• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Realistic or Modern Kingsbrook Boarding School

Kawaii Ghost Demon

Sleep Deprived

Please fill out the entire skeleton.

[put full name here]




Dorm Number;;

Dorm Partner;;

Description Of Appearance;;








(include name/s and picture/s)


Extra Information;;


Again, please fill out the whole thing and delete what is in the parentheses and replace it with your character's information. Replace what is in the brackets also, with correct information of your character/s. Characters will be given a completely random dorm number, and most likely a random dorm partner. No "perfect characters. Everyone has flaws.

When/If I "like" your CS, you have been accepted.

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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/image.jpg.7a3f84445872b0728e33bea50bdd3e8d.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="65354" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/image.jpg.7a3f84445872b0728e33bea50bdd3e8d.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Age: 17


Sexuality: straight

Dorm Number:4

Dorm Partner:?

Description Of Appearance:

Atrio is about 6"5 and wights about 145 pounds. He has long black hair which is usually swept to the left side of his face. His eyes are a bright and icy blue. Hs not very muscular with long legs, arms, and body

Personality: atrio is one most would call an out cast because of his tendency to keep to him self and his habit of trying to stay away from other people. He's truly a sweet and carring boy but rarely any one sees this side of him any more



Being out side


The color white


Being in crowded spaces

People that find then selfes better than the rest






Atrio grew up in LA inthe nicer part of town with his mother and two sisters. He had always found him self getting into trouble through school and at home for almost any thing you can imagine. And it only got worse when his father started to harass his mother and older sisters making his grades in school drop because of the stress. So he found a way to relieve the stress of being bullied and not living up to his mothers expectations by citting. After his mother had found him cutting one day she immediately sent him here to see if they could help him


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/image.jpg.e9ccf789b4309105bc1a794013c27792.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="65359" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/image.jpg.e9ccf789b4309105bc1a794013c27792.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



Atrio is considered a delinquent for many reasons

Extra Information: Atrio was once a cutter and the scars are still obviously present on his left wrist so he wears a cuflet to hide the scars



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@Daniel reaver Atrio will be roomed in dorm #4 in the male dorms. His dorm partner will be chosen once more male characters have been created.

@HoneyPieGigi Adaline will be roomed in dorm #2 in the female dorms. Her dorm partner will be chosen once more female characters have been created.

Violet Monette

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Dorm Number: 2

Dorm Partner: Adaline

Appearance Description:

Violet stands at 5'10" and weighs about 120 lbs. She likes to keep her hair and make up looking as simple as possible. She gets her dark brown eyes from her mother, and her dark brown hair from her father. She is very fit and tries to keep her figure.


Violet is definitely a social butterfly, she is always interacting with people if she doesn't she goes insane. She is normally very protective of herself and of the people she cares about, she likes to help others even if she just has to sit there and listen.



Playing her violin


Watching movies

Listening to music


Being alone


Small spaces


Large bodies of water


Violet grew up in Brooklyn, because of this her parents tried to surround her with positive outlets. The never wanted her to go out and make friends or go out at all, all she had was her violin so she would play all the time. When she turned 13 she started dancing, she went to rehearsal everyday. One day her brother took her violin and then started picking on her, he almost broke her violin so she hit him as hard as she could and grabbed the sharpest thing she could find and cut his hand open, he had to get stitches. Instead of sending her to jail her parents sent her here.





Ehhhhhhhhhhh yeah she is

Extra: N/A
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Kara J. Mckenzie

Age: 16

Gender; Female

Sexuality; Heterosexual

Dorm Number; 1

Dorm Partner; Skyila Jayz Reptine

Description Of Appearance

Kara has mid-length, dirty blond hair which cascades down to her chest. With it she has a pale complexion and navy eyes which often stare in to the emptiness of daydreaming. She's tall for her age, at 5"11 and has a rather skinny figure. Often you will find her in mid laugh or deep conversation, for she is very optimistic and always looking for the best in everyone.


As stated previously, Kara is optimistic and always sees the glass as half full. She is determined to accomplish whatever challenges life throws at her and help everyone else along the way. However, this sometimes proves a difficulty, because although she is clever and can sense when she's unwanted, she doesn't like giving up on people.

Overall, she is a witty, sarcastic but compassionate individual, who will do anything for those that she loves.


+ art

+ rock music

+ coffee

+ loyalty

+ heart to hearts


+ dishonest people

+ discrimination (racists/homophobics/transphobics)

- attention seekers

- sea food

- hypocrites


She's autophobic,


Kara was brought up with two mums and at times this caused her harassment at her old school by ignorant people. However, bullies don't tend to stick upon one topic they pick out on all your flaws and soon enough she went through a dark phase. A year ago, Kara was diagnosed with clinical depression and started self harming. Yet her friends and parents stuck by her, it was never easy but they made it a whole lot easier. Nowadays, she's off her medication and tries to stay optimistic. Her parents sent her away to boarding school to get her away from the past but it still lingers. Nevertheless it isn't all dark and gloom because she uses her experience to help others in need and stand up for others. She accepts the past because it made her the girl you see before you today.


yes, but depending upon crime

Extra Information

She has 2 tattoos: on her hip and ankle.

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Skyila Jayz Reptine








Dorm Number;;


Dorm Partner;;

Kara J. Mckenzie

Description Of Appearance;;

Skyila stands at a height of 5'6'' with a weight of 106. She has rather pale skin along with wavy strawberry blonde hair. She has stormy blue eyes, in which she dislikes. The female often wears bracelets for she is a bracelet fanatic and she also often wears brightly colored clothing. She also has a lip piercing on her bottom lip.


Skylia appears to be the bratty type, which she is, but she is still rather friendly when it comes to friends. Skylia is majorly sarcastic and rude, and holds many grudges. She loves to fight, no matter the cost. Many people often describe her as manipulative and extremely violent. Skylia hates being told what to do, and will often do the complete opposite. She doesn't care for having friends, and most likely never will. Skylia is also extremely rebellious, if that was not already obvious. She loves to party, sneaking out, smoking, drinking, and pretty much anything she wants to do.


-Getting her way









-Not getting her way


-Being told what to do







Skylia's history isn't particularly harsh, but it isn't all nice either. Skylia was born in England, and was raised there pretty much her whole life. Her parents died in a car accident when she was almost 5 years old. She was forced to go into an adoption center, awaiting a good foster home. Skylia hated it there. The kids did everything they were told to do, and sometimes, if they didn't, they would be beat with a paddle. Skylia lived there until she was about 10 years old, which is when her aunt and uncle heard of her existence and decided they would take her in. Skylia had never liked her aunt and uncle, and became extremely rebellious when she moved in with them. This caused the couple to treat her harshly, as well as her cousins. Her 4 cousins would constantly pick on Skylia or blame her for things, and they always got the girl into trouble. Skylia lived with them until she was 16. On her sixteenth birthday, she was sent to America to live with her grandparents, which proved to be particularly nice for Skylia. Skylia remained rebellious, though, and was soon sent here to fix her ways.



(Husky-Pomeranian Mix)



Very Much So

Extra Information;;


@Tsiwentiio Violet is roomed with Adaline in room two in the female dorms.

@Jadea Smyth Kara is roomed with Skylia in room one in the female dorms.

Weronica Parker

Age; 17

Gender; Female

Sexuality; Homosexual

Dorm Number; 4

Dorm Partner; Winnifred

Appearance Description;

Weronica stands at about 5"2. She's a little madam with platinum blonde hair which comes down a little past her shoulders which she likes to keep extremely healthy +it blends in with her skin tone. She's got an average body, she's always got her eyebrows and her nails done and you'd usually see her wearing grungy type clothes.


Weronica is one of the nicest girls you'll ever meet. She's a goody-two-shoes and is one of the most caring, loving girls. She's active and loves the look of nature, so sometimes she'd be sitting on an old stump in the woods and just enjoy the wild-life around her. Weronica does in fact have a feisty side to her. She can turn into a insane bitch if you push her buttons. She has a lot of spunk and she enjoys changing her attitude. She'll never give up on anything, that includes her friends and family. She tends to use words straight from the dictionary. For example, for 'rebel' she'll most likely use the word 'insurrectionist'.


Photography, skateboarding, makeup, hygiene, banter, laughter, flirting, smoking, drinking, having fun, movies, series, and video games.


Bullying, snobs, liars, disrespect, and homophobes.


Dying, spiders, and rejection.

Delinquent?; Ya

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Winnifred "Wynne" Pearson II

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Homosexual

Dorm Number: 4

Dorm Partner: Weronica

Description Of Appearance: Wynne is 5'5" and about 115 lbs. She has a boyish build, which she is slightly self-conscious about, and long, coltish legs. Her hair is short, wavy, and auburn, and she has hazel eyes. Her lips are thin and she always smells like smoke.


Likes: Long books, rain, dark chocolate, coffee with plenty of milk and sugar, girls.

Dislikes: People who don't try, cold rooms, attention whores, bad sex.

Fears: Dying alone, heights.

History: Not everyone who goes to Kingsbrook is troubled. Some just end up there. Wynne is one of the latter group. Born to an old-world, wealthy family, Wynne was always found with her nose buried in a book. This was pretty convenient for her parents, since they now wouldn't have to worry about finding a nanny or babysitter. Wynne learned more from her parents' library at their estate than she did in primary school, and by the time the precocious teen enrolled at Kingsbrook, she had picked up German, Greek Mythology, and a smoking habit,

Pets: A homing pigeon named Gregor.

Delinquent? She has her quirks, but no.

Extra Information: Pretends to hate being compared to a Wes Anderson protagonist, but secretly revels in it.​
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@wedredding Winnifred will be put in room 4 in the girl dorms and she will be roomed with Weronica.

I will create the first roleplay post in a moment. I didn't do it this weekend because I didn't have a computer available.


Connor Scott Vaile







(Seems to lean more towards males ; Still interested in females)

Dorm Number;;


Dorm Partner;;


Description Of Appearance;;

Despite Connor's age, he stands at a height of about 5'6'' with a weight of about 120. He has rather pale skin with silver-white colored hair. He often wears white colored eye contacts, though his original eye color is a bright blue.


Connor is rather considerate, yet very shy. He gets picked on mainly for his short size, but that's about it. Connor seems to normally be gentle, sweet and respectful... until you piss him off or say something even slightly wrong. He very rarely picks fights or gets bad grades, but will do whatever is needed to get his way. Say one bad thing to him, and you get a double wammy and a broken nose. Despite his short height and innocent looks, Connor can be very, very violent. It could be easily said that blood is one of his favorite things from another person.














-Not getting his way


-Being alone




Connor's history isn't very well known. The small amount of history that is known about him is...

Connor's parents were killed in a, shall we say, "accidental" house fire when Connor was 7. Rumors were spread that he set the fire himself, but no one dared to punish a child. Plus, he looked so innocent. Who could have even thought such a terrible thing? The case remains unsolved, and was turned into a cold case when he was put into foster care, making it rather hard for the police to contact him as he went from family to family. Connor was moved to different homes and different families quite often due to his violent acts. He would often throw tantrums and destroy things in fits of rage. It was very difficult to raise him, and he was suspended from many schools for many different reasons. Some reasons were as terrible to be for trying to burn the school down. Connor was put into juvenile prison when he was 14, and was released three months later with hopes that he changed. He had not. In fact, Connor became worse. He began to smoke, steal, and sell drugs. No one in his town thought of him as innocent little CC anymore... Which was exactly what he wanted. Connor basked in their fear, even going so far as to join a well-known gang, and almost instantly become the leader. By a fight to death, of course. Connor was getting worse by day, and was sent to a military boot-camp, and returned when he was 15. His violence changed, but very little. He was respectful, but everything they tried just seemed to make his violence worse. So they sent him to a different foster home. The family, four months later on his 16th birthday, died in a house fire, deemed to have been started by a gas leakage and was purely "accidental." Connor was the only one who survived as well as a young baby, whom he held in his arms when he escaped. Connor was then sent to another foster home, in which he slowly recovered, until his 17th birthday. Connor punched his foster father in the face for interrupting him while he played video games. Connor was then sent here in hopes of recovering.






Extra Information;;

Connor has major ADHD, and slight schizophrenia. He does not take medication for either.


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Carmen Tanya Skyler Vehemente

Age: 16 years old

Appearance: She usually has her crimson hair in a neat side braid or a neat high ponytail and she is wearing a black leather jacket with a white top and simple back jeans with golden zippers on the side and her feet wear black converse hi top unless she has to wear uniform

Personality: She is shy, witty and sarcastic but cares for those who are her friends and her loved ones. She is a straight A student and works hard for her marks and to pay for her study work at the academy she runs the famous Vehemente Co. to support her needs and wants


~ Her dog, Teddy

~ Grades

~ Her golden MacBook

~ Books





Dorm Number;;

Dorm number 6

Dorm Partner;;


~ Bullies

~ Her past

~ Haters

~ Bad grades

~ Rudeness


~ Spiders

~ Her past

~ Failing at life

History;; When Carmen was five her parents were brutally murder in front of her by her trusted godparent back in her home town in Spain. At the age of six she moved to America to stay with her Aunt Mary and Uncle Alexander. When she was 13 she started Vehemente Co. and continued to grow the company ever since


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/f33c164d5f2222759029693e79cf2bbb.jpg.36fd8eec1c4c7aa7a64002c7661c38b1.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="67086" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/f33c164d5f2222759029693e79cf2bbb.jpg.36fd8eec1c4c7aa7a64002c7661c38b1.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Teddy is a Long haired Dachshund

Delinquent?;; Absolutely not!

Extra Information;; Not at all

@Kawaii Ghost Demon what dorm number and partner am I?



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@Carmen Vehemente Dorm number 6 in the female dorms. Partner will be chosen once available.

Also. No more female characters for a bit until there is a bit more of male characters.

[put full name here]

Demitri PenaVega







Dorm Number;;


Dorm Partner;;

Connor Vaile

Description Of Appearance;;

Demitri is 5'10, buff wears nice looking clothes. has some scars on his arm


He is very quiet unless he knows then then he is a very sweet, sarcastic, and decently funny guy, he somtimes has flashbacks to a very bad time in his life which make his friends scared he will go back into depression


boys,dark places,friends,food,mischief


being yelled at, musky cologne,


that his past will catch up to him


very secretive





Sortof has a habit of getting in trouble but is just mischievous

Extra Information;;
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