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Fandom Kingdom Hearts: Awakening

She found what the mage had said intriguing. Shaped power with intent? "I'm not quite sure what you mean," she admitted, not certain he knew either. "Can you tell me anything else you know about the keyblade?" She gestured over to Odin. "Either of you?"

He gives a small shrug with a sheepish smile as he pulls his hat down some. "Well I know only that I know nothing, or I should say, I can tell you a lot of things that key blade isn't. For instance, you don't seem to be a magical practitioner, so summoning the weapon didn't come from you. Which means the weapon must be enchanted, except It is no magic I recognize, which eliminates quite a few things. So how did the weapon come into your hand by only your will? It is obviously magic, but if it is magic in a way I do not recognize, if there is no spells on it, it must be either incredibly strange magic, or a very very different type of magic. The most likely answer would be that it is now part of you, that no magic was needed because you were fundamentally changed so summoning it was not a magical act. Honestly though I do not know I can only tell you how many options and possibilities I can remove, that doesn't bring me much closer to positive answers"

He gives another awkward smile.
"Maybe in time I could give more answers, I lack tools or a proper library only a few books on war magic on my person, ah sword play, yes that is something people who can't shoot fire and lightning do..."
As Davy Crockett was lining his shot, there were several events which were transpiring around the frontiersman. The first was that Marche, full of that springtime youth-filled piss and vinegar, didn't want to stay behind him. Davy Crockett moaned at the sight of that as, well, he already stated that he saw many volunteers die at the Alamo this very day and yet this boy wanted to risk himself anyway! It was a mixed bag of emotions already not to mention the oddity of using such an oversized blade.

However the emotions became much more clear when the boy's blade just bounced off of the creature. Shortly thereafter he heard the crashing of bricks and the shattering of glass as a girl was sent into a building. Davy Crockett might not have been the most book-learned man at times, but he had gained a lot of experience living in the frontier and participating in many battles and serving in congress. And he knew that bricks were very hard substances, glass was quite dangerous when embedded. Such a shattering of these multiple pieces were sure to leave many injuries, there would be bruises, cut arteries - hopefully none of them were connected to the real big blood vessels, possible internal damage to organs and cracked bones and all other sorts of medical damage that was beyond him apart from knowing that this was very serious in multiple respects. For one such injuries can very well lead to death, and if the creature was so strong that it could send such an individual flying back and crashing hard into brick and cause it to break, well that wasn't anything you would want kids around.

Quickly Davy Crockett slung Ol Betsy back over his back, rushed over to grab a hold of Marche by the arm and quickly rushed up to grab Nazomi by the collar and drag them away from the beast before either one of them could get hurt. "IT ain't time for rushin' in willy nilly like yer hopped up on piss and vinegar meetin a young love; that's how folks end up at the undertaker's place! Need to fetch a Sawbones and establish a huntin' plan!"

Nenma Takashi Nenma Takashi Ennuis Ennuis
"I can help with that." Amara replied to Lucinda, tapping the gunblade on her back. "I know a think or two about sword fighting. Can give you some pointers on magic too, but our friend with the library here will be a better source."
She gave the younger Sid a wink. He looked like a proper wizard, which meant he might have other books of use to her, but that was a discussion for a different time.
Lucinda got the gist of what the young wizard was saying, but was still hopelessly in the dark as to what sort of magic specifically bound her to the keyblade and how she would've come into contact with it. She couldn't pinpoint anything about herself that would've made her an especially obvious candidate in the eyes of whatever force of fate bestowed the weapon upon her. Still, she was grateful for his explanation. "I'm Lucinda, by the way," she introduced herself with a smile, holding out a hand for the mage to shake. "I hope we get the chance to learn more about the keyblade and its magic soon."

She turned back to Amara, staring at the woman's gunblade with slight astonishment. Well, it looked like things weren't turning out to be so bad, after all; she had two people here with her who seemed like they were skilled in fields Lucinda needed training in and were obviously willing to help. "Thank you so much. I think we should—"

Lucinda jumped as she was cut off by a loud crash in the distance. Her eyes shifted back and forth between the people surrounding her. "Should we... should we go check that out?" she asked apprehensively.
Wanting to pop back into the conversation without being left behind, Ollie scrambled through her mind to find something to say. She had already asked all questions concerning the topic at hand and was left with nothing else to contribute. Quickly, she glanced at all of the people searching for something to say. Then, with Amara’s offer to teach the youngest wielder the art of combat, Ollie found her chance, though it wasn’t what one would expect. Glancing towards the magician with a mischievous glint in her eyes, Ollie right then and there decided she wanted Dan to teach her the art of magic. Amara’s suggestion of mentorship for Lucinda was purely the match that lit the idea. She could perfectly imagine the beautiful chaos that magical fire and some spare fireworks could cause. Even if she was probably not going to be great at it, the idea still bloomed beautifully in her mind. However, she never did get to ask the magician due to a loud boom a couple of blocks away that stole her attention away.

For a moment or even two the youngster simply thought she had imagined the thunder, but the final conformation by Lucinda threw that hope away. Something had definitely happened. Without a moment of hesitation she left the group and bolted towards the direction of the noise.
A lot happened in a short amount of time. The shadowy monster stumbled to the side which saved Marche from a dangerous blow, a girl that was behind the monster said hi before being knocked away by it, and Marche himself vanished before he could strike at the monster in the hopes that he could hurt it this time. Luckily for him, the cause for his sudden disappearance was due to Mr. Crockett's help. Before Marche could realize what was happening and mention the girl, Crockett had already grabbed her and started dragging them away.

"Mr. Crockett! We just can't leave like this! We have to do something about that monster, what if the people I'm looking for run into it?" For the first time during his quest, Marche felt like he failed. He couldn't defeat the monster that appeared and for all he knew, his brother could have been out there by himself. There was no way Doned could escape it with his medical condition. "Mr. Crockett, please, we need to stop it. What if it hurts someone?"

It was then that everything dawned on him, someone did get hurt. Turning to the girl being dragged with him, Marche quickly tried to explain. "I mean someone else, like my brother. Sorry."

Errant Voyager Errant Voyager Nenma Takashi Nenma Takashi
"Look..." Davy Crockett began to explain as he kept on dragging the pair, "Y'know how I said we need a Sawbones n Huntin Plan? First we oughta help the lass who got hurt, at the least away from that Fearsome Critter." The frontiersman began swirling his tongue around in his mouth before going on in a muse. "If'n it were only a known fearsome critter like the Axehandle Hound. But t'point is son, we will deal with it. We just have to set our priorities right before the hunt you know?"

With that said he frontiersman began looking around to make sure they had secured enough of a distance away, which so far it seemed like. "Right now our focus should be on patchin' the girl up a bit, then after we've done that we can go back and kill that monster like it were game and then we can really go on searchin' fer those lost folks of yours." Davy Crockett turned his attention to the girl, "If'n it is one of the last things I do, I'll make sure you get back as fit as a fiddle."

Ennuis Ennuis Nenma Takashi Nenma Takashi
Lucinda got the gist of what the young wizard was saying, but was still hopelessly in the dark as to what sort of magic specifically bound her to the keyblade and how she would've come into contact with it. She couldn't pinpoint anything about herself that would've made her an especially obvious candidate in the eyes of whatever force of fate bestowed the weapon upon her. Still, she was grateful for his explanation. "I'm Lucinda, by the way," she introduced herself with a smile, holding out a hand for the mage to shake. "I hope we get the chance to learn more about the keyblade and its magic soon."

She turned back to Amara, staring at the woman's gunblade with slight astonishment. Well, it looked like things weren't turning out to be so bad, after all; she had two people here with her who seemed like they were skilled in fields Lucinda needed training in and were obviously willing to help. "Thank you so much. I think we should—"

Lucinda jumped as she was cut off by a loud crash in the distance. Her eyes shifted back and forth between the people surrounding her. "Should we... should we go check that out?" she asked apprehensively.

"Ah yes, I am Dan, Sid. I just go by Dan though" I shake the young woman's hand and fiddle with my hat. "Indeed I would appreciate the chance to learn more about it, the study of magic is my lifes work"

He nods as she continues. "Yes I suppose we should, serendipity after all seems to be the word of the day"
Blinking in surprise at Ollie's sudden departure, Lucinda nudged Dan and nodded in Amara's direction before taking off behind her. As she advanced, she tried to scan the area around her as best she could to see if she could discover the source of the noise. She ignored the nervous pit forming in her stomach. This wasn't the time to be afraid; any fear on her part would've been irrational on account of the sheer number of skilled fighters she'd recently befriended.

As Lucinda turned a corner, she spotted a group of people: a young boy, a young girl, and an oddly dressed man looking to be about middle age. She skidded to a halt, panting. "Hey!" she called once she'd caught her breath, frantically waving to the group. "Are you okay?"
Silence. She had grown used to the silence. When you traveled alone in the vastness of space, there were some things you had to deal with. One of those things was silence. And if it weren't for the occasional buzzing or whirling of the Ryo's various systems, the absolute dead silence might drive anyone to madness. But not David. David sat in the silence of the spacious cockpit, relaxed in her seat to the point that she moved as much as a statue and made twice as much noise. She enjoyed the silence. It let her focus on other, more pressing matters. Like her food supply. It was starting to get low. She would have to find a planet soon to restock her supplies if she wanted to keep going. But if she stopped now, she might miss out on--

A large digital display would pop up in front of her, David for the first time all day moving to give something other than her own thoughts some attention. When she moved her bones could be heard popping, hands gripping the arm rests of her seat with just enough force to make her fingers creak, all the popping at once sending a tingle down her backside. A planet. Not too far away, and capable of supporting life. As a course was set for this planet in the distance, David would be struck with a pang of familiarity. She knew this world. She had been here before. Though she hadn't been in months, this was without a doubt the world that Traverse Town was built on. It was the closest planet, and as good as any to stock up on those much needed supplies she was just thinking about.

The trip to the planet itself would take another half hour or so, David spending the time remaining firmly planted in her seat, eventually bracing herself for the descent in to the planet's atmosphere. The descent took a few shaky moments, at the end of which David's ship would come to a stop 100 yards both away and above the entrance of Traverse Town. For those that were close enough to see it, as it was clearly visible to those in the First District, a vessel would appear descending from the stars. Four jet black pillars set in the cardinal directions darted outward at a 45 degree angle for 10 or so feet before jutting upwards at a 60 degree angle for another 15 feet. At the center of the four pillars was a crimson red dome which sat on a jagged bone white structure that was the main body of the ship. An additional, smaller black tower jutted out under each of the first four pillars of the ship, following the same pattern as their larger counterparts. Attached to the bone white structure and protruding downward at intermediate directions are an additional four jet black spikes that jutted straight and appeared to be 7 or 8 feet long. Finally, pointing downward away from the rest of the ship was positioned a fifth jet black spike, just as long as the longest pillars but no bend to it. The pillars themselves appeared to be made of a metal of some sort, while the spikes all appeared to be crystalline in nature rather than metallic.

As the ship came to a stop, David's form inside the ship would turn pure white for a second before she disappeared, reappearing safely on the ground beneath the ship. Then the ship's form would outline white before vanishing from sight entirely with an almost audible pop sound. Its its place a small, half rabbit half feline looking cream brown creature with ears almost as large as the rest of its body would instead remain, the creature falling out of the sky and landing with a soft thump next to David, the creature then jumping in place and landing on David's shoulder. The creature would mew loudly in David's ear as she entered the First District, the female surveying the District while trying to remember where the best place to acquire large amounts of food was. Her gaze would fall on a few small groups here and there of people doing their own thing, meeting friends or taking walks or what have you, when the sounds of a loud boom several blocks away caught the attention of most in the District. Clenching a fist, the thought So, they're here too would cross her mind as she, like others she saw, began sprinting in the direction of the explosion.

She would follow the small group that had taken off before her, hoping they knew where they were going to get to the origin of the explosion, a hope that payed off when as they turned the corner, she would find herself staring at a few individuals whose path was being cut off by a rather large Heartless. “Fat one” she would mutter to herself in aggravation, holding her hand out to her side. For a second nothing happened, a fact that quickly changed as the weapon that was her Premium Mushroom took form in her extended hand, David pointing the staff first to the sky and then to the Heartless. She hated fighting fat ones. They were so....annoying. As her staff ceased moving, now pointing at the Heartless, David would call out “Thundaga!!” A small black cloud would form over the top of the creature, with a bolt of lightning streaking down towards the Heartless with the intent of striking it's rather large form. Any who turned to see who had cast the spell, or she had passed and was just now joining the fray, would see a woman with long blonde hair wearing a green tunic, white pants, and brown knee high leather boots pointing a Premium Mushroom in the direction of the Heartless.
In a land of white sand and dead, skeletal trees an armored figure stands atop a tall dune. Strapped to his left arm is a wooden round shield with intricate designs inlaid with steel while his right arm was hanging over his visored face as if to protect it from the sun. His head swiveled around, eyes scanning the surrounding area for any signs of life. Only sand and dead flora greeted him.
"Surprise, surprise no signs of any town, village or out post any where," he stated dryly before letting his arm fall to his side. For years he's wandered this wasteland and not once has he found any lifeforms, not even any insects or birds. With a heavy sigh the armored figure trudged down the dune.
"You know I'm starting to think I'm the only one here," he muttered.
And then the question that plagued him since regaining consciousness in this hellscape popped into his head: How did I get here? There was very little he could remember with any clarity before waking up. He knew his name ( Percival), that he was a guardian in the service of a keyblade master (whose name he could not remember), and that somehow his heart had been fractured. Other than that every thing else was a confusing, jumbled up mess of static, sounds, and colors.
:At least I know why my memory is so messed up: Percival mused while putting distance between himself and the dune. He put a hand over his chest where a stabbing pain throbbed with each heart beat. Somehow,the guardian knew that fixing his heart would restore his memories but that would require him leaving this place to find help ,and he was starting to believe that might be close impossible as time went on.
Then the sky went dark, like someone flipping a switch. Percival started the sudden lighting change.
"What the...."
He looked to the sky. The once blue sight was replaced by a swirling darkness that sent a trill of fear down the guardian's spine. His attention was then grabbed by the sound of sand shifting. Dozens of shadowy creatures had surrounded him, their eerie yellow eye shining maliciously. The sight of these little monsters caused a single word to streak across Percival's mind.
Then they attacked, each Heartless slashing wildly at with razor sharp claws as Percival brought up his shield to defend himself. At first, the guardian could keep the frenzied shadows at bay, even taking several out with powerful blows and kicks. Unfortunately, years of disuse had dulled Percival's fighting skills so it was inevitable that he was soon overwhelmed. One by one the shadows surged on top of him, their attacks unable to pierce the armor but their weight quickly immobilized the teen.
"This is it," Percival ground out as it became harder and harder to breathe.
"I really am going to die here,"
A few seconds after the words left his mouth Percival succumbed to unconsciousness.
Just as Nazomi was about the attack the large beast again she was yanked away by the man carrying a gun. Only now seeing just how old of a gun it really was she was no expert on guns but it was definitely the kind you'd see in museums. As he dragged her away Nazomi watched as they made pretty good distance from the monster, showing that despite it's power it was quite slow. "Hey thanks for worrying but I'm fine." Nazomi didn't really feel like she took that much damage from the monster's punch, but she then saw the blood on the man's hand that gripped the collar of her shirt. "Hey your...bleeding?" Her statement turned into a question as it didn't seem like the man was hurt, which was because he wasn't and the blood was in fact her own. That's when Nazomi noticed the glass shard in her shoulder, that's also when she felt the surge of pain rush through her body like a bolt of lightning. The adrenaline that was pumping through her had stopped and that meant Nazomi was now realizing it wasn't that she didn't take a lot of damage, she just didn't realize how hyped up she was when she took damage.

"OW!" She yelled the glass in her shoulder hurt enough on it's own, but Nazomi could also feel her ankle throb with pain as she clearly hurt it tumbling into a wall. Most of all her head wouldn't quit throbbing she brought a hand up to her head. "Okay yeah actually please do patch me up." Nazomi had gotten way too confident way too fast in her new found weapon, she had gotten so used to dominating the small bug like shadows that she hadn't prepared herself for a massive blow like the one she took. Unlike her the large creature seemed just fine after taking a hit from her, even managing to hit her back ten fold. So what had Nazomi learned form this encounter? Two things, keep your eyes on your opponent, and block.
Errant Voyager Errant Voyager Ennuis Ennuis
As she bolted Ollie experienced a deep, cold dread that she hadn’t ever felt before. Absolutely anything could be waiting on the other side of the corner and she would most likely be unable to even stop it. Her to yo-yo paled in comparison to the keyblades or even regular weapons that the others held, and a while ago she had run out of most of her useful fire works. In a fight she would be positively useless. Yet Ollie couldn’t force her legs to stop moving. The fear blooming inside was still no match for her need to know if someone needed help. Despite her hate for the wretched town Ollie did in fact care for those who resided in it. The community’s bond with each other was stronger than the toughest of metals out there. Which is why it would destroy Ollie if she found out someone got injured. So, incredibly terrified, Ollie increased her speed.

Finally she reached her destination and a little time after Lucinda had caught up. Ollie let out the largest sigh of relief when she didn’t immediately see anyone who was dead. There was only a group of people who looked to be already on their out out of there. In the group there appeared to be a grown adult wearing a fur hat, a girl who on closer inspection looked to be in pain and... “Marche!?”

While the troublemaker had personally not talked to the boy before, he was quite the talk around town due to his unending goal to find his friends. While Ollie knew that the sad reality would most likely be that his friends would be long gone, she secretly hoped that he would find them. Besides that Ollie knew almost nothing else about the young boy.

Preparing to run over to him, Ollie’s small face suddenly paled. She had brought on the attention of the heartless. They stared at each other for what seemed like years, with the larger’s cold, lifeless, yellow eyes seemingly staring into her core. Just as she had prepared herself for her immediate demise, her savior shouted a phrase foreign to her ears that somehow created electricity above the monster’s head. Taking her chance, Ollie rushed over to Marche and the others who by now were a safe distance away from the beast. “Are you guys okay?”

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