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Fantasy ♔. King of Kings - Out of Character Chat

The Fluffiest Floof The Fluffiest Floof : Hello, love!
For religion: can you explain further what you mean by "common rules"? What's considered the common rule in Avalarion?
. .
Its basically just like:
Believe in what you want to believe but please dont kidnap virgins to sacrifice them, thanks, kisses.
I'd write that into your country's religion or place it in as rule or motto of your Kingdom! <3
Ronan Ronan : Hi, love!
Are you going to keep your kingdom's name as Libya? You are welcome to make up a name for your Kingdom!
Edited it in. Is that the only point of criticism in my cs?
As of right now, yes, since I'm just looking at the whole picture before going into depth of it.
I'll send you more information as soon as I read into deeper!
As of right now, yes, since I'm just looking at the whole picture before going into depth of it.
I'll send you more information as soon as I read into deeper!
Can you do that soon? This one is an impatient little thing and wont rest well until she knows the opinion of the gm. Especially since this is most likely the most work i ever put into a cs.
deer deer : Probably! I juggled some ideas but I've grown attached to Libya as a country just from reading wikipedia articles. So to amend that, I fictionalised the names of cities, people, government, et cœtera. The country name itself is the only thing that is real-world. (~:
- - - sorry loves, i haven't been able to look at the character sheets fully yet. been fixing some codes for others on rpn and then the interest&character sheet code for king of kings. now the code is all fixed and decent if you were to use them. [this was for my sanity as well]
hello darling. hello!
ill add you to the list asap.

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