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Realistic or Modern Jindai High OOC

Ah, well, long story short, Rusty and mine chars are supposed to exchange love letters, and then some doki doki premarital handholding. While my char's dad go on a rampage to kill every bois at Jindai.
. . .

:X I can't believe it... I can't believe someone would do something so... scandalous whilst attending Jindai High, it's absolutely preposterous! This is why I need to force Jirou onto the student council, so he can wear a silly band and watch for sure indecent behavior.

From a non-character perspective. That's kinda cute in both sides, kinda reminds me of Sun Seto and her dad from Seto no Hanayome
. . .

:X I can't believe it... I can't believe someone would do something so... scandalous whilst attending Jindai High, it's absolutely preposterous! This is why I need to force Jirou onto the student council, so he can wear a silly band and watch for sure indecent behavior.

From a non-character perspective. That's kinda cute in both sides, kinda reminds me of Sun Seto and her dad from Seto no Hanayome
Yo My Bride is a Mermaid is a good show.
And yes. Pretty much the overprotective dad archetype. But Samuel is a Marine, so 200% more tacticool.
Yo My Bride is a Mermaid is a good show.
And yes. Pretty much the overprotective dad archetype. But Samuel is a Marine, so 200% more tacticool.
I feel like he'd be the kind of father who'd sneak onto school trips. Like, they wouldn't be looking for chaperones but he would still find a way to chaperone it. Or rather, find a way to be there to protect his daughter.
I feel like he'd be the kind of father who'd sneak onto school trips. Like, they wouldn't be looking for chaperones but he would still find a way to chaperone it. Or rather, find a way to be there to protect his daughter.
He's already volunteering at the school to "help out". Possibly As a gym instructor. Sai Sai... HAI SAIDO CHESTOOOO
But yes. mlem xD
Aight I'm now dubbing this group of characters the Gaijin Gang
Tfw you make a Japanese Highschool, but you end up with more foreigners than when the Shogunate collapse at the end of the Boshin War.
The Japanese gang in the school: Go home Gaijins. Go home. [whips out katana]
Aight screw this slice of life stuff, time to rid the streets of gangs like a martial arts manga.
I'm done with my cs just need to fill out relationships....though that might be hard to do since I just she's the only first year 😅

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