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Fandom KibouLand // ZetsuboLand: a DR OC RP

Um, is it alright if I suggest waiting awhile before you post again? Since it's kind of hard for me to keep up with everyone responding at the same time Dx

Edit: Plus at this rate we're gonna leave everyone behind. This is also so we can get more well thought out responses.
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ok guys since we're leaving ppl behind for tonight the goal is just: introduce your character and then stop. Once everyone's caught up, we can pick back up tomorrow with Ketty-chan and Monokuma.
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[QUOTE="bullseye boy]also we should probably think about doing a reply order for big groups like this because this shit is chaos

agree. (Or since we have a big group, just wait for a certain amount of posts before you can post)
[QUOTE="bullseye boy]also we should probably think about doing a reply order for big groups like this because this shit is chaos

ok, from now on, i'm initiating a reply order by student ID. You can check your student ID number on the bottom of the overview tab. Please follow it starting tomorrow! I'll post a reminder along with tomorrow's opening
Since there's 12 of us ( since some are doubling up) I was thinking if there's already six posts up and it has been maybe 30 mins since your last post it'll be fine (just a suggestion)

Also I think it's better to change the tag for this rp to be casual/simple.
Yunn said:
Since there's 12 of us ( since some are doubling up) I was thinking if there's already six posts up and it has been maybe 30 mins since your last post it'll be fine (just a suggestion)
Also I think it's better to change the tag for this rp to be casual/simple.
originally , i had it planned as a detailed rp, but when we started moving so fast, it got harder to write out detailed replies, but with the new reply order that's starting today, it'll give people a chance to write out longer replies.
I have a question, if your talking to someone one on one in the RP do you still have to wait for your turn or can you just go ahead and talk to them? It feels strange to wait fi your not talking to a group of people
Also if anyone wants, I can make the cool character cards like the one I did for my character. I want to work more on my photoshop skills, so just say if you want one for you character if you don't have one already.

[/QUOTE]Jokes on you, I'm not using "Cookie"" font.

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