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Fantasy Khorys

I like the idea that we know it's a game and the people of Khorys don't.

It's be cool to have basic game mechanics like an inventory and skills menu while living in this world.
@Azaeleah If our great GM's affinity for LoL is anything to go by, these are abilities that are going to stick with you for a while, so include scaling benefits for them as you grow in power. Wild Shape is a great example for this, as it naturally scales with level.

Take Entangle, for example. You could rename it something vague like "Grasping Roots", something that invokes an image rather than an actual effect. At it's most basic, it ensnares, but as you grow in power it might take in extra effects, like vines that reach out and grapple (a la Black Tentacles). Mist could be empowered at higher levels into a debilitating, corrosive miasma (a la Stinking Fog), and so on.

Also, I honestly think among those Wild Shape seems like the best 'Ultimate' ability, rather than Entangle.
@Azaeleah If our great GM's affinity for LoL is anything to go by, these are abilities that are going to stick with you for a while, so include scaling benefits for them as you grow in power. Wild Shape is a great example for this, as it naturally scales with level.
Take Entangle, for example. You could rename it something vague like "Grasping Roots", something that invokes an image rather than an actual effect. At it's most basic, it ensnares, but as you grow in power it might take in extra effects, like vines that reach out and grapple (a la Black Tentacles). Mist could be empowered at higher levels into a debilitating, corrosive miasma (a la Stinking Fog), and so on.

Also, I honestly think among those Wild Shape seems like the best 'Ultimate' ability, rather than Entangle.
Thanks! I'll do some edits and consider scaling benefits :D also may change to half elf or human to even out our high amount of elf players lol
@Bills352 Heh. Looks like someone's a bit of a Log Horizon fan, I see.

@Azaeleah I was considering changing as well, but the whole Eldritch finesse-blade mage vibe feels like a very Elvish concept. Didn't feel right making him a human or a dwarf.
LoL provided a nice outline for our own purposes, I regret nothing. ^^ And if anyone needs to tweak their ability info later in the game I think that's dandy. Goodness, two years ago I'd never have said that, but I'm learning to loosen up a little.

@Azaeleah, you are welcome to change your race but don't feel obligated. Nothing wrong with a bunch of elves if that's how things fall.

@Circus, I dunno if I can help you much with song effects. Bards are such a unique class and I've never been in a game with one before so I'm not sure what to suggest. D: You could do so many neat things with it though. I've a few plans for your character in non-combat settings. . .

Also, update, we officially weren't able to secure that dwarven rogue, so everybody will be pulling a little extra weight in that area. Lookin' at you, Arsenic.
I feel like my character is making an initial impression of being a spazz but to be fair it's a fairly realistic reaction xD
Circus, as a bard you're going to primarily be utilizing performances: chanelled buffs or debuffs (usually buffs) that continue for as long as you continue to play.

Naturally, you're going to want at least one inspiring performance. My reccomendation would be something that affects speed (there's a reason Haste is broken) but any buff will do.

The second thing I reccomend is a debuffing performance. The standard here is the fascinating song, but you can opt for a cacophonic sonic-damage aura instead.

I don't know if you play LoL, but the champion Sona has a pretty solid bard build.

And you can count on me, Amber. This little piggy gets shit done.
Thanks for the input. I haven't played LoL, but I am familiar with Final Fantasy's Bard class.

Definitely going to add the basic buff and debuff songs, just wondering if there is anything truly unique that anyone has in mind. But we will see. I got some good ideas I'm going to add here shortly.

Posted. Hope you guys enjoy. Everyone gets a free buff to start this fight!
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Made a slight flavor fix to the abilities to make them easier to read. Also buffed him up a little bit after realizing, upon reading Silsa's abilities, that I had absolutely zero CC. Will be posting when I get home from work.

Speaking of which, @Silsa , those are some pretty cool abilities. Nice work.
@ARSENIC Thank you, I just tried to keep in line with game flavor. Your abilities were really cool too, great synergy in any MOBA. I can't say I made mine before looking over yours quite a few times. (' :) )
I was completely unaware of the new abilities section, and have only just started to fill it out. I was wondering, do they have to relate to the class? As my characters an archer, would they all have to relate to that? Because currently my mind has gone kaput...
I'd suggest mostly stuff that relates to different type of shots, and maybe take some inspiration from the Ranger Class in d&d for flavor
@Icerex @SleepiestBear7 @Chisengen still need to come up with abilities.

@WolfOfProphecys I don't think you need an ability like Accuracy since you should be able to hit your target more often than not. An elemental arrow/poison arrow/paralyzing arrow would be cool. Even a shadow bind shot, where you bind the enemy by shooting an arrow in their shadow, would be neat. That's a staple for RPGs.
I've got to say, @WolfOfProphecys , next to the other damage-dealers in the group (namely @Silsa 's sorceress and myself) your abilities look woefully underpowered.

Here are some buffs I'd recommend:

As it's name implies, penetrating shot should shoot through targets, allowing you to skewer multiple enemies in a line at once.

Turn rapid-fire into a toggling passive, allowing the archer to switch between stances, replacing her other passive which I see no way of really improving. Call it something like "Will of the Hunter", and allow her to switch between Rapid Fire, Standard, and Deadly Aim modes. Rapid Fire increases accuracy at the cost of firepower, and Deadly Aim increases firepower the longer she keeps her bow drawn, which synergizes with...

Shadowstalk, the ability I recommend you replace Rapid Fire with. Some kind of stealth ability that stays so long as she stands still. Seems perfect for the forest-hunting archer feel, especially since we won't actually have a dedicated rogue, and combined with Deadly Aim makes her a very powerful sniper.

The ultimate is also around as powerful, right now, as a regular ability for the two of us. Instead of just a flaming arrow, have it become a phoenix arrow, transforming the arrowhead into this bad boy to rain fiery vengeance in a given area.
Shit. I didn't see that she had posted the extended app until now. Well, better get to work.
Circus said:
@Bills352 notifying you that the RP has started and are free to post. We're gonna need a tank!
I'll post in about an hour or 2 as currently i'm in the middle of something.
@Icerex nice. I like the how you buff by proximity. Good frontline unit. However, your passive overlaps with my first ability. I can take take care of the attack and defense buff if you want to change it.

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