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Fandom Kingdom Hearts - Dawn & Dusk

"Yes, let's" As she got close to him a wall of blades suddenly got in front of her. He then pulled one of them and slashed at her repeatedly before ending his combo with a roundhouse.
Dawn winced. She would not give him the satisfaction of hearing her screams. She quickly got airborne. Sure she was soaked in her own blood but she would still fight.

"Lucky shot. You won't get lucky again." She said.
"Ahahaha. It's all skill~" He said as he stabbed relentless onto the floor and did a handstand on it. "Wanna try again?"
"Sure. Let's see what kind of skills you got." Dawn said "Water!" She then used her water magic to create a concentrated water blast to knock Armex off his sword and to the ground. But she didn't have much energy left. She wasn't going to die so easily either.
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Senna appeared on one of high walls surrounding the court yard. "Ta-da!" She giggled looking down as the fire keyblader slammed into the wall. It wasn't quite what she wanted but it worked just the same. Senna over viewed all of the chaos noting how more friends had shown up to aid in the battle she saw Zero knocked into the ground by the beast but knew Speculum and Aequitas would be able to help and protect him. Rhanox was missing however that didn't surprise her much, she'd caught a glimpse of him retreating into the cast after dropping the princess. Armex was locked in battle with the water keyblader and Roku'Jal had made his grand thundering entrance into battle, charging at beast. That left Ice, Fire and Wind. A wide grin of glee spread across Sennas face as she chose her target. She started spinning her Sirens Song while closing in on her icy friend wanting to finish what they had started in the library. She raised her spear which glowed again with energy before slamming it down sending a blast of sonic force at the distracted Noah.

The Beast growled as some black hyena creature appeared in front of him, he let out another monstrous roar that apart Heartless that were near him from the pure force of it. He then charged mindless as the creature, claws out. Nothing would stop him from getting to Belle as he collided with the creature. He smashed into Beast as the Beast stopped him full force, their claws tearing into each other. However the Beast's will to save Belle drove him beyond his limits as he flung Roku away, charging forward as he slice through Heartless like tissue paper heading towards Belle ready to maul anything in his way, friend or foe.

Kazan sighed as Dawn and Aura came to assist him as he looked at Belle who was terrified.

"It's ok. I'm with the Council of Light, we are here to protect you." He reassured her.

Belle smiled knowing it was true, but turned to her look at her love. The darkness had taken him and he had become the Beast again, a tear forming in her because of his pain.

Zero slowly emerged from the rubble, bruised and bleeding as a smirk crept across his face.

"Now that is what I'm talking about.... Now we are getting somewhere." They still needed that Jewel, Belle was the key to finding it.

"Get Belle, until you tell us where that Royal Jewel is, Belle is all we will go after." He yelled out, ordering all the Forsaken. All the Heartless turning towards Belle and Kazan, as well as the girls as they began swarming around them.

Kazan's eyes widened as all the Heartless started creeping towards them as if listening Zero. The order was for the Forsaken, but they were obeying to. He knew he couldn't drop Belle for a second, he had to protect her even if he couldn't use his Keyblade. If he put her down for a second... they would snatch her up.

"Keybladers, stop your battles. Our main goal is to protect Belle, no matter what!" If Zero was going to unite all the Forsaken to go for Belle, he would unite the Keyblade Wielders to protect her.

(I'm trying to avoid the one on ones, rather making it a free for all. This is due to certain people's one on ones becoming problematic, and I wish to see how this will play out as more as a free for all. Obviously no one can just grab Belle out of Kazan's hands, this should not have to be stated.)
Roku'Jal crashed into the Beast with all his force, all his momentum and for a moment they remained locked together, a flurry of tooth and claw. Suddenly, his perception spun and he noted that he was in the air. His body torqued to right himself as he made contact with the ground once again, skidding to a halt. Roku'Jal dug his claws into the earth, shattering the ground beneath him as he prepared for another charge. Just then his ears perked, catching Zero's command on the wind. For a moment, the hyena's body tensed as he struggled to tear his focus from the beast and to the target. "Belle...A weak princess surrounded by keyblades..." he growled, taking a long sniff of the air before charging forward towards the gathering of keyblade wielders, taking a moment to bite at the Beast's flank as he passed.
Dawn stopped fighting and flew over to Kazan to help protect Belle. She felt bad as she watched the Beast get hurt. But she was ready to protect Belle.
Rhanox came bursting out of one of the high windows, landing with his keyblade I hand. The weapon glowed brighter than it did, thanks to the confidence placed in him by the servants. Now it was his turn to do his part.

Carefully, he ran past through he herds of Heartless charging at their new target. At least they wee proving o help him wit his problems of subterfuge. He ran to Zero's side, out of breath from the running.

"Zero! I found it!" He panted, "A group of servants carried a glass case! A glowing rose inside it. I can assume that's what we came to look for? Bad news is when I tried to take it, the hallway caved in and I was cut off! Their trapped in one of the lower rooms, but the castle's close to crumbling and we may never get it then! I need you to stop the castle from going down until I can clear the rubble and retrieve the damn thing!"
Arriving at the castle, Xandis flipped off his glider--landing in a crouch and catching the keyblade with his left, and dominant, arm. This was the place, he could almost feel the darkness radiating through the air.

"Golly," he mumbled, willing his keyblade away, "This ought to be a good learning experience." He took in the sight of the castle, once home to to the fabled Beast. Within were his comrades, no doubt-- probably already battling. He stood, fist to chest, face cool in concentration.

"Okay!" He confirmed, running as he headed toward the grand doors set before him, leading into the courtyard.

@Shura11 @Noah (didn't wanna stomp anyone's toes coming in, you guys are fighting, amI correct?)
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Aequitas and Speculum

Aequitas was sure things were under control. The prince was fully under captivity, and they could do nothing about it as he was interrogated for the jewel. Aequitas stood protectively infront of Zero in a calm but serious fashion; guns held out blazing and pointing at anyone who dare draw near.

Speculum, on the other hand, felt like the breaking point of the fight were just beginning. She saw each and everyone of the forsaken and keybladers group. It was only a matter of time before a big brawl were to occur, and she could feel it coming...

Belle!" The two could hear Prince Adam shout from behind them. The two side-glanced, seeing Belle get freed from Rhanox's hands, and draw away from them. The two returned to focus, until things blew up and out of proportion.

Next thing the two knew, they were blasted away. They were launched forward with such great speed, they couldn't help but both hit the wall painfully. Speculum winced upon impact, and slid down to the floor along with Aequitas.

Aequitas' hearing went foggy. She scanned around, not able to hear a thing. But she could see perfectly, her leader get pummled down to the ground by what used to be Prince Adam. Now, in its place, was a raging and hulking beast. She staggered up and aimed at the beast to attempt to injure it, but stopped when orders said to do otherwise.

Get Belle," Aequitas could barely hear, "Belle is all we will go after."

Speculum understood the order clearly, and picked herself up accordingly. Taking her book in hand, she rushed over to the torrent of wind that surrounded two keybladers-- one was Kazan-- and Belle. Facing the wind shield, Speculum held her book out to it. The wind gradually slipped into it, but it wasn't going to absorb it all that quickly. This was an option for her since Noah was being distracted by Senna already.

Aequitas supported Speculum from the rear, pointing one gun at Noah and openly firing and charging a blast from the other gun at those still within the shield. She split her aim carefully, making sure to aim for the one who put the shield down instead of Belle and the flame keyblader.

Aria, Outside the Castle

"That ice... It's making the castle lean over! I want to stop it... But..." But the ice was too enveloped within the base. If she even tried attacking, by the looks of it the castle would fully fall from its structure. Aria cursed under her breath, just her luck. She needed to help inside.

Aria landed down on a steady platform, near the ground floor of the castle to the castle grounds. Aria spun her keyblade to increase its momentum, and then threw it at the top. Once it reached and penetrated the side of the wall, Aria flashed over to it and fell to the ground. A pretty useful trick, but she could never find any uses for it in combat.

Aria took her keyblade out of the wall and raced through the halls as fast as she could, which was decently fast. She saw the mayhem that had occurred by looking at the beat-up walls, cracked floors, and miscellaneous broken objects. Then she passed by a room, hearing a great deal of commotion inside.

Aria huddled to the door opening. She gave a little peek inside, then decided to go for a gank. She saw a heartless, quickly slashed at it to kill it, then aimed her keyblade to fire a lightning spell at any enemy she saw. That's when she saw something she wished to never see.

The long, blue hair and red cape was familiar. Maz. But older-looking, she could note. The markings on her cheeks and legs were very evident. She was a forsaken. But Maz wasn't the only thing that was there, and was actually the least shocking thing she saw.


Aria could recognize the long, purple hair and crisp suit. The stance that she had when attacking. The fierce look in her eyes for justice and balance. Aria stepped back, holding herself down.

Her disbelief was a person that choked her, disabled her from breathing. Aria felt weak, and fell to her knees. "Of all things you come back to as, a forsaken..." She straggled through a limited breath. She couldn't fight her. She couldn't kill them. Of all days to feel righteous to aid a cause... That cause had to bite back, and hard.
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Kazan held onto Belle as the Forsaken resumed their attack, he had to hold on tight. However all the Forsaken were coming to him now, the new beast one and two girls. One was Maz and the other.... As he she had now gotten closer, he saw she too was familiar. It looked like F-IP, the Forgotten they had fought so long ago.... But F-IP was Aria's Forgotten, based off the memory of her best friend. That meant this Forsaken, if looked like F-IP it... was that best friend of Aria's. He was glad Aria wasn't here to see....

Only for Aria to suddenly arrive, now of all times. This wasn't good.

Zero heaved in pain as he grabbed his shoulder, they needed to get Belle quickly. Thankfully the Keybladers hadn't notice he had been subtly and slightly lowering the crystals rate of growth each second so the castle didn't fall. It would be useless to them if the castle fell before they got the jewel. He wasn't stupid, they needed Belle now. She was the best hope for locating the jewel for sure. Then Rahnox came in.... saying those words. "I found it."

"Servants, I wouldn't expect them to trust it with servants...." While Rhanox may have flakey, he couldn't take the chance he had found it. However if they didn't have Belle they wouldn't know if it was the real one or not.

"Fine, take the Heartless with you and retrieve it. The Gargoyles will dig it out if they have to." He motioned to some Heartless which began to crowd around Rhanox, he would have to keep slowing down the collapse of the castle until it was time.

First it was time to get Belle, he swung his chain blade again as he pointed it and fired another liquid nitrogen shot towards Dawn to get her out of the way so someone could grab Belle.

The Beast ran towards the group as Roku slashed at his side again as he yelled in pain, bleeding and shoving the hyena off. He only cared for Belle as he tore through more Heartless, and ran right past Aura shoving her aside like a rag doll with his massive paws.
"Seriously that's getting old." Dawn said. She dodged but not fast enough as she got hit.

(Sorry it's a short post.)
Aura concentrated on keeping her wind walls strong enough to keep the heartless out. She heard the call for the forsaken to Attack bell and cursed under her breath knowing her shield most most likely not be strong enough to deflect one of their attacks. She noticed her wall weakening further and was baffled until she noticed the aqua haired forsaken, Maz? At least that's what Kazan had called her. The forsaken was absorbing her wind not enough to dispell the barrier but weakening it none the less. The distraction of Maz had left her open to the attack from another forsaken, she didn't know it was coming until she heard a bang. She shifted towards the sound in time to see the gun pointed at her but not even with her speed could she fully dodge or deflect it. The bullet struck her left shoulder, damaging and scorching the armor but thankful not piercing through it. Aura took a couple steps back from the impact of the shot the wall dissipating as she lost her concentration. She saw Beast tear through the heartless before being shoved, or rather thrown, a side. She hit the ground and rolled off but managed to get back to her feet she'd never been more grateful for her armor before than she was now.
Roku barreled past the Beast, his four legs being far better than the Beast's two, and headed straight for the keyblade weilders and Bell. He opened his toothy maw slowly as he charged, building his energy as fury and force came together within his lungs and as he neared the shield of wind, Roku'jal skidded to a halt.

His crimson eyes narrowed to focus upon the group of defenders as his claws dug deep into the earth to ground himself. Then, like thunder tearing across the sky did the forsaken roar and from that roar a blast of force issued forth, a shockwave to tear apart the ground before him, the blast warped the air around it as it made for the now defenseless keyblade masters.
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"On it!" Rhanox replied, "You guys, on me!"

Waving his new unit in, he ran towards the main doors, trying to go around the main group an the keyblader wielders. From what it looked like, they already had their hands full. Chances were Rhanox could get through without much trouble. At least his plan was buying the servants time to get things done.

Reaching the main doors, he gestures his Heartless to go through and held back with his weapon ready, just in case a surprise would come from behind.
As Kazan and Belle's protectors were taken down one by one. Dawn's armor slowly being frozen by Zero's attack and Aura being taken down by the combined power of Speculum, Aequitas and the Beast.

The Beast roared as he headed for Kazan with a look like he was ready to tear his head off. Belle screamed for him to stop.

"ADAM!" She cried out only Roku to rush past him, stop and unleash an attack. Kazan had no way to defend as he and Belle were sent flying back by the force of the roar. The Beast in rage when Belle was attacked, jumped forward on to Roku as he roared and began to try maul him, clawing and biting at the hyena for attacking Belle.

Kazan was knocked back the roar, his head spinning and his ears ringing as Belle fell to the ground beside him, collapsed in her best dress which was no slightly torn with all the events.

Zero took his chance and swung Night Wrath to grab Belle as it wrapped around and pulled her close, as Aequitas and Speculum would guard him, Roku would keep the Beast busy. Meanwhile Rhanox went to look for the jewel inside.

He used Night Wrath as a grappling hook again to lift himself out of the battle to a high ledge, wrapping Night Wrath around Belle, mimicing what he had done with Price Adam, except now he had a different hostage. The right one.

"Now, you tell me the location of your royal jewel, or not only does your castle fall into the abyss, but I'll drop you with it." He growled at Belle.

"DO YOU HEAR THAT BEAST!?" He yelled down to the Beast threatening them both.

Tears fell down Belle's eyes as she closed her eyes.

****Belle's Flashback****

"Close your eyes." He whispered.

"Why?" Belle giggled as Prince Adam kept covering her eyes.

"It's a surprise. Just a moment longer." He smiled at the most beautiful girl he had ever met.

"I told you I don't need anything more, you've already given me everything and so many gifts." She said trying to put her foot down as Prince Adam slowly began removing his hands.

"Not like this..." He said as her view opened up a beautiful crystalline rose in a glass case.

"Oh... Adam. It's beautiful." She looked as the rose shined.

"I thought it fitting. A reminder, you broke the curse and freed me. You show me what real love was. I had it made for you, pure stained glass." He explained as Belle just nodded her head.

"All I need is you." She said as she leaned over to kiss him.

****End of Flashback****

"Maybe I should drop you first Belle. After all if the jewel is in the castle, I need to know before it's dropped." Zero extended his chain blade as he began hanging Belle over the edge.

"Where is the royal jewel!" Zero yelled out again.

The Beast immediately stopping his attack on Roku watching as Belle was in danger.

"NO! Don't drop Mistress Belle! If you do, you'll lose the royal jewel forever!"
Cogsworth suddenly screamed out as he saw she was about to be dropped as well, only for Lumiere to immediately cover his mouths with his hands and stop him talking anymore.
Dawn struggled to free herself. At least she had her armor on or she would freeze to death. "Your not getting the jewel, Zero!" She said. She couldn't do much else at the moment.
Roku watched with mad glee as his roar connected and sent his victims flying. He set his paws to charge again when suddnely he was bulled over by the Beast. "You should have faced me before I caught your woman's scent, little prince!" He cackled as his jaws snapped at the Beast's claws to deflect his blows while he wriggled out from beneath his weight.

Suddenly, the Beast once again changed his focus, making again for Belle and Zero. "Roku'Jal will not be ignored!" He roared, charging forward in a wide circuit to face the charging Adam, now standing between the Prince and Zero. Teeth bared, he crouched low, ready this time to stop the Beast in his tracks.
Rhanox turned to make a run into the castle, only stopping himself when he heard Cogsworth's plea.

Turning to face the fray, he held his hand up in a fist, stopping his Heartless unit. Looking at the servant, then to Belle, he was trying to do the math with what he said. You'll loose the royal jewel forever...

Flashes went n his mind. Each word stung.

The Princesses of Heart hold...Hope is what gives us all...Any world is too dark without you Za-

Holding the side of his head, he felt had something fit into place. At the same time though, he had no idea what it was. He looked down at his weapon, tightening the grip wit conviction. He knew what he had to try to do.

He quickly gestured two Gargoyle Knight Heartless forward.

"I need you to lift me!" They looked at him oddly. "You heard me! Lift me!"

As commanded, the two Heartless took hold of Rhanox's legs and lifted him as height as their levitation allowed. Which wasn't much, but jut enough.

"Get me over to him! Swing me or whatever! I don't care, just do it!"

Both began swinging Rhanox in unison and let him go at the height of their swing. Almost flying through the air, he barely sored towards Zero on the ledge. Only instead of meeting the ground, he met the edge of the ledge with an painful 'OMPH!!' Scrambling and puling himself up, he was on in knees a few feet away from Zero and his hostage.

"That plan went better in my head." he grumbled, picking himself up. "Well...I sure a heck wasn't expecting this...actually," he raised his keyblade, inspecting with his own eyes. "We both know what fuels this thing...and if the light is in her...I think I can take it out of her Zero. She's a Princess of Heart, so a part of her heart must be that light. If I can extract that part of her heart like I do with others, we can end this battle here and now!"
Xandis entered the castle just as a few of heartless were coming out. Not a problem, he cast multiple magnet spells their way, slashing through the glued forces. The dark creatures were defeated, wispy hearts floating toward the sky.

'Come on, the tinyones?' He thought as he entered the building once more.

He came to the scene of an auburn-haired girl, nearly frozen in the middle of the grand room. "Wha-" he then saw the Forsaken. They were real, this wasn't just practice anymore. And one of them had the Princess of the Heart, Belle.

"Get away from her!" he yelled, casting two magnet spells their way, hoping it would give him time to give the girl a potion.

(I can do that, right? @Ember89 )
(I think so.)

Dawn started to get a bit cold. "Y-you think you beat me? I'm not completely frozen!" She yelled at Zero in frustration.
"Sorry , love." Xandis cast another magnet spell-- this time on a small gargoyle to hit her armor--, hoping it would break the frost effect that pinned her to the spot.

(I've got a hunch I shouldn't touch you.)
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Zero's eyes widened as he heard Cogworth's little shouting slip as he suddenly raised Belle back up and smiled at her, her face leaning away. He ignored the Magnet spell, he was too far up to be affected by it.

"Well isn't that interesting." He continued to smirk at her as Rhanox arrived too late as usual spouting something about light.

He rolled his eyes at the fool.

"Acting just like a Keyblader complicating things."

He flicked the Keyblade like weapon away.

"You act like you know everything, but you continue to show yourself a fool. Besides, you don't have that ability. Only a Keyblade Master can do such things, you just control emotions. You are no Keyblade Master, no matter how much you wish to be one." He turned away from Rhanox, getting annoyed having to explain again.

He looked to Belle.

"I must say, I should have known he wouldn't trust it with servants. That he would entrust it to you." He looked at her broach and red gem shining within.

"Oh honey, that so doesn't go with that outfit." He joked as he pulled out the jewel and held it up for a clear view.


"The Rose Garnet..." He chuckled to himself for being silly.

"Forsaken, we have no more business here. We leave!" He unwrapped Belle from his chain and toss her towards the Beast.

"Hey furball, catch!" He said before snapping his fingers opening Corridors of Darkness for him and compatriots to exit.

Kazan rubbed his head in pain as he saw Zero holding Belle and removing the crystal from her broach.

"No...." He looked up, in disbelief they failed. They couldn't lose, they couldn't let him get away., before they entered the corridors. He swung his Keyblade summoning fireballs that shot towards Zero.

The Beast growled as Roku again attacked him, being completely unprepared as he had been soley focused on Belle. He growled at the beast until he suddenly saw Zero throw Belle, his eyes widening.

"BELLE!" His fur stood up on end, as he lunged forward and swiped his arm swinging Roku away with such immense force that Roku had not felt in his strength before as he shot forward and grabbed Belle as she landed in his arms, giving Roku time to enter a Corridor and leave like Zero had planned.
Dawn's face paled. They had failed. She couldn't believe it. She didn't want to. This was all her fault. Now she figured she deserved to be frozen. Dawn didn't say anything. What could she say?

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