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Fandom Kingdom Hearts - Dawn & Dusk

Senna grinned as she saw Zero with the Garnet "We win!" She cheered with childish Glee. She giggled before seeing the flame master shooting his fire balls at Zero. She frowned "Hey!" She swung her spear sending small sonic wave to deflect the fire balls. "Don't be such a sore Loser!" She scolded before taking in a deep breath and released another sonic scream towards the keybladers aiming do disorient them so the forsaken could retreat.


Aura managed to get her head to stop spinning in time to see Zero already with Bell in hand.
"Not again." She muttered panting softly. There was no way she could rescue Bell not without the risk of her falling into the abyss. Then Zero had the Garnet. Aura tried to think of a way to save salvage summoning what magic she had left to send one last attack before until Kazan sent his fireballs which were met with a sonic wave. She saw the Forsaken again and growled going to redirect her attack until the girl let out a horrid scream crippling the werewolf due to her sensitive ears.
Dawn frowned. The girls scream only made her angry. She wanted to fight the Foresaken that were leaving. She wanted to get the jewel back. She wanted to help in this mission but felt like she was just making it worse.
Once again was Roku'Jal thrown aside, tossed end over end by the Prince. His rage mounted as he righted himself, staggering back up to a standing position. His ears fell back against his head as his eyes narrowed. The Hyena's hair began to stand on end, an aura of the purest red sparking out in tendrils about his form. Just before he began a third charge, he heard Zero bark his orders.

Every muscle, ever fiber screamed at Roku'Jal to charge forward, to tear Prince Adam limb from limb and devour his heart. And yet the Forsaken were, in the end, a pack. Roku'Jal forced himself to calm, straightening his back and puffing out his muscular chest as a corridor manifested behind him. "Someday soon, keyblade children." The hyena chuckled as he began to slowly creep backwards into the corridor. "Soon shall Roku'Jal taste all your precious hearts...."
"In your dreams maybe!" Dawn yelled. She wasn't going down easy. She shivered slightly. Zero could have at least thawed her out before she froze to death. But she knew he wouldn't do that.
Watching his keyblade fly from his hands, turning back to Zero, he felt nothing but disdain for him now. Reaching out, the weapon flew back into his hand, and he glared at Zero.

"Is that all you ever see me as, Zero!? I came to your aid when you broke int the academy. I opted to continuously try to find a way for our kind, yes OUR kind, to survive without continuous killing! I tore through half the castle to at least try to be helpful! And this is always the constant thanks I get."

He took a step backwards towards the cliff.

"If you're so sure that I never was needed, fine. Maybe you'll do better without me. Ask yourself this though. With all your power and convictions, how long will you last without a friend to guard your back?"

Jumping off, he opened his own Corridor and disappeared into the darkness. Closing it behind him before anyone could follow.
Kazan's fireball was blown away by the sound attack as he covered his ears from the sharp pain as the attack faded. Thankfully having been spread out over such a wide area, made it less dangerous, but it still stopped his only attack. He clenched his fist, but sighed being thankful that at least the Beast had caught Belle.

Zero rolled his eyes. Rhanox claimed to be watching his back, yet he was the only Forsaken not doing so. All the other Forsaken had played their part, Aequitas and Speculum guarded him while he interrogated Belle, even the feral Roku had kept the Beast occupied. Senna even helped to keep some Keyblade Master's busy and helped with their escape. Everyone played their part and worked together, except Rhanox. As usual he went off on his own, ignoring the rest of them completely. Zero did not care for his little temper tantrum, he did it all the time. Whether because of his whining or just because he refused to work with them, he always went off on his own, hence why he was so out of the loop.

He started to head through his own corridor when he looked back at the castle as it was almost about to tip over, leaning at 80 degrees, teetering on the edge. He smirked to himself as he snapped his fingers, his crystal shattering and turning to dust as the castle suddenly fell the other side and with a huge crash collapsed back into it's normal standing position, no longer in danger of falling. As crystal began forming along the base's cracks, sealing the castle in place. He then turned and walked into the corridor as it faded, back to the Ruins with the Rose Garnet in his hands and a smirk on his face.

The Beast slowly stood up after catching Belle, who smiled at him and stroked his face. He smiled back at her as his face began to lighten and transform as he slowly started morphing back to his human form, the darkness and curse like form fading from the castle with the last of the Heartless being destroyed. The castle returned to normal as the Beast became Prince Adam and embraced Belle in a hug, glad she was safe.
Aura nearly fell over from her knelt position when the castle was put back in its rightful position. Her ears were still ringing but she doubted that would subside any time soon. She allowed her vision to refocus on the field looked around seeing all of the forsaken and heartless gone now leaving behind the ruins of a once beautiful courtyard. The forsaken had won, taking the Garnet for themselves instead. The wolf punched the ground weakly not really having much strength left in her. She looked over towards Bell and the prince letting out a heavy sigh. The only consolation in their failure was that for the most part everyone made it out alive.


Senna let out a gleeful giggle as she bounced into the ruins "We did it! One down eight more to go." she grinned to Zero. "Its pretty..." she noted. "I thought we were going to destroy it though, how come you brought it back?"
Dawn's ears rang as she slowly uncovered them. She wondered if they should be heading back to the academy. But they failed in their mission. After a few minutes she spoke. "What are we going to do now?" She asked.

~Location: Beast's Castle~

Kazan sighed as Zero left, gripping his Keyblade tightly, his hands wrapping around the cloth of the handle. Part of him was surprised Zero had stopped the castles fall and fixed it, maybe he wasn't completely engulfed in darkness. But still look at all the chaos they had caused. He saw Prince Adam and Belle embracing one another and sighed, at least it had worked out. But next time.... this was only going to get worse. There were still 8 other jewels and who knows what was going to erupt from them. The battles and fights over the jewels could get much more hectic and erupt into full out wars.

"We should head back to the Academy, I'm going to send a request to speak to Disney Castle. We need to do something about the jewels. This could get so much worse.... We also need to watch the Notice Boards, we have no idea when they could go for the next jewel." He didn't like leaving the castle with all the injured guards, but they could now handle themselves as injured guards were carried to have their wounds tended. No mortalities yet, but what happens when there is one.

"Firstly, is everyone ok?" He looked around for any serious injuries. He then looked to Aria, knowing she has just seen her old friend.

"Are you ok?" Not asking about her physically.

~Location: Ruins of Mimir~

Zero smirked at Senna.

"Because I want everyone to see it." He said as he held the jewel up for everyone's sight.

'This is what they want to use to cage us, suppress us... This what they believe they can control us, they are wrong." The jewel began to slowly freeze and turn purple in Zero's hand as it then slowly crumbled to dust.

"This is not the end. We will destroy every royal jewel, not because each can block us from a world... but to show them! To show them, they do not control us and they do not make the rules! We will will be free and we will go where we please, we will not be contained."

He looked to the black endless river.

"Now, we choose the next kingdom. Tomorrow at first light, we go for the next jewel."

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Xandis looked out at the setting with hardened eyes. They had failed. He had failed. And now, all they could do was fall back and regroup. The Forsaken were formidable. That was without a doubt, due to what he witnessed that day. From what he understood, the Jewel had been taken, the enemies gone with what they came for. But there were many more Princesses. The fight was over, but the war was far from.

"Tch, like we are done." he said through gritted teeth as he through his keyblade in the air. "Let's go!" he yelled out as he ran up a wall and flipped onto his keyblade glider. He was gonna go back to the castle and train harder, become better. And they would find a way to stop the Forsaken.

The fate of the worlds depended on them. And he was not about to let anyone down.
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PyroWarriorZ updated Kingdom Hearts - Dawn and Dusk with a new update entry:

Custom World Pictures

Ok my warriors of Light and Dark. We have just finished the siege on Beast's Castle and soon will be moving onto the second Royal Jewel. Who knows what trials await us there, it may be far more exciting then the Rose garnet.
Two pieces of update info for you guys:

  • Firstly I made a small update in the rules. Based from the KH universe, magic is done through the Keyblade. Hence you cast magic from the blade and without the blade you cannot do any magic, except may for some very very...
Read the rest of this update entry...
Dawn threw her Keyblade into the air and it transformed into a glider she got on and followed the others back to the Academy. She didn't think they were successful. But they had saved Belle. That was a good thing.
Aria @ Beast's Castle

The fight, having reached its climax, burst out into a flurry of sound, sparks, and chaos. In the side was Aria. It was like her three years ago in the Forgotten World, as soon as she saw F-IP. She couldn't move. Her limbs were bound to the floor. Her heart was setting her back. Her disbelief overpowered her.

She couldn't even get up when they left. Aria was still stunned. It was only when she felt the gaze of Kazan on her that she snapped out of limbo and came to reality. Aria looked up, eyes resting on Kazan's. She lowered her headphones onto her neck.

"Fuck, man... I had a feeling she would be a forsaken..." she muttered.

"I just didn't want her to be. She was really passionate for them. I don't wanna kill 'em off. I want to find another way."

Aria looked towards her keyblade, Eden she'd call it. If it were able to free the hearts of Forsaken from the darkness and not kill them in the process... No, it didn't have that power. She'd have to seach for it.

"I'd love to continue defending the stones of each world but, I'm going to find answers. And a solution."
~Beast's Castle~

Kazan looked at Aria, well it was obvious Allison would become a Heartless because she was attacked by them, but becoming a Forsaken was just a one in a million chance, although with their luck it made sense.

"We all are, but fair enough. We need to look long term as well, find a way to stop this before it escalates into Worlds War. I am going to head back to the academy, ask for a request to speak to Disney Castle. We need to stop these jewels from causing more havoc."

He transformed his Keyblade into a Glider a took off. As they flew through the Lanes In Between,hHe looked at thew new boy Xandis who had jumped in, not even knowing his name. But he could tell he was just an apprentice. He didn't expect his mission notice to attract so many people, to be honest he was hoping no one would come.

Instead he all got those apprentices, maybe Master Ofen was right when he told him not to allow apprentices, especially after how intense that battle had gotten and seen just how powerful the Forsaken could be, it was truly dangerous.

He looked to Xandis, Aura and Dawn, the apprentices and sighed. He spoke to Xandis first.

"Thank you for joining our battle, you helped us out at the end but it was a little too late." He looked to all three and spoke to the whole group.

"Listen guys, thanks for helping me out. But you don't have to stay, you are free to stay back at the Academy and continue with your studies or find more normal missions. The fact is, this is dangerous. The Forsaken are far more dangerous and more powerful than we thought, the battle at Beast's Castle didn't only show us their strength, but also the lengths they were willing to go." He gripped on the controls of Dragon Heart as they flew through the darkness.

"You don't have to follow me. The battle for the jewels is only going to get worse, it's probably best you guys stay behind."

~Ruins of Mimir~

Zero looked back to his Forsaken brethren.

"No suggestions this time, no matter. I believe I know where we should go next. Now that we have attacked so openly, it will be only a matter of time before all the other worlds hear of our plans to destroy the jewels. We have but a small window of period before they are all informed and begin preparations to defend against us and stop us. This window allows only one more world to sneak up on.

We chose Beast's Castle as our starting point because of it's ease, the next we shall choose because it may be the most difficult. There is a world that contains a genie, a very powerful entity. Agrabah, I have heard rumors it is defended by one, as powerful as any other. This could make it the most well-defended world and most difficult to attain it's royal jewel. That is why we must strike now, before they know we are coming. We must use the element of surprise, before this genie can prepare for us or who knows what he could do. We could lose our chance at this jewel completely. So we go for Agrabah tomorrow, but regardless we will need someway to distract the genie. He will not know are coming yet, so we will need something to distract him so we can find the jewel and destroy it.

What do you think, Senna, Speculum, Aequitas, Roku, anyone else?"
He looked back to the Forsaken as he asked them, his dark eyes zeroing in on each of them, enough to give most people the chills.

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"Stop being so noble, you're killing me." Xandis spoke up, hearing everything Kazan was trying to say without saying.

"This is going to get way worse if we don't buckle down and actually form some kind of a tactic." He said, making sure everyone could hear him. "We need to balance our strengths and weaknesses. Have teams that cover each other's backs. It may be hard, but it isn't impossible." he stated while maneuvering Duality's Calling with one hand

He cast a glance at his leader, who was on his left. "Just because we're apprentices doesn't mean we are helpless. Let's begin?" he asked, hoping this would lead to a better effort.
---------------------------Arrendelle, Ice Fortress-----------------

A Corridor of Darkness opened and Rhanox stepped out. The places was still standing, though most of it was shattered ruins. Still, it was like his home away from home because he felt it was familiar to him somehow. Pushing open the double doors to the balcony, he looked beyond to see the view of the snowy mountains. He remembered the town he visited while he left the society. He found small hints of happiness there. He knew Zero would come eventually. For all he knew, they would come here just to spite Rhanox. He felt Zero wasnt the kind the kind to let deserters live within the week. Then again, did Rhanox really know him?

All that was obvious was that they would come eventually. Clearing his mind, he did the math in his head as best he could. With the Forsaken revealing themselves, they'll only have a small window to do something. The Keybladers would up their efforts and defenses too. Nonetheless, it was a matter of time before this place was next on the list.

"Not here..." Rhanox promised himself. "Never here..."
Aura's ears perked up when she Kazan come back over, she pushed her self back onto her feel feeling exhausted but not completely out just yet. "I agree with the new guy." She spoke up. "I couldn't stay back at the Academy knowing that worlds were in danger... Besides we didn't know what we were getting into before, now we have an idea of what to expect. There's no doubt more surprises there might have but its better than going in blind again. We can also warn the other kingdoms what to watch out for as well and have a better defense this time."


Senna looked up at zero not quite sure what a genie was. She had very limited knowledge since she had to start from scratched when created, any memory of her previous life was lost. "Cause commotion in the town?" She suggested "If we lure a chunk of the guards out side and cause enough damage this Genie thing might leave the castle. Someone could be waiting by the castle to sneak on once its gone. Then its just a matter of finding it... unless he's the one who already has it" she muttered the last part realizing that was a complete possibility
"It couldn't hurt to try. Right? It actually sounds like a pretty good idea to me." Dawn said, agreeing with Xandis. She did wonder who would team up with her. She had nearly frozen to death in her attempt to keep Belle safe. "Wouldn't you agree that this is a good idea, Kazan?" She asked.
~Lanes In Between~

Kazan smirked and let out a chuckle. You still have no idea. He couldn't help but think these three apprentices reminded him of himself and Aria, among the other apprentices when they first landed on the Lost World, but they all soon learnt otherwise.

"That is why the Academy was created. So that Keyblade Wielders could come together and fight the force of darkness together, a group of lights shining together as one bright light is stronger than one light alone. As they say." Kazan said reciting some of the academies creeds, though he was still never one quite for teamwork, even after all this time.

"The fact is, our biggest issue was we let ourselves get separated into smaller groups or singled out at Beast's Castle. They slowly split us up, one by one setting us for single battles or simple two against one. They used the oldest method, divide and conquer. Then they quickly changed opponents and battles as they felt, preventing us from ever adjusting, confusing us and then finishing it by surrounding us. A rather eloquent battle plan actually.

If we want to win, we can't let this happen. We can't fight alone. I learnt that from the Lost World, we fought alone and we lost. Only when we fought together were we able to escape that world. That doesn't mean teaming up, any fool can just say they are partners with someone. But being a team is not only considering your battle, but everyone of your allies battles. That is what the Forsaken did, constantly switching battle partners and redistributing power where necessary before finally surrounding us.

What we need to do, is not let them get us with that one on one again. We all fight as one, when one struggles the others jump in to assist and redistribute strength where needed. We aren't fighting one battle, but many. As a team, as soon as we see an ally struggle, you jump in or add you attack. Swap opponents to give yourselves breaks, to confuse them with different fighting styles and techniques like they did to us. Don't stick with one opponent, we attack all the Forsaken all together. A battlefield is not like a training match where you are stuck with one sparring partner, there are no lines or barriers. The Forsaken used that to their advantage to take us down."

Kazan smirked again.

"Anyway, that is all well and good. But if you wanna be all team-matey and stuff. A good start is to actually know each other's names. So you are?" Kazan asked to Xandis, silently snickering to himself how people often forgot the basic things.

~Ruins of Mimir~

Zero looked to Senna.

"A genie has phenomenal cosmic powers, it won't leave for anything small. It could easily just zap any of us away. We will need something great to match the genie." He grumbled as he put his fist under his chin, thinking hard.
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Dawn didn't question Kazan's strategy but it was better than having to fight two forsaken alone. "We should all stick together as a team." She said, nodding in agreement with Kazan.
"Xandis. X-A-N-D-I-S. I'm from the Radiant Gardens. I specialize in tactics, tandem fighting, and magnet spells. My keyblade is named Duality's Calling. It's strong, so my attacks are effective. It also boosts my ability to replenish my Magic, therefore, I can cast spells at an alarming rate...compared to most people." He sighed, turning toward the group leader. "My Master exams are in a week. I was supposed to be on a routine mission, for field experience. But, at the last minute, I was given direct orders to come here. Seems like I should have been sent sooner. You guys could have used the help. But, we'll get 'em next time." he finished, conviction ringing in his words.
(Sorry I haven't been posting. )

Noah followed along with the group back to the academy. He was able to fare well against one of the Forsaken, but it wasn't enough. These being do pose a threat, but there must be other solutions. Noah was still deep in though about Maz or whatever they called her now when he heard the new Keyblader. "I admire your confidence. Nice to have you joins us Xandis." Noah says welcoming the keyblader. Hopefully the Forsaken won't be so lucky obtaining the next Jewel....wherever the next Jewel is. "My name is Noah. As you probably can tell, I specialize in ice magic."
Aura smiled slightly after Kazans speech and analysis of the battle he was right about everything. Defeat was bitter but this was only one battle of many to come so there was no point in beating herself up over it. They just had to be more mindful of each other and work as a pack would. She remembered Xandis from the academy, he was one of the stronger Keyblade apprentices. "I'm Aura, I specialize with wind magic."
~Lanes In Between -> Academy of Yggdrasil~

Kazan shook his head, well he didn't need to introduce himself as they had already said his name to him, besides if he wanted to know what magic he was good at, he would find out in battle.

Kazan saw as the world came into view, the massive tree jutting out from the planet. He also really wanted to speak to Master Yggdrasil, but first he had to try organize that meeting with Disney Castle, maybe try to stop this Royal Jewel and Cornerstone idea, that would end the Forsaken's need for this foolish anyway. As he landed by the land point, his Keyblade and armor disappeared.

"I am going to the Council of Light, try to organize a meeting with Disney Castle... You guys keep an eye on the Notice Board for any Forsaken activity or the next attack. Maybe use the time to get to know each other, become better team mates and learn about one another."

~Ruins of Mimir~

Zero suddenly smiled to himself.

"I think I may have an idea..."
"That's not a bad idea." Dawn said as she kept an eye on the notice board. She already introduced herself to most of the apprentices.

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