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Realistic or Modern Kanji High School - Updates

Hello dear students of Kanji High School.

This is your principal speaking.

We will be going on a trip of 3 days in order to let everyone get to know each other.

We are going to assemble in front of the school at
8.30AM where a bus will be waiting for us.

Be sure to not bring too much with you, only the necessary products.

We will be staying at a traditional youth hostel in Fukushima.

I hope we will see you all Wednesday!


The Principal

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The bus will take about 3 hours before they will arrive at Fukushima.

There will be some stops along the way to stretch the legs and/or go to the bathroom.

You can also go buy a snack in the convenience store if you want (if there is one).

Marshmallow said:
@Rose Baker
It has been a week/more than a week since you've replied. If you don't let anything here of you by tomorrow, you will permanently be removed.

@yjSidekick @Hygswitch @verifiedkat @Dovahkiin @Lost Valentine

Thank you for having shown interest and replied to the RP's.
Hey you're welcome. Sorry I haven't replied either, life's just been busy and school is starting real soon (Monday). I'll defiantly try to respond tonight or tomorrow though.
[QUOTE="Lost Valentine]Hey you're welcome. Sorry I haven't replied either, life's just been busy and school is starting real soon (Monday). I'll defiantly try to respond tonight or tomorrow though.

Ok, thank you for letting me know. ^^
Marshmallow said:
@Rose Baker
It has been a week/more than a week since you've replied. If you don't let anything here of you by tomorrow, you will permanently be removed.

@yjSidekick @Hygswitch @verifiedkat @Dovahkiin @Lost Valentine

Thank you for having shown interest and replied to the RP's.
I haven't been able to because of school but I will definitely make an effort to change that, sorry for the inconvience

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