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Fantasy Journey to Coventina

Ian Temero

Knight of Swords
Chapter 1
Fairies Can't Swim

"You're over reacting, she said! They're nice people, she said! We should totally buy passage from them, she said! It will be fine, she said!" Fionn grumbled as he lashed a loose board to the pair's makeshift raft.

Muirenn, who was sitting on the other end with her legs dangling in the water, shot a glare back at him. "Ah shut up. Besides, the captain was nice to me."

"That's cause he had ulterior motives, Muir. Like the getting-you-in-his-bed kind of motives." The brother sighed, pausing his work to wipe his brow. "Look, next time just talk to me before making decisions that affect both of us."

"Aww come on, it wasn't all that bad was it?"

"Not all that bad? You call this not all that bad?" Fionn snapped, motioning around at the burning wreck of a ship in pieces around them. "We're stranded in the middle of the ocean with no fresh water, no food, and no way to protect ourselves from the sun!"

"I'm sorry, okay!" She shouted back "If I had known they were pirates I wouldn't have boarded the ship!"

"And when they decided to chase a merchant, why did you try to help?" He rebutled. Finishing his knot, he stood up. "Done. Back to the middle."

On the other end the sister stood as well "They told me that they were pirate hunters and the other guy was a pirate!" Muirenn defended, the two of them walking carefully back to the center where what little of their supplies they had where. If one hadn't known that they were siblings, one might have mistaken one of them for a reflection; the both of them in sailor rags and Muirenn having cut her black hair and bound her chest to appear as a boy, they were the spitting image of the other.

"And you decided to use a spell you hadn't perfected yet-"

"And lit our own sails on fire, royally pissing the pirates of, and nearly getting us killed. I know. I know" All of her fight leaving her, she slowly sat down and sighed. "I can't do anything right."

Sitting down behind her, Fionn leaned back so their backs were touching. "Well you did blow the ship up," He pointed out softly "so there's something you did right."

"I don't even know how I did that." She groaned "And we were on the ship, so I nearly killed us twice."

"If you hadn't they'd have slit my throat and they would have done worse to you. So what's a few burns. At least we're alive."

It wasn't the best motivational speech ever given, but it did make her feel a little better. "Well don't congratulate me yet." She joked halfheartedly, leaning her head back and lightly bumping his. "We're still going to starve, remember?"
Well, they weren’t alone for long.

To start, a strange, winged creature came flying in from the west and circled above the twins. One might have mistaken it for a seabird at that distance, with a beak and feathers, but on closer inspection you’d notice it was a humanoid, and it looked like it carried a harpoon in one hand.


Whatever it (he? She?) had come here for, it had apparently found, and it swiftly soared back westward. And five minutes later, when it came returned, it had a friend in tow.

Sails at half maaaaast!” squeaked a shrill voice.

Enter a golden, full-rigged ship, slipping into the scene from the setting sun. And by “slipping in”, I mean that boat had just snuck in from out of nowhere, quietly yet abruptly, like a three masted ninja. She hadn’t even been seen on the horizon a few minute ago, and now she was here, coming in fast towards the wreckage, her crew scrambling to shorten sails.

The Jackalope was her name. If you couldn’t read it on the back, you probably coulda guessed it from the big horned bunny depicted on the green flag she was flying. She was a light golden color with green accents here and there, though a good bit of the paint had been scratched away in a in a close scrape of some sort. and her figure head, if you could see it had all her fingers crossed.

She bore no other official flag to mark her government or land of heritage, but it was well understood that the Jackalope was a Coventinian national symbol.

The bird creature, again, circled directly over the twins head.

(I promise my next post will be more intertaining)

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