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King and Queen of Ephedia

Felicity Smoak

Elder Member
This roleplay is for myself & @PinkUnicorn

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Queen of Ephedia

Princess of Ephedia was in her wedding dress for her wedding with a human named Gramorr. She fell for a human. She was a sorceress in addition a princess that caused many to question her decision. But, their love overcame their obstacles and today will be the day that they are finally together.

The wedding ceremony was at Ephedia, Morgaine's planet. Ephedia means dream. In a way, this was a dream come true for her on her planet. dress was lacy, showing her long purple loosely curled down go her side. She was absolutely thrilled to finally be married to Gramorr.
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King Gramorr

Gramorr was getting ready in a private room. He was all by himself and he loved that. He wouldn't be alone all the time now once he got married to his one and only love
Queen of Ephedia

After both Morgaine and Gramorr got ready Morgaine stood at the end of the isle. As soon as the music began, that was Morgaine's cue to walk down the isle in a slow pace. She looking staight at Gramorr with a smile on her face. This was the best day since she's met him on Earth.
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Queen of Ephedia

When their minister instructed Morgaine and Gramorr to exchange vows, she can feel her heart beating so quickly. She was absolutely nervous to read her vows as a million of her people were staring at them. It truly warmed Morgaine at how amazing Gramorr was to stay with her on her planet, Ephedia. "I promise to love and cherish every moment Gramorr and I have," she said, for one part of her vow.
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Gramorr smiled. And started to read his vow - "I shall look after Morgaine as long as we both shall live!"
Queen of Ephedia

When the minister pronounced that they were officially husband and wife and how Gramorr has the permission to kiss the bride. Morgaine looked at Gramorr happily. She was holding onto his hand that had her ring on.
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Gramorr clutched Morgaine's hand, he leaned forward and kissed her on her lips. He smiled. Life was finally going to be great
Queen of Ephedia

Morgaine kissed him back for a while before pulling back to see his smile. "I love you, Gramorr," she told him, with a warm smile. She always reminds him that she loves him everyday that their together. He was the most special person in her life. She couldn't imagine her life without her ever since they met.
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Gramorr smiled widely. "I love you to Morgaine!" He kissed her lightly on her cheek. "Our life is ours now!"
Queen of Ephedia

Morgaine giggled and nodded in agreement. "We have always been together. But, now we have a life together in this palace. There is nothing I can as more as your queen and wife," she admitted.
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Queen of Ephedia

Morgaine couldn't help, but chuckle when he mentioned the word 'family'. "Isn't that too soon?" She joked, laughing softly. She was really happy that he wants that with her. Although, they did just get married.
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Queen of Ephedia

" We will see what happens. But for now, I just want to be with my handsome husband," Morgaine told him, with a smile as she wrapped her arms around his elbow. Their guests had started dancing in the center of the palace. This was going to be a lovely ball after the wedding.
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Morgaine blushes slughtly, when Gramorr complimented her. "I'm not that beautiful, Gramorr.." she said, growing up she has always been taught to be modest. "
Megan giggled. " Okay. And I guess you are lucky to have me then," she said, with a smile. She really did hope that he's happy to be married to her now. He was the only human that she's dated and married. Also, known about her secret.
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Megan laughed softly, before shaking her head. "I was the princess. You should be the one lucky to have me," she teased him, even though she is absolutely lucky to have him. She knows she is lucky to have him. She was just joking around with him.

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