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Realistic or Modern Kidnapped.

After a few hours of sleeping he looked at her and smiled "you can sleep now" he said to her as he got up and looked at her.
Aaron zoned out for a second and hear him talking then looked at him snapping out of it "wait what?" she said raising an eyebrow laying her back against the hard wall then passing out from exhaustion.
He smirked at her and saw her rest she didn't want to be here and neither did him so they need to get out of there for all they know they could be the last very few humans but he doubted that.
Aaron jolted away halfway through her sleep from the sound of screaming in another room "what the hell?" she muttered standing up looking up at the broken glass only seeing their reflection "who is that?" she said walking over to justin grabbing both of his wrists looking directly him in the eyes with fear
He saw her being distressed "Who is what" he didn't seem bothered by anything he knew this would happen. He was scarred something may happen to them though.
Aaron looked around then seeing a little hole in the door she rushed over to looking out it seeing a dead girl being dragged with blood trailed behind her. Her jaw dropped "oh my god" she said with fear stepping back shaking "dont look" she said plopping down on the ground.
"What was it" he asked her. He knew she was horrified from something she looked at. He put his arm around her neck "Hey I know whatever out there is scary but we have to live through it no matter what, for freedom" he told her.
Aaron looked up at him traumatized from what she had saw and nodded her head slowly "o-okay" she said taking a deep breath "look outside* she said pointing to the door.
He looked at the door through the hole. At this rate they weren't gonna live but he didn't want to say it and just focused himself to not think of anything.
Dead bodies were being dragged down the hallway by a guy with a black hood unable to see his face with blood trails everywhere. Aaron sat there watching Justin peering out the hole she wan't going to stop him besides that might be able to see anything.
Justin wasn't horrified so he just watched until he got bored. He then walked over to Aaron and sighed "it's a shame for them..." He said to her, he felt bad but to them it was just like the circle of life.
Aaron nodded wrapping her arms around her legs "It's not their fault they had no choice on whether they are going to die or not" she said staring at the wall straight of head.
"Yea, even if we did bad things we are all innocent" he said to her sighing he didn't want to die like this but eventually they will be tortured.
"Well....sometimes that's not the case....like those FUCKING PEOPLE THAT BEAT INNOCENT PEOPLE!" Aaron exclaimed making sure they would hear her.
"I said us not them they are worse than people, they are beasts..." He said to her. He just got up and started kicking the door "I shall not die by their hand!" He exclaimed.

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