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Kentrunatum -=InfiniteChaos & WolfOfProphecys=-

"Ohh..." Lumos stated softly and thought for a moment. "Seems like... Well... Seems like a rude move on them then." He responded and smiled softly to her. "At least you did find your powers then." He finally finished off and looked at the fire.
Astaroth nodded, "Only after almost drowning though" she responded, moving a little closer to the fire for warmth. She liked this, he seemed to understand her, "So...Where did you come from?"
Lumos nodded to her "Some don't find powers until dire situations occur." He stated and smiled at her, and then thought for a moment. They were currently in the south stem, in the pack that used to be the Lightning Pack. The Aura. He looked at her, and began to think about where she actually had come from. The river must've sent her very far very quickly.

"We're currently in the South Stem. This pack here is The Aura. Well, more of the outskirts of it." He stated and then said, "The Aura is the most northern Southern pack."
Astaroths ears flattened, "I need to get home..." She whimpered. She needed to get home as soon as she could, maybe she could get in the river and get the water to push her along. Or maybe she would walk. Walking would take a while, but she couldn't stay here when her sister would think her dead. Maybe the village would celebrate her death, she was only ever a burden to them
Lumos lowered his ears at her whimper and thought for a moment before looking at the fire as it was slowly beginning to spread along the log. He looked at her again and then said, "Where was it that you were from?"
"Cardigan Village" Astaroth responded softly, "I need to get back and make sure my sister is okay..." She added, shaking her head. She needed to get home and prove she wasn't as useless as they all had thought, that they had all been wrong
Lumos nodded, but still had a sad look on his face. "That's... at least a day or two away... I don't think you realize how far you are away from there." He stated, he didn't want to be rude at all... but Cardigan was almost two days away.
Astaroth shook her head, "I have to get home" she repeated, "They all probably think I'm dead... And I need to know that my sister wasn't killed by the water that dragged me here" she mumbled softly, "I don't care how far it is. I need to get home"
Lumos sighed, no point in trying to argue with Astaroth, so he thought for a moment and then said. "Fine, but I'm coming with you then." He looked at her and the spoke up. "Since you came from Cardigan you show know that someone powerful killed Avian. Even us down here heard about it." He stated looking at her.
Astaroth looked at him having expected him to argue, but nodded, "I'd be glad for the company" She agreed. At the remainder of Avian's death, she lowered her head, "My sister idolised that Alpha... So when we found that everyone was being told to go home, I went to see what was happening... I saw his body... Who could have done that?"
Lumos sighed and looked at Astaroth again. "He was killed by a Ketrunatum." He spoke looking at her to see if she would react at all. Would she even know what a Kentrunatum is? Or would she even wonder who the Kentrunatum might be? They are really rare wolves, usually there is only 1 in each life time, or none at all for generations. Last time a Kentrunatum was even known to be around was almost 100 years ago. At least 10 generations.
Astaroth blinked at the other. She knew that was some form of power, but she wasn't sure what it was, "A what?" She asked softly, "I've never heard of anyone whose a Ketrunatum..." She added, tilting her head. Clearly it was a powerful gift to have, otherwise the Alpha wouldn't be dead now
"Guess I should explain it then." He stated and then sighed once more before looking at her. "Kentrunatums can only be stopped by another Kentrunatum, that's why they're so dangerous. They're also the most powerful, no one can stop them. Not even if you're the most powerful air/wind gifted wolf on the planet." He explained. "We have a bad Kentrunatum running around gettinf followers and gaining power... and he could only be stopped by another Kentrunatum..." Lumos finished and sighed thinking for a moment and then he looked at her, almost studying her completely, looking right into her eyes.
Astaroth listened carefully, the water she controlled still circling the fire as if waiting for it to try and grow. Her eyes widened at the description, "I don't suppose theres another Kentrunatum that would stop them?" She asked softly, supposing that would be too wishful. But why, if you had such amazing powers, would you use it for evil?
Lumos sighed slightly. "That's the problem... No one knows another Kentrunatum because they don't know they're a Kentrunatum until after they try." He spoke and shrugged. "Its a complicated mess." He finished off and thought for a moment and then looked at her carefully once more... "You said you couldn't figure out your powers until now?"
Astaroth shook her head at him, "I couldn't. The only reason I did was because of the river." She responded, wondering why he was looking at her like that. Her ears twitched, wondering what he was thinking. Maybe she was wrong, maybe he did see her how everyone else did, freaky. She looked at him nervously
"Because the only thing that can kill a Kentrunatum... is another Kentrunatum..." He spoke softly looking at her. He thinks she is a Kentrunatum. Not a powerless mutt like everyone else though, but the exact opposite. The most powerful wolf of all.. He looked at her and then looked at his paw then back at her. "I will hate myself if this doesn't work." He spoke lightly and then start conjuring up a lightning storm above them.
Astaroth frowned at him, unsure of what he meant. She couldn't be one of the most powerful wolves in existence, could she? She watched him quietly, tensing as she watched him start to make a lightning storm above them, "W-What are you doing?"
Lumos sighed as he continued to make the lightning storm and then shot a bolt of lightning at Astaroth without giving a second though, he only hoped it didn't kill her. She better be a Kentrunatum... Please be a Kentrunatum... He liked her so far...
Astaroth's eyes widened as she realised what he was doing, and made to move out the way. She was too late though, because the bolt hit her. She felt the electricity on her skin, closing her eyes tightly as she waited for pain. When it didn't come she reopened her eyes, blinking at him. Had he actually hit her with the bolt? Perhaps he had hit nearby instead.
Lumos looked at her and was getting more and more surprised... He smirked slightly and looked at the fire. "Can you jump into the fire..." He spoke and struck the tree with another bolt making it hotter now with more flames shooting up. He looked back at her, almost wickedly. He was getting more excited because he was beginning to believe she was a Kentrunatum.
Astaroth was inwardly panicking. He looked excited, but she was somewhat hoping this was a fluke. She had just believed herself to be normal, but now she was realising she could never be so. She'd be special if Lumos was correct, and wolves would still stare at her. But, she obeyed him, and jumped into the fire. In fact, she landed in it, and stood there for a moment. The heat warmed her, but didn't burn her.
Lumos started smirking inwardly and said "Astaroth.... I think you're a Kentrunatum..." He spoke and smiled at her in a more nicer way as he looked around hearing someone approaching.

(Time to enter the Tritagonist finally xD )
Astaroth stared at him, and slowly moved out of the fire. She didn't understand, only hours ago she had been a powerless nobody, and now she was one of the most powerful wolves out there

Frost was curious. She was usually wandering around anyway, preferring the quiet to the loud sounds of her home. So to hear two wolves talking excitedly made her want to listen. She paused as she heard Kentrunatum, and decided to show herself. The elegant looking white wolf stepped toward them confidently, "Who's a Kentrunatum?" She asked
Lumos jumped at the sound of another wolf near them and he looked to see Frost looking at both of them confidently. He spoke first before Astaroth could and said "She's a Kentrunatum." He looked to Astaroth and then back at Frost and looked a little excited. "I expected this would be one of the last places I would see you, Frost."

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