Kingdom of Rhianthriel

The Suspicious Eye

Your Darling Devil
The Blessed Kingdom of Rhianthriel


The Kingdom of Rhianthriel
Rhianthriel is a long stretch of land from the coast to a small section of the mountainous areas. They are mainly a crossbreed between the Native people with special abilities and the immigrants who took over. The kingdom only wants to profit and stay in a happy balance, the kingdom does not like to interfere in politics of other kingdoms. They stand for the ideals of fairness and peace, with every member of the kingdom having similar skills and abilities it is hard to control. So the kingdom is somewhat teetering on a delicate peace and strong loyalty.


Nation’s full name
: The Blessed Kingdom of Rhianthriel

Nation’s acronym or shortening: Rhianthriel

Governmental Structure: Diarchy

Population: 19.9 million

Exports: Gold, silver, herbs, and textiles.


The land is ruled by two siblings. One to control the people and the other to work on foreign relations, aka war. One sibling is born infertile while the other has twins, it has been a genetic trait of the royal family. The siblings are then trained to be both types of rulers and decide amongst themselves which wants to be which. There is also a council of seven which also helps regulate policy and helps represent various areas of the land.

The Empress and King are not allowed to communicate with the council of Rhianthriel outside of meetings, for fear of bribery or corruption. There are many restrictions on the royal siblings to assure fairness and freedom of voice. At times this can be quite suffocating, however, there are loopholes to many structures, for example the assistants.

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    King Yatol Rhianthriel

    Name: His Royal Hiness King Yatol Valdua Erion Rhianthriel

    Info: Twin brother of Aaru, Yatol is cunning, intelligent, tactical, and loyal. He loves his country and his people and will do anything for their survival. He regulates the military and the kingdom's law enforcement, making sure it is just and uncorrupted. Although by his appearance he may seem scary, he is actually a very kind and easily flustered individual.
Assistants are those who simply help their Member with their needs. Gathering material, cleaning, organization simple things.

Note: The kingdom is very neutral and rather peaceful so their army isn't much more than those of skill wanting to teach others and help the kingdom. However, at times of war, be sure that every able-bodied man and woman will work to protect their country.


Info: The military is a large part of Rhianthriel, more than half of the people living in the kingdom are part of the military. However, the military is set up into four groups instead of three, 5% of the military is centered in the Navy, 5% is on reserve, 3% is party of the general garrison and 2% is part of the public police. These "police" are more like officers of they law, they are those who arrest and place lawbreakers to jail. The officers of the law or the Yakuinoko is controlled and regulated by the Empress of the land not the military of the King. This system is to assure that there is not too much power in the hands of the military.

The Yakuniko

These are a collective group of skilled, law-abiding swords and ability users who wanted to regulate laws in the city. No one is conscripted to join or stay, it is purely voluntary. However, it holds nearly a million soldiers, who have yet to retire. Although the police against a whole kingdom and wide land is hard at times, the Yakuniko are great soldiers who never give up in helping protect the citizens of the kingdom. The Yakuinoko hold their position in high regard and do their best to uphold the laws of their Empress and ideals of their King.

Military Info


~ They have the most mastered bladesmen and women in the realm. Their skill with even the most menial blade is amazing.

~ They have they have enhanced abilities especially their sense of hearing and balance.

They use this ability as a radar to locate others, manuver easily across harsh terrain and to dodge/deflect arrows at any speed easily. With this ability they developed a enhanced for of Telephone (the game) giving information through a number of people to the leaders in a matter of seconds.

Total military population: 15%

Percentage relevant to population (Active and police): 5%

Reserve population: 5%

Navy population: 5%



There are a few distinct creatures who live in Rhianthriel, some are dangerous while others are peaceful.




Large and tall stone structures made of various types of stones and small amounts of wood. Most building are tiled with urged layers of stone attached with various natural sap. The structure of the buildings for the central, beachside, and nature side cities is similar to temples, as shown on the right. However the Naives live in smaller stone buildings and have certain natural formations and pieces of drift wood used in their houses.


Class Structure:

There are two classes within Rhianthriel: royalty and citizens. Although there are delegates they are chosen by the royals from a pool of volunteers and thus are still citizens. Royals unlike delegates are not paid for their services. However, they do live in a large castle and hold much wealth as a kingdom.


The central religion is a Monotheism religon. They belive in one deity who had blessed their land with bountiful nature and watches over them. The deity, is call Rhian. This deity in history has taken in many forms. It is foretold that the royal family are decendents of Rhian.



Hundreds and hundreds of years ago when humans were just becoming known in this world. Once there was a sliver of light, a silver lining that fell from the heavens to earth. As it fell, thw sliver lining turned into a silky creature, one with long black fur, like the midnight sky with tiny strands of light around her. The creature no face only a painted mask. She had no powers known, had no mission, and nothing to prove. Just a simple creature who roamed the strange new land she found herself in.


The creature grew and learned over time what this place was. She watched the people of this land and adopted some of their customs. She gave herself a name by piecing words from various languages together. She decided on the name Rhian and continued traveling. She traveled along, using the land she slowly began to understand. She took only what she needed from the other races. Small things, clothes and scraps of cloth, always leaving something in return of equal value.

She continued to wander finding new locations and creatures around the globe. However, she grew tired of wandering and sick of not having a goal in sight. She wanted to find happiness like every other creature she came across.


From listening to the humans folklore she heard of a mysterious creature, that lived in a dangerous forbidden part of the land, who could grant wishes. It was told to hack milky white furniture with hints of gold trailing behind it. The creature would have large antlers so wide that they held the moon, each one having wishes and charms dangling from them. She decided that she would venture into the forbidden land and go find this mysterious creature.

She traveled the forbidden land for three years in hopes of find the mysterious creature. Then on one starry night she finally found him, the mysterious creature. The creature claimed no name, but was said to be known as Thirel. Rhian went up to the creature and offered him her most prized possession, a seed of a water tree plant, in exchange for her wish. Thirel looked at her calmly and spoke, "tell me Rhian. What is it the you wish for?"


Rhian responded, "I have traveled this world for many years and have seen every creature, big and small serve a purpose in this world and find happiness. I wish more than anything else in the world to find my happiness as well."

Thirel paused for a moment and nodded "very well I shall grant your wish." The creature took the seed, placed it in her stomach and kissed her forehead. Ad he did the creature vanished from sight. After nearly a year Rhian gave birth to one three tailed child who then splot into three children. Her heart was overjoyed and she felt true happiness.


She spent her time in the forbidden land with her three daughters. She taught them what she had learned about this strange new world and the people whom she had met. The children listened to her tales each wanting to experience the world as well. She deceived vast mountains and wide seas. Rivers full of fish and aquatic life, amazingly green fields and the small creatures who lived in them. She even told her children of the dangers she faced, the beasts she faced and the beasts others faced. The children were amazed, they all wanted to travel the last piece of uncharted land that they called home.


When her children were old enough Rhian began to travel with them. At first they started at a small central tree where they lived, and gradually traveled further. They began to camp out in the woods, Rhian taught her daughters how to gather and fight along with cooking and cleaning. She showed them the edible vs inedible plants of the forest and how to take down even the most dangerous foes with ease

She continued to lead them even further into the forbidden lands. She made a map of where they went and what they had found. This map was the first map of Rhianthriel and is cosidered a sacred relic.


She traveled with her children discovering new unknown areas. She found many sacred and dangerous areas, some they could enter, some they left alone. They charted and learned of their new home. The children played happily loving the chance to be adventurers. Rhian decided this was the realm they would claim for their own. She began to mark her tertiary with mist which is her aura. Tiny flames would spear and dissapears over the border.

Today seeing one of these blue flames is a sign of good fortune on a journey out of the country. It is a considered a blessing from Rhian, a reminder that she is still there watching over you.


Nearing the ends of their journey Rhian taught her daughters the most important lesson. Stay far from humans. She told them of their great courage, but also their fear of the unknown or different. She taught them how to hide and block their view and scent from others. She taught them how to use various herbs to cause the humans to hallucinate and loose their short term memory.

Although many of these recipes have been lost, many Lyn still use these medicinal recipes. They are experts at creating smoke bombs and other weaponized herbal plats. However they try to solely use the apothecary skills for healing and physical improvement.


After years of traveling Rhian and her children headed back to their home in the tree. However, as they returned Rhian's mind slowly began to fade. She began to be startle more easily, sleep less and stare off with a blank expression. She had mood swings, she would be happy for a moment and the furious the next. She began to move very slowly and began to see hallucinations.

She would she her three beautiful daughters as hounds from hell, with skulls for heads and flames foe bodies. Some days she would run in terror away from her children. The girls still young did not understand why she would run and chased her playfully. They would fun for hours until Rhian snapped out of it.

To this day, many of the royal family has a high chance of developing schizophrenia in their later years. This is the reason that there are two rules along with a council, to keep those who are able minded in control.


As time passed the hauntings grew stronger and her illness more apparent. She began to see the hell hounds everywhere, not just in her children. Rhian realized that she was no longer fit to raise her children she decided to leave. She wrote her daughters each a letter, telling them why she was leaving and how sorry she was.

She left by first winter, leaving her children to fend for themselves. The daughters didn't understand at first, how they could survive. However over a few years they persevered and started the Lyn people.


Rhian was slowly returning to her natural state, the sliver lining she came from. As timw passed her by she went to see how her children were doing. She saw her first daughter taking her children out of her house for a evening stroll. She could her more of her family laughing from inside the house.

As they grew closer, Rhian could see that her daughter had developed a human face. Her daughters husband called for her and her children to come back inside and they follow suit. It is foretold that Rhian's first daughter Koharu had nearly 70 children before her passing. She is considered the largest birth mother of the Lyn people and the designated diety of earth and fertility


Rhian went to her second daughter, Arima, who had become a priestess of the land. She had many children, but abstained herself to become more spiritually aware. She became extremely sensitive to the world around her and became hyper aware. Some say she could see the past, control the wind and even change fate. Although none of these claims have been historically proven, she is considered there deity of the sky, afterlife and heavens.

There is a small group of people who devoted themselves to the study of her and her true abilities.


Rhian went to her third daughter who had changed much over the years. Chang'e developed pure white fur and stretched ears, it was seen as a browning anomaly. She took up many children and was considered the matron of peace. She became a great political leader showing great wisdom. She spent most of her time living near the lakes. Over time she was considered the deity of the sea.

There a stone statues of Chang'e that are considered to be a good luck charm for sea travelers. It is said that she can be seen in the mystical lake that she once lived near, deep within in the forest.


After discovering how her children have grown so without her. Rhian decided with the last of her life and sanity that she would go find Thriel. She wanted to thank Thriel for fulfilling her wish before she lost all parts of herself. She always felt a connection to the creature as if they were one in the same.

As Rhian traveled down through the new area she called home, Rhian began to change. Her body grew smaller and she began to grow more tails, each for the decade she had lived. All she had for company were her small flames that followed her.


Thriel found the flames and followed them curiously, his body changing as well. He grew small bright whips of light flowing around him and his face became more mask like. He felt a strange pull towards something. It was as if there was a string of fate tying him to something.

He followed the path with the ideals.



History and Relations

Rhianthriel was a land of the Lyn for over 3000 years. The Lyn people, wereally small shy and territorial in nature. They sat on a vast among of land and underneath that millions of silver and gold mines. For years the the Lyn people Cole cred the silver and gold from the ground and tossed it aside only caring about stones and plants.

As humanity grew along side them the Lyn people became more territorial. They knew of their clear borders, and followed their mother Rhian's teachings. Steer clear form humans. For years they stayed separate from others who would possibly harm them. The Lyn people protected their land, but were not very strong or skilled in killing.

@Sh3w0lfSp1r1t The kingdom of Fenrir suddenly came into the land to hunt. In amidst the Lyn people became what was hunted.

@Macbeth The Kingdom of Kyrios'daen expelled a set of royals, them and a large influx of followers left their home and moved east. They arrived in Rhianthriel and decided to assist the Lyn people who were on the verge of extinction.



White: Kyrios'daen @Macbeth

Black: Athyrian Republic @Jabroni

Blue: Sylvara @Shadowborn Omen

Green: Noiia @NeoLeaf

Gray: Corvago @LeviathanL

Red: Arachnid Republic @Archie

Yellow: Illaria @Atom


Dark Blue: Fenrir: @Sh3w0lfSp1r1t


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    The Gon, Jin, Lyn or Kun people

    *Note not all Pros and Cons apply to every person.



I saw it on your pictures and I looked it up, it looks like an awesome game. I've been trying to find the download info and what not! I wanna give it a try!
PopcornandCaramel said:
I saw it on your pictures and I looked it up, it looks like an awesome game. I've been trying to find the download info and what not! I wanna give it a try!
Try youtube to get on the English server. The game is in Chinese ans Korean, but there is a way.
[QUOTE="Kiyoko Tomoe]Suki, share some of this creativity of yours with me so I can actually make a good character? xD

You're creative too Kiyoko.

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