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Fandom Jurassic Park: Troubled Coast -Open-

Varric rolled his eyes at Violet before replying. "Sorry Doc, it's a condition. Think you can give me a prescription or something?" The young man didn't relent at the snap. If anything he seemed more sarcastic. "Don't bother writing down 'a thorough ass kicking,' if they couldn't beat it out of me for seven years, it's not going to work now." Happening upon the machines, he raised his hands up in an exaggerated fashion. "Well halle-freakin-lujah, at least we won't starve to death for a few days." With that he took off his backpack, going to one of the spare machines to let the others have their share, and loaded up as much as possible without hindering his access to the bag's other content. Then he took a sip out of his wide mouth water bottle before tossing it back in the bag again and putting it on.

Grabbing a protein bar, the young man peeled the wrapper and began chewing on it, before responding to Clarke's question. "Kind of the same thing. Wanted to write an article reviewing the cruise. Wavering between two and three stars out of five right now, depending on whether I make it out of this alive." He swallowed a bite before taking another one out of the chewy, almost rubber like food substance, growling slightly as he did. "At least it's pineapple, which is tolerable, not like cough syrup cherry or barf orange." Varric shuttered, before keeping a lookout as the others get their food as well.
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Violet glanced at the sarcastic one, and rolled her eyes, "I will not dignify that with a response." She spotted the vending machine when Clarke did, and decided to take some things for both herself and her father, finding a small cloth bag nearby and putting them inside. She went to the other vending machine and found water bottles inside, "Figures, they would take the colas in a survival situation. Idiots." She muttered and took a few bottles for herself and her father. She looked to Clarke to answer his question, "Father and I just wanted to go on a simple vacation cruise, we both work and in my case study hard, so we felt we deserved a break. Certainly didn't expect this to be part of a package, I have half a mind to sue the company." she laughed lightly. She then thought about Clarke's statement, then turned to him, "Why not bring the survivors here? So far it seems to be cleared, we haven't encountered anything aside from the Brachiasaur outside. Maybe this can be our haven until help arrives?"


"You took the words right out of my mouth." Edgar whispered to Daud, then looked to Thomas, who woke up with a gasp, "Silence! You're fine." Edgar said in a whisper but in a firm tone. He shrugged, "My daughter would be furious if you died, and I'm not exactly a fan of allowing an already wounded man to die on my watch." He looked up, but then looked down at Thomas again, "I mean...you're welcome." He said, then thought about his options quickly. "We obviously cannot stay here. We need to go in the direction Violet and the others went. And you," he looked down at Thomas, "Need a new change of bandages." He pointed to the bloodied jacket that once belonged to Violet wrapped around Thomas' leg, then took off his own black jacket and changed it out, making sure the jacket was wrapped tightly as to slow down or stop the bleeding. He threw Violet's jacket away, "We need to move, and quietly. It seems distracted by its new buffet, and it will be for a while. He's finished hunting for the time being, but let's not stick around to see if he gets hungry again."

He then looked to Daud, "Can you carry Thomas? He must not be on his leg anymore, and I'm not exactly strong myself. If you can't, someone here needs to." He looked to the handful of tourists, "We all need to stay together, we're going to find the group that went to look for the medical station on this island. Move quickly but quietly, and follow my lead."
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Ross followed along in silence, taking note of the hollow echoing in the corridor as the other survivors spoke around him. He looked around, the building was pretty bare until Violet had found a vending machine, void of soda but full of water. "At least water can't go flat." He thought out loud as the doctor-in-training grabbed a few waters from the machine, long since trashed by the slow but sure emergence of weather through the tattered rooftops, it was almost entirely destroyed in a place or two, perhaps due to some of the animals on the island tearing their way through when the last survivors were making their escape.


Daud held back his panic, breathing in heavy yet shallow breaths in alarmingly quick succession, though he forced himself to calm down as he became light-headed. The large predator knew exactly where they and the others were, he knew it. As the others spoke and panic continued he found himself trapped in his own mind, this was all so surreal.

He combed his fingers through his hair, haunted by a panicked expression.

Sorry I'm so late, crap keeps happening.

Also sorry my post is so short ( - _ -")
"Let's clear out the clinic first, and then we can work on moving everyone here." Clarke said and pushed open the doors for the clinic. As he pushed the door open, it broke free from its rusted hinges and fell to the floor loudly. He swore under his breath and stepped over the busted down door and immediately began surveying the room and ripping open cabinets. He hadn't found any medical supplies, save for the small first-aid box strapped to the wall.

"Do me a solid here, please." Clarke opened the box and frowned. Sitting in the box was a single flare, and some mildew covered and moldy bandages that had somehow gotten wet. Nestled next to the bandages was what appeared to be an empty syringe. He swore again and grabbed the flare, and slipped it into his pocket.

As the group looked around the completely looted clinic, something could be heard moving out in the halls. Concerned at the sudden amount of noise, Clarke peeked his head around the door-frame and immediately snapped his head back into the room, fear etched all across his face.

He brought a finger to his lips, and motioned for someone to help him prop the door back up against the frame as quietly as possible.

"Varric, Ross, help me out here..." Clarke whispered to the two men, and quietly heaved the door in-front of the frame. He then quietly pulled the flare from his pocket, and was prepared to use it as a weapon just in case what he saw came barreling into the room.

"Velociraptor in the hallway..."


Thomas shrugged them off, and grabbed his hunk of driftwood and hoisted himself to his feet. He staggered for a moment, and caught his balance.

"Ain't nobody carrying me. I don't want anyone getting eaten because they're carrying my broken ass." He shifted on his good leg, and limped away from the tree-line and deeper into the jungle.


Clarke pressed his face up against the glass window on the door and saw the Velociraptor eating something behind a nearby counter, it's tail the only visible thing of the animal rising up and over the counter. He could hear it snarling as it ate, and crunching on something hard. He pictured the raptor knelt over one of their bodies and chewing away on their bones.

He swallowed hard, and put a finger to his lips hoping no one would make a sound.

HONK! HONK! (my best attempt at the Velociraptor honking noise they make in the films)

Two more Raptors came bounding into view, and joined the feasting raptor at the counter and Clarke could feel the fear, and stress rising up into his throat. He hadn't been this afraid in all of his life, and the sudden fear had finally set in when he realized they had stumbled into the Velociraptor's nesting site. They were using the old building for their nests, and there was no telling how many raptors were packed up inside.

One of the Raptors began sniffing around the vending machine. It snarled violently at a fresh, muddy boot-print and slowly began rooting through the vending machine, smelling around.

Seeing the extra bottles of water, Varric went over to grab an extra one or two and pulled out his wide mouth water bottle again, before filling it up to the fullest before draining the rest of the contents of the plastic flimsy ones. He made a face as he finished the drink, "maybe water doesn't spoil but it sure gets stale." He made a small gesture as though wiping his tongue but resisted the urge to dramatically dry heave.

When the door came off its hinges and slammed down, Varric must have jumped three feet into the air. He spun around to glare at Clarke as the man swore, and gave a harsh whisper, "what the fuck man??" Shaking his head, he followed their ambiguous leader into the clinic quietly. Instead was trashed, overturned beds here and laid out carts there. He went over to the unchecked medicine cabinet while Clarke went through the other side. There, in the back of one, was a tiny vial of liquid. Pulling it out, Varric read the label. "Penicillin huh? Should come in useful." He just put the vial away in his backpack when a noise came from the outside. The young man froze, and turned slowly, fully expecting an open maw to greet him.

Fortunately only the other shocked members of the team greeted his sight, and Varric watched as Clarke looked into the hallway quickly shot back into the room, looking like he was about to piss himself. The blogger motioned for the rest of them to be quiet as he waved the two men over, calling their name. Varric went over and helped with the door, while whispering to Clarke, "how the hell did you guess my name? It's not like I'm a Mike or something." Instead of replying, Clarke just responding with saying there's a man eating dinosaur on the other side of the door that can outrun a cheetah.

Varric paled, and for the first time couldn't think of anything witty to say. He glanced around the room, at the other openings that can offer an entry way for the dinosaurs or an escape route, not to mention any vents that the bastards can crawl in or drop down from the ceiling like a freaking xenomorph.

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