done it. She would do whatever to take care of her family which yes, means taking beats from her dad and his friends every once and awhile. That's the least of her problems with the bills piling always plus balancing school.


As a result of her fathers abuse and her needing to pay bills the girl does drink heavily and seems to suffer from depression though she wouldn't acknowledge it if you tried to tell her. She also has moderate ADD which since for the time being they can't afford medication she's more prone to anger and insomnia.

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