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Fantasy Just A Freestyle Story; Feel Free To Add On In Comments


New Member
I could never imagine my dad's madness, could be so overwhelming. He's not only consumed by it, it affects those around him. Someone with such a fragile mind could be pushed to insanity. This is my story about how I lived on the streets, and somehow meet the man of a 100 years old, here goes nothing.

Age 11, transferred to a new school. It was soonly clear that Emily had become a huge freak of alcohol and drugs with her father. Emily found a strange impulse to kill and destroy her story and her life. If only someone could have seen the warning signs…

On the first day of school Emily and her brother Chris had found quite a place in the school yard to wait when they were greeted by 3 students who are later identified as David, Claudio, and Gentio. Claudio known as a notorious bully claimed that this was their territory. Chris spoke up at how ridiculous that was. They were after all just trying to have a quiet lunch together, but Claudiu didn't see it that way. She saw it as a test of her authority and acted violently lashing out at Chris, punching him.

At the sight of her little brother being punched, Emily snapped. She pulled out a knife that she had consisted. “Touch him again and I will kill all of you.” She threatened. Though as her brother saw it as an impulse to defend her, she felt something stronger. Something like the urge to kill. Afterwards she found an Anonymous note in her locker that read ‘ I know what you did… but do not worry I will not tell anyone. You are skillful but dangerous. ‘

Time passed and no police were involved. It was at this age she felt her sanity start to slip away. One night while Chris was playing in the back yard, Claudio and her gang showed up to get revenge. They knew just how much she cared about her little brother so they took it out on him. They snached him away from his home, and beat him senseless. Then they dumped him out of her car and just drove away. When Emily found her beaten and bloodied brother, She rushed him home and was sent to the hospital. Emily would soon find another anonymous note. ‘ I'm sorry about your brother, I hope for him to recover. Do not think you are alone, ….I’m here. I’ll be your friend. But unfortunately….distant. ‘

That night her brother died. She cried as she would hug her self. School soon started again as Emily was walking in the field as Claudia and her gang jumped her, beating her up and kicking her as David would try to find anything that could distract the other two beating her up. He threw a rock at her which was all she needed to get away.

“ We'll get you letter you little shit, but first we need Emily. “ They would say running after her. Emily didn't have much of a chance since she was younger than the two and was tiring. She found a cottage not too far and ran in. She looked for something to defend herself with. In the corner of her eye she saw a metal bar hanging on the side of a nail. She grabbed it. Emily ran to the front entrance and waited quietly. She heard Claudia's footsteps as she entered the house.

“ Come here bitch you can’t hide from me. You may aswell come out now and get it over with. Haha, just kidding I am going to make you wish you were dead.“

Emily would count in her head as ‘ 3 steps away, 2 steps away, 1 step away…’ Claudia was approaching the corner that Emily was in.

“ Get out of here n- “ was all the time she had to say. Her sentence was cut off by the metal bar that was slammed viciously in her face. Claudia crumpled to the ground. Claudia in agony as emily set upon her with the metal bar hammering her face into it. With each strike she became more insane. She began laughing as blood came from everywhere. Claudia's face now just a crumpled face of red. It was at this moment Drake and Gentio ran in and stopped in their tracks, horrified by the sight before them. EMily just looked up at them and started to cry. That night as EMily returned home she decided it was time for a makeover. She was sick of looking normal like everyone else…. Because she wasn't normal anymore. She couldn't be more further from it, the only person she could relate to was her father. She decided she would follow in his footsteps and began searching for the bleach. As she was searching through the cupboards in the kitchen a figure appeared. Her eyes widened in disbelief. Her dad was standing right infront of her. He was holding a bottle of bleach and alcohol as he slowly walked towards her. He pulled it over her head as she didn't dare to complain.

“ This might hurt a little, but your strong. “ he would say striking a match and setting her on fire. Emily felt a sharp pain in her as she screamed in agony until she blacked out.

Emily woke up in a hospital reaching her hands to her face feeling the bandages covering her. She stumbled out of the bed to the closest mirror. And began unwrapping the bandages. Her hair was dark brown, her eyes were a sharp blue, her skin was pale. She was distant with her makeover, scared. She would fix that later. She began crying in pain as the nurses rushed in.

I dunno, just a freestyle story entry today :D

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