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One x One Joy Ride OOC

That's perfectly okay, never feel like you have to apologies for less than a day's wait, especially since we got no schedule set up. And that post wasn't shitty, you goof.
So, I tried to sleep a bit, mostly failed, flailed about for a while and now, after rereading your post I had an idea that could possibly be the cutest thing ever; what if that morning we're currently writing was the start of their 'nearly acquaintanceship yet not really' thing? I could picture them both starting a little huffily (because Defensive Kenneth is defensive) and kinda starting seeking each other out at the bus station every morning until SOMETHING HAPPENS and The Ride is a thing.

What do you think?
So, I tried to sleep a bit, mostly failed, flailed about for a while and now, after rereading your post I had an idea that could possibly be the cutest thing ever; what if that morning we're currently writing was the start of their 'nearly acquaintanceship yet not really' thing? I could picture them both starting a little huffily (because Defensive Kenneth is defensive) and kinda starting seeking each other out at the bus station every morning until SOMETHING HAPPENS and The Ride is a thing.

What do you think?

That. Sounds. So. Cute. 
I remastered my post without making yours look out of place. I'll be posting my reply soon, promise!

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