Kingdom of Nekos

"Yeah i thought so thank you ,you know for erm looking out for me i guess" Rin said as he arose from his bed rubbing his eyes.
"I said before we have to stick together" she handed him a bowl and sat down "no one deserves to go back onto the slave market, besides you'll never see the light of day again if you go back there, no one wants a returned slave"
"Especially if the royal family returned it" Rin said with a smile on is face taking the bowl and he began to eat.
"Exactly. If the king and queen don't want you, no one is going to want you" lily sighed and tried to eat quickly as she usually did in the morning so she wouldn't be late. When she was done she got up and grabbed her apron "good luck today" she gave him a smile and left to give the prince his breakfast "
"wait hang on" Rin quickly finished up his food and ran to catch up with Lily "we may as well go together since we are both heading to the kitchen" Rin said with a smile on his face.
Lily looked at him and nodded a little "oh yea, I guess I'm just so used to rushing out" she shrugged and walked into the side door of the kitchen giving a good morning to the chefs there and looked at rin "do you think you can get the food tray now? It's a little heavier than tea"
"Yeah i can do it i was nervous last time i have calmed down since i have been here" Rin smiled and looked at her before he greeted the chefs with good morning.

((I am going to call it night here good night i should hopefully be up in two hours))
Lily nodded "good, and if you do spill it won't be that big of a deal, she isn't a sticker in time"'she walked over to the counter and grabbed the prince's breakfast tray

(Night night)
"well that's a relief but i would still rather not drop it" Rin said as he headed over to the counter to grab the princess breakfast tray.
"Alright then" lily smirked and back out of the door into the hallway with him. "I think I heard the king say a prince was coming to the castle tomorrow. Just so you know"
Rin shivers a little almost causing him to drop the tray before he stopped it from falling "A prince o yeah you did say she was of age to be courted so i guess that's what it will be about." Rin said nervously but letting off a smile while he walked with Lily.
Lily glanced at him noticing the little stumble he had "are you ok? Do you want me to get a cart?" She asked tilting her head a bit.
"No ill be fine just over think things that's all" Rin said as he let out a little laugh about what he was thinking.
Lily looked back at where she was going "alright, but I wouldn't worry. I'm sure whoever it is will be more concerned with the princess." She nodded and stopped in front of a door "well this is my stop. Good luck"
"See you later Lily" Rin smiled as he continued to walk to the princesses room. When he got their he open the door "Good morning Milady" Rin said as he attempted to wake up the princess.
Katrina laid peacefully in her bed still sleeping soundly. When he walked in she simply turned on her side her blanket under her arms and her tail hanging off one of the sides
Rin noticed she still did not wake and he looked at her tail again fascinated by it again before he quickly looked away don't want another repeat of yesterday he thought to himself. He remembered Lily telling him that her senses are higher than most so he took the cover off the food and moved it in front of her nose to see if that would wake her up.
Katrina stirred lightly and her eyes slowly fluttered open looking around at her surroundings and jumping a little bit when she saw the figure in front of her. She sat up and scrambled to cover herself with her blanket even though she was in a night gown. When she realized who it was she relaxed a bit "oh... It's you" she nodded and put her arms down relaxing her ears "I guess I'm going to have to get used to coming in here aren't i?"
"It seems that way Milady I hope i won't be too much of a annoyance too you" Rin said as he headed towards her bath room and started the princesses bath before he began to look for the rose and cinnamon extract.
Katrina frowned a bit and shook her head "no no, you're not annoying, I'm just not used to having a human, as you are not used to haveing a master I'm sure" she didn't want to use the term slave being afraid it might hurt his feelings. She had a bit of her breakfast before getting up and walking into the bathroom opening a cupboard to the side and pulling out the cinnamon and rose "here, I usually like these in my bath" she nodded
"Ah so that's where they were i knew you liked them in your bath but i didn't know where they were Milady" Rin said as he gently took the rose and cinnamon the princess he smiled a little at her calling him not annoying and not calling him a slave but a human.
"I usually like to hide them, cinnamon is very expensive anyone could just take it" she nodded and walked back out her room pulling a shade close to the door of the bathroom and the dress she planned to wear for the day beside it so he didn't have to see her in a towel after the bath.
"That makes sense Milady" Rin said as he headed towards the princesses bedroom door and he just stood there not sure what else to do.
"I will only be a moment" Katrina nodded and disappeared into the bathroom undressing and slowly sinking into the Bath. From the bathroom she called out "since you apparently know so much about me, please tell me about yourself"

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