Jaheilux (weirdbraxto & Moonlit Dream)

Neire had a rather spectical face on, reaching out and shaking her hand. "Neire, nice to meet you miss Eyla" He threw his hand back in his pocket, using his other to take a drink out of the soda. "To answer your question Zinnia, coffee, I'm a coffee guy." He set the can on the coffee table and reclined back into the sofa, closing his eyes but not sleeping.
When Neire's eyes were closed, Eyla glanced at Zinnia but she just shrugged. "Hey, Zin. Can you help test out one of my new weapons sometime later or tomorrow? Just came up with it yesterday, and tweaked it," the woman said.

Zinnia nodded. "Sure, sure," she answered. As her Weaponsmith friend walked away, Zinnia took a sip from her soda before practicing pool. "Anyway." Zinnia said. "About this whole situation...I know you don't wanna be in it, and you were practically dragged to this, so sorry. For that."
Neire shrugged looked up at the ceiling. "I don't think you get it. I-I want to be here now." His voice got a bit shaky. "This is... this is different then what I'm used to sure. But hat's the beauty of it. It's something..." I threw himself forward and took a drink once more, the addictive taste rushing throughout him. He twisted his neck as he sat up from the sofa. "I'm going to bed..." He walked off to the exit, seeing the familiar hallway back to his sleeping quarters.
Zinnia stood there, a confused and curious expression on her face. She went after him. "Hold up! It's just half past eight, why do you wanna go to sleep all of a sudden?" Zinnia questioned. Though that's not what struck her, it was the fact that Neire didn't finish what he started. And the fact that he actually gave an answer that didn't sound so apathetic. "You were gonna say something like 'exhilarating'...right?" Zinnia folded her arms.
Near the end of the hallway, he turned his neck to look at Zinnia. "No, I just meant something.... at least for now that is..." He twisted back around and made his way down the stairs back to the sleeping area he awoke in. His head falling strait down, staring at the floor as he jumped onto the mattress. He spent no idle time, and fell softly asleep.
Zinnia watched Neire go, while rubbing the back of her head. "Strange guy..." she muttered. She turned on her heel and walked back toward the longue room---where she got back the soda she left. Since Neire hadn't been much of a person who she could easily talk to, Zinnia went around to see Ace.

"Where did that Normal guy of yours go?" he asked when Zinnia saw him.

She answered, "He went to sleep. Didn't really care about our 'break from training'."

((We should time skip when they go back to school? I'm planning for the official you're-now-a-Jaheilux-member to happen the next day))
((Hmm maybe that's another thing to consider. The whole school matter :P Haven't thought about that xD I saw it as 'student by day, badass Demon killers by night' sorta thing. What do you think?))
((If you want we can have them start skipping sometimes, and then the Jaheilux members have the school excuse them for it somehow. And by the way that's a trippy pic))

For the school day, Zinnia was wearing a red jacket, a white graphic tee, with a black Japanese symbol on it that translated to 'Courage', and a long pair of faded blue jeans that were slightly torn at the hems.

She checked her watch. She was on time, with a considerable amount of time to go to her locker if she needed to. Dammit, I'm still hungry... Zinnia held a hand over her stomach. Right, he gave me strawberries earlier, she opened her messenger bag and found the strawberries in plastic.

Zinnia popped a strawberry into her mouth and slightly grinned, then started walking into the school building. She noticed quite a few people gave her strange looks, but she just glared at them back even if she didn't know the reason why they were doing so in the first place. Zinnia spotted Neire and approached him. "Yo."
Neire stopped in his tracks to lazily look over at Zinnia. "Hey..." He flipped his hair over as he began to walk with Zinnia into the school. Neire was in a typical outfit for him. A pair of dark jeans with a white button down shirt halfway undone, and a collared jet-black jacket open. And also possibly the thing he got the most hate for, dark eyeliner, a typical thing for him but seemed taboo to the school population. Neire walked in silence before being pushed aside by a typical jock. "Yo, play dress-up somewhere else girly." The sound of laughter faded off as they continued walking. "I get that about every other day... I had a friend once, thought I was a girl to I broke the news to him. Heartbroken, but we became good friends...." Neire paused for a moment. "Then died a week later, burnt in his own home with the words 'doe emo scum' written in his driveway with paint. You can guess who it was..."
Zinnia stopped eating the strawberries for a moment. "Those pricks...!" Zinnia said under her breath. "God, what kind of people are they? Doing that to somebody..." She's attended many schools, but not one like this where a student killed another simply because they didn't like the way they looked. "And yeah, I think I've got the guy in mind who did it," Zinnia replied.

She glanced to her left. "Speak of the devil..." she muttered. It was Johnny Star, the guy who immediately made an enemy of Zinnia on the first day at this school.
Neire swallowed the lump in his throat and peered over at the man, or the beast more like. He was laughing and giving highfives to his 'friends' about whatever awful thing they were talking about. These so called 'friends were just people who didn't want to get on his bad-side, practically becoming his slaves. "Zinnia.... Don't mind him. I know you don't like him, I have more a reason not to, so please for me don't do anything.... alright?"
As Zinnia listened to Neire, she was still glaring at Johnny and considering her options. She huffed out in frustration, almost sounding like an ox. She looked over at Neire. She thought he actually seemed afraid. "Alright, fine..." she said quietly. "But still, I can't stand him already and this is only my second day here." Zinnia couldn't help but think that something was odd about the people surrounding Johnny. Are those fake smiles? she thought.

"Hm...it's a good thing you said that before I walked over or him, or else I would've dropkicked his ass by now." Zinnia said bluntly, and she was quite serious. "You sure you're okay with him being like that? Somebody should knock some sense into that thick head..."
Neire made a slight smile at Zinnia headstrong nature. "Of course I'm not okay with that, I never will be. But... but it has to be me that does something to him. But not yet, not yet..." He had pondered this in his head over a million times by now, thinking of the perfect was to stand up and show Johnny punishment, but yet the perfect plan hadn't arose.
Zinnia saw the slight smile on Neire's face and grinned a little herself for some reason---perhaps because she thought a smile would suit him better.

"You need any help with whatever you plan to do? I mean, I'm not the type who really enjoys being in the sidelines so much. But that's only if you want my help," she offered, and popped another strawberry into her mouth. The sweetness seemed to calm her a little but only for a brief time.
(Never hit send D:)

Neire shook his head, taking his eyes off of Johnny. "No, this is something for me to do. alone. Sorry..." He threw his head back and let out a sigh, blowing a lock of hair out of my eyes. "Well we better get to class I guess, unless you have something masterfully planned.
((It's okay -w-))

Zinnia shrugged her shoulders as Neire turned down her help, feeling a bit disappointed but wasn't going to insist if he really wanted to do this alone. She silently offered him a strawberry. "I was thinking along the lines of just running up to the guy and punching him so hard he falls on his back," Zinnia repied. She has been fighting Demons for a long time, and they were much tougher than she could expect Normals to be; so the fact that Johnny was only taller didn't concern Zinnia.

She then smiled. "It's short, but easy to remember. Right?"
Neire shrugged his shoulders with a twisted grin on his face, hidden by his hair. "Yeah I guess so..." He took the strawberry from Zinnia's hands and silently ate it, throwing the top into a nearby trashcan. We approached the single most hated class by Neire, P.E. We approached the doors to the lockerooms, or should I say lockerroom. "Well, you won't like this part very much... there is one locker-room and we both change at the same time. Everyone.... I would tell you some of the stories but they're as bad as you think." Neire was always disgusted by this place, boys just trying to get the girls naked and show off, sadly sometimes it worked.
From being told what Neire said, Zinnia's eyebrows furrowed in strong distaste as well as her mouth gaping a little from the surprise. "One locker room...? Hell no, you've gotta be kidding..." she was shaking her head as she replied. But to Zinnia's horror there wasn't another door that said 'locker room'---and there was an absence of the symbol for gender on the door as well. So Neire wasn't joking.

Zinnia shuddered, and put her hands to her arms defensively. "I swear, if some dude even has the guts to stare at me while I'm changing, I'll kick him so hard in the face, he'll swallow all his teeth..." from her first day experience at this school, Zinnia couldn't trust anybody, especially the guys, because they were so perverted. But Neire didn't once act like them or show any sign that he was a pervert, so Zinnia was a bit relieved that one guy in the school wasn't like the others.

"No stalls to change in or anything?" Zinnia asked him.
Neire shook his head as he opened the door for them to the torturous room. "Sadly no, just a couple rows of lockers around the walls. But I have no doubt you can take care of some guy staring at you." Neire slithered into the room, going to his typical locker in the very back in the middle, possibly the worst spot of them all. Everyone's name was posted above the locker, and still without the decency of separating the boys and girls. He looked up at the locker, seeing his name posted above it. He quickly glanced to the side, seeing the locker right next to his was Zinnia's before looking back. Wait! Zinnia? Neire thought to himself. 'You've got to be fucking kidding me right?!'
Zinnia went inside and noticed the names on the locker and glimpsed at them, lightly shaking her head when she saw it wasn't her's. She went down the row, and stopped after passing Neire, because she realized her locker was next to his. Are you serious?! Zinnia thought, and breathed out while pushing back her white hair with a hand. At least it's not by that Johnny jerk... she thought.

"This is ridiculous..." Zinnia muttered. She cursed under her breath in a foreign language that Normals didn't know. She never had to deal with this sort of issue before---ever.
Neire shook his head in frustration as he slammed his locker open. "L-let's just get this over with shall we...." He took off his shirt to quickly throw it in the locker, but as he stuck him hand inside the locker a random watter balloon collided inside it, bursting apart, soaking everything inside he locker, leaving a few drops on Neire. "Are you fucking kidding me..." He heard the distinct laughter of prepy boys and girls alike in the background.
Zinnia heard a dripping noise and she looked up to see everything in Neire's locker drenched from water, with the remains of a balloon it seemed like. As she heard the laughter she met eyes with one of the people who were trying to hide their smiles and laughter with their friends. Zinnia's glare was cold. "Hey. Pricks," she raised her voice. Zinnia wasn't to the point of yelling, but she was loud enough to make her voice clear to those who were laughing. "What the f*** is wrong with your heads? He did nothing wrong."
Neire's head twitched to the side, the same grin crossing his face. "Zinnia... go wild on them." He turned around to the at the bunch, the same typical outfit they always wore. It wasn't Johnny like he thought, but a person that acts exactly like him. The two girls were just in their underwear, as if they were just changing, but Neire knew better then to think that, and the boy was in a typical white-beater.

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