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Fandom JuleRose - Protection and Love!


roleplaying is fun!
Juleka There used to be nights where Juleka thought she'd never be noticed by anyone, that she'd be forgotten by everyone she ever had come into contact with. And mornings that followed those nights seemed to prove her right again and again and again. Sometimes she wondered why she even bothered. Until she met Rose. Ever since, she had mostly forgot about those thoughts, and was given constant reassurance from Rose: she began to feel way happier. Within Rose's presence, Juleka felt at ease. It was such a blessing that she could see her every day at school, and they had become really close friends. Juleka wanted—needed—them to be more than that; but what was beyond... would it be something Rose would be comfortable with? Would Rose leave her if she knew she saw her that way? Would her feelings be accepted? Those—and more—questions wandered around Juleka's mind daily—usually when she went to sleep or had nothing to do and so was distracted and started overthinking. This particular night, though, there were no such preoccupations in her mind; and she looked upon tomorrow morning brightly only because she would be with Rose once more.


Oh, today I actually arrived early, thought Juleka as she walked towards the classroom. It was almost empty; only Alya was there; Rose had not arrived yet. Alya waved to her and she waved back. She went to sit at the same spot she always did: at the back, next to Rose. Classes were fun if you had Rose at your side; and of course, they were nicer, and more bright. Well, to Juleka at least. Now I only have to wait for her to come. Today we could go hang out at a café later, would be nice. Or she could come over, it's always fun! Juleka wandered in her thoughts, half asleep, hand in head, her eyes adrift, just waiting. She was oblivious to how radically her life would change from today onwards.
Rose Lavillant
More often than one would think, Rose thought about what would happen if things were different. Such as, what if she didn't go to school one day and stayed at home? What if she didn't turn in a specific homework assignment? Those thoughts always drain from her mind as soon as they come, but one question that can never leave is, what if she had never met Juleka? Rose knew the answer, she wouldn't be the same. She didn't like to think about it, because Juleka meant so much to her. Though oblivious to the obvious affections she had for the other girl, Rose considered Juleka as her closest friend. She looked forward to seeing the woman every day. Today was no different, she woke up bright and early, ready for a full day of school and fun,
However, it wasn't quite like that at first.
She woke up ten minutes past her alarm, rushed to get dressed and brush her already short hair, and had to grab a muffin while walking out of her house after saying her goodbyes to her family. Rose darted down the streets, knowing that if she was quick enough, she'd make it on time. She didn't want to end up like Marinette, always late for class. She had too good of a dream to have one late day ruin it all. Thankfully, after shoving the delectable pastry into her mouth, she made it too class before everyone got there. The petite blonde hadn't looked at the time since waking up, so she must have been fine...Oh, well. At least she was here.
"Juleka!" She greeted, waving to her fellow classmates before sitting down next to her best friend. Then, she plopped her head on the table. "I thought I'd be late, I ran so much, not a good idea," she gasped, out of breath. Little did Rose know, she'd be in for a long day.
It wasn't usual for Rose to be late. So Juleka was, yes, quite worried. What if something bad has happened to her? What if I... lose her? I... I couldn't manage to just... all the memories we will create and our--"Juleka!" Oh! Juleka's negative train of thought was interrupted by her only light, and god how relieved she was, so much she just forgot all she was thinking about, sat straight, and waved, beaming; Rose walked up the staircase in the middle of the classroom, and Juleka watched as her best friend cheerfully came towards her, of course she couldn't help but beam! "Rose!!" Rose plopped her head on the table and talked to her as fast as she always did. She's okay, she sighed in relief. "Rose, I'm so glad!" Not the best choice of words, uh? "I- I mean, not 'cause you ran, just, you know, that you're here." Juleka got a bit flustered because of her little slip up, but she pulled Juleka into a warm hug.

Meanwhile, most of the class students had arrived, and the teacher had too, she was still organizing her notes, and writing some things on the blackboard. The sun shone on the wooden class seats, today seemed a bright day as any other in Paris, and all seemed still and peaceful to Juleka as she hugged Rose.
Rose Lavillant
Seeing the relief in her best friends eyes made Rose feel equally as better, and she smiled at Juleka's flustered response. She managed to hold herself up to go into the hug with graceful arms. "I'm glad too!" She said in a fit of high-pitched giggles. "Thankfully I got here on time, I could've gotten in trouble if I was late, and I wouldn't be able to see you because of detention!" She over-exaggerated, but it was fine. One slip up would give her detention, right? Unless the teacher was in a bad mood...Rose shook her head, and reluctantly pulled away from the hug, beaming up at her friend. Then, she pulled out a pencil and her own notebook out, for notes during the class. Perhaps she could write little notes to Juleka during class, since they couldn't talk. It was always so boring to just sit there and listen, especially if the teacher was mean.
A moment passed, and a sudden idea popped into the petite blonde's head. "Oooh!" She squealed. "We should go to the movies sometime this week!" Rose suggested with excitement. As long as she could hang out with Juleka, she didn't care what movie they saw.
Juleka was glad Rose giggled it out, well, Rose was always giggling at Juleka's slip-ups in such a good-natured way, Juleka loved when she did it. It made her feel at ease and calm, and Rose looked so cute when she giggled. Well, as always...

When Rose broke out the hug to bring out her school materials, Juleka also got her purple notebook and her pencil up in the desk and looked at Rose, wondering what she was thinking. Out of the blue, Rose turned back to her, and cheerfully suggested for them to go the movies. Juleka was undoubtedly going to accept. "Sure I will." She said, happily. I actually have a horror movie in mind but... "What do you want to see?" she asked--"Also, might I remind Rose that she's too cute for detention?" And now Juleka giggled. It was only with Rose that she was able to feel so natural and spontaneous, not thinking about what she said much, not needing to.

Meanwhile, the teacher was about to start the class. It seemed like a long day was ahead for both of them.

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