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Multiple Settings Kenny's Endless RP Search Thread

I was really away without enough online access, I'm back though and I messaged you, that there may yet be something for a roleplay from it.


Hiding in the spoiler below is an intro of mines from YEARS ago for a story about two beliefs/faiths battling each other. Intro provides a little backstory. But if you would be interested in something like this, let me know. Craving drama, rivals, secret loves, and that type of stuff for a story. We don't have to go with what's in the spoiler, we can totally change it up. Just wanted to give an idea of what I'm craving. Let me know your ideas/suggestions if interested!
The god of divine justice and the god of eternity, Tazut and Saris. Why could the two gods not exist together and create one of the most spiritual and strongest guidance that the people of their nation has ever believed in? Those who believed that one could not coexist with the other were the ones responsible for the holy war that has captured their home. Never has there been so much hate, anger, and death directed towards one another for the sole purpose of raising one god higher than the other. How would they let gods and religion tear a nation apart when at one time, which was not a time very far in the past, brought everyone together? It made no sense. She did not understand why no one could find a way for the two sides to come together and discuss matters. She did understand why supporters of Saris would not feel safe, feel as if they could not trust those who followed Tazut. They were being hunted down for their beliefs when they were once promised not to be bothered. And the second an unfortunate and deadly plague spreads through the nation, the god of eternity is blamed.

Celiana’s family was a respected family within the capital city and they had many connections with those of power and influence. Her father, and his father, and his father’s profession had always related to creating taxes and collecting them for the nation. An honorable and secured career that paid very well and one that invited them to mingle with noblemen and noblewomen. However, when time came for a change in the nation’s followings and beliefs, her family had no choice but to convert and become followers of Tazut. Or else they would lose everything her family had worked for and built generation after generation. One week Saris was who they worshiped and the next, it was all ripped from their minds and hearts and forced to worship Tazut. All that Celiana had learned and known her whole life had completely changed.

Around the time the converting of beginning to take place, Celiana had just married Rundof and beginning a new life. Although she did not have one hundred percent say in who she wished to marry at that time, she did love the man. Masking her true feelings about the converting was easy in the beginning, but as time went by and tensions became high within the nation, she couldn’t help but release some of her true feelings…but she only revealed them to an extent with her husband. And despite what she may have felt and thought, she obeyed and now follows the god of divine justice. Becoming very sick and losing their first child due to the plague only created an unwanted stress on their relationship. And her husband accepting responsibility to lead the persecution of Sarinians only increased the strain. But there were not many options, if any at all, for her…all expect for two. One, stay right where she sat with her husband and give in to the cause. Or two, leave her husband, who she did still love, and fight for coexistence that would surely have her killed if not careful. Unfortunately, Celiana was all too familiar with losing those close to her because of the holy war. Her mother and her family resisted the conversion and played a role in keeping innocent people safe and they were well knownβ€”but she lost her mother and other family members to the holy war.

Half of her blood easily gave in to the new religion and its ways while the other half resisted and paid the price. And then she was married to the man leading the persecution. She was as torn and conflicted as ever.

Hazel eyes stared across the table and followed the movement of the crystal goblet that Duke Rundof held tightly. They finally blinked and fell out of their daze a moment after hearing his words. β€œIt’s becoming quite noisy down there, isn’t it?” The male commented, looking to his wife. Celiana cleared her throat softly as she repositioned herself in her chair, tucking a strand of her light brown hair behind an ear. β€œYes, yes it is. I couldn’t help but notice it shortly after it had begun.” It sounded as if something was happening within the city and it sounded as if it was not planned. Of course she hoped it was nothing serious and all would quiet down relatively soon. Having to stay in a place that was not her own usually did not give her the best nights rest and with the sound of soldiers moving about, it surely would only make her night even more uncomfortable. Celiana watched her husband across the table. It always looked as if something serious was on his mindβ€”he was always thinking. He was always so focused. On what exactly, she did not know, but the few guesses she could provide would certainly fall close. But more often than not, Celiana felt as if Rundof had drastically changed since beginning his mission and she feared that he would never return to his old self unless he succeeded.

β€œPerhaps you should go find out what the noise is all about?” Celiana pushed herself away from the table and moved to the window, pulling back a curtain to watch the streets. β€œWe both know you would be out there if it weren’t for me being here.” She looked back at him with a small smile. β€œWhich I am still not sure why I am here.” Carefully putting the curtain back in its place, she started towards the table and watched him. β€œI’ll be fine here. The least you should do is find out what has caused the movement.” Celiana gave him another smile, paired along with a small nod of reassurance.

Rundof, a Duke as well as a Commander, took another drink of his wife as he watched his wife move to the window to look out. β€œSurely my men can handle a little ruckus, but it is uncalled for.” He sighed a bit and stood up to go grab his light body armor from the trunk, quickly pulling it over his head. Celiana watched him with a small smile as he approached her. He gave her a small kiss on her forehead. β€œYou should head to bed. You look tired, weak.” His words made her frown as she shook her head. β€œRundof, I am perfectly fine. I became ill two years ago.”

β€œAnd it took you a year to fully recover. And we still have no child. You are still weak.” He gave her another kiss before heading out of their room that was taken up at the local inn. Celiana watched him leave the room, letting out a deep sigh once the door was shut. β€œSaris is punishing us for our weakness. Punishing us for being so gullible and giving in.” Celiana had only been in bed for no more than an hour when the banging, screaming, shouting, and breaking of glass could be heard from her room. She got out of bed quietly and moved to the window to see many people in the streets and it looked like an attack. β€œNo, no…” She whispered, quickly moving away from the window to grab her coat and slip on her shoes. Celiana was met at the door by a guard who was ordered to take her to safety and she followed his directions. Even throughout the inn that was reserved for the army, it was still chaotic as ever. It only got worse as she was led out into an alley outside, greeted by the winter air and lightly falling snow. It sounded so loud and her attention was being pulled everywhere while she herself was being pulled to an unknown location.

The soldier guiding her away from the middle of the town did very well mostly because he did not look like a solider. He wore light body armor, but he did not wear much so that he could assist and getting the Duke’s wife to safety. Just as they had made it to the edge of the town, with the cover of the forest just a short distance away, the soldier suddenly stopped in his tracks and fell into the snow. An arrow had it him in the back. Celiana yelped as she watched the snow around the young man stain red. She covered her mouth to try and calm herself. She knelt down and touched his head affectionately. β€œI’m so sorry, thank you.” She wiped the frightened tears from her cold face and watched as a group with torches began to make their way towards her. She stood and began to make her way into the forest before her. Part of her had no idea why she was running away from the people whom she still held the same beliefs with. The thought made her stop after a while of walking through the deep forest. She stopped and moved around a large treeβ€”it was suddenly so quiet and the snow was now creating a curtain that she could barely see through.
Hello. I'm potentially interested in historical forbidden romance. I'm still at work for about another hour or so, but I can send you a proper message tonight once I'm home and settled. Just posting here for now so I don't lose the thread.
Hello. I'm potentially interested in historical forbidden romance. I'm still at work for about another hour or so, but I can send you a proper message tonight once I'm home and settled. Just posting here for now so I don't lose the thread.
Hey there! Yessss, that sounds great. I'm about to crash for the night myself. Brain is fried from work today. πŸ˜… Whenever is totally cool. Look forward to your message!
Hello how are you still searching?

So you wrote I write 2 to 5 paragraphs per reply and sometimes over 5 depending on the scene

I am a novella rper
Others call us advanced lit rpers

I write A LOT so my bare minimum is 3 paragraphs per reply. If you can say yes. Every single reply I'll make sure it's a minimum of 3 paragraphs we will get along right ad rain mate πŸ‘ πŸ˜‰ πŸ‘Œ πŸ˜€

Ideally more but 3 at a minimum and ill be peachy πŸ‘ ✨️ 😌 πŸ˜‹ ☺️

Anyways if you are OK with that I'd love to discuss more and see how we can have our characters meet πŸ˜€πŸ˜ƒπŸ˜„

If you do not agree with that then thank you for the honesty as I can't stand liars and I say I wish you best of luck and cheers mate πŸ‘ πŸ‘Œ πŸ˜‰
Hello how are you still searching?

So you wrote I write 2 to 5 paragraphs per reply and sometimes over 5 depending on the scene

I am a novella rper
Others call us advanced lit rpers

I write A LOT so my bare minimum is 3 paragraphs per reply. If you can say yes. Every single reply I'll make sure it's a minimum of 3 paragraphs we will get along right ad rain mate πŸ‘ πŸ˜‰ πŸ‘Œ πŸ˜€

Ideally more but 3 at a minimum and ill be peachy πŸ‘ ✨️ 😌 πŸ˜‹ ☺️

Anyways if you are OK with that I'd love to discuss more and see how we can have our characters meet πŸ˜€πŸ˜ƒπŸ˜„

If you do not agree with that then thank you for the honesty as I can't stand liars and I say I wish you best of luck and cheers mate πŸ‘ πŸ‘Œ πŸ˜‰
Hey there! If you're cool with a bare minimum of 3 paragraphs for a reply, then that's all good with me. I can definitely provide more depending on what's going on in the story. So at least 3 is easy. Are you able to shoot me a message so we can talk plots??

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