Jaheilux (weirdbraxto & Moonlit Dream)

Neire nodded his head, beginning to turn to for the door before he abruptly stopped. "Oh one more thing before we train..." He dropped the sword on the floor and kicked it across the room, changing no emotion on his face. "I'm not going to use this sword." He turned to look back at her. "I want a longer sword, a Kubikiribocho." He wasn't going to move his mind from this position.
Zinnia watched Neire simply kick the sword across the room, like it was trash. She shook her head, eyebrows furrowed. In her eyes, he just insulted Eyla, her friend who had made the sword herself. "Really?" Zinnia said bluntly. She looked at Neire in the eyes. "Creating weapons from scratch isn't easy, my friend worked for hours on that. C'mon, I wasn't able to choose what my weapon was, neither was anybody else. It's the way it is." She went over and picked up the sword. "You either go with this one, or get nothing at all."
Neire leaned forward and with an obviously fake smile he patted the sword. "I guess I'm going to have to make my own then. Let's go to the room already." He swirled around without giving an extra thought and walked to the practice field, the familiar door that seemed to bring comfort of some sort,
Zinnia's lips formed a thin line, and she silently sighed before going to one of the practice fields. She was still carrying the sword though, as she entered what the area should look like inside and what kind of enemy it should be waiting for them. "It'll be a moving target this time," Zinnia told Neire. With her free hand, she took out a handle that was in her pocket. It was her double-sided weapon that would have two two blades coming from each side once she was in combat.
"Better show me the forge then, cause hell if I'm just gonna use that sword." The door slip out to the side to let the two of them in, the familiar scenery realiving some of Neire's tension inside him. He cracked his knuckles as he spotted something off to the side, a sterio it seemd. He walked to the beox, seeing a small cable exturding from it. He pulled a white phone from his m his pocket, plugging it into the system, randomly choosing a song. He was stuttered backwards, the sound admitting from all around the room. "Now this I can do." Neire threw off his shirt and wrapped his hands, gearing for the fight."
Zinnia first heard the music. It was a newly-built system that was put into practice fields recently. She thought it was okay, but a little unnecessary. She then looked confused and surprised when Neire threw off his shirt very casually, for a reason she didn't really know or understand. She facepalmed herself when a thought materialized in her mind. He's...well-built... She suppressed the blood that threatened to come to her cheeks. She was still a little upset about Neire rejecting the sword like it was trash.

Zinnia put on a stone-face. Her own weapon lengthened when the blades shot out from both ends, a bit of frost and iciness exuding from it in her hands. She held out the sword to Neire, still urging him to use it. There was no way he could find out how to create a weapon within a day, it was a profession that took years to learn and master.
Neire peered over to see Zinnia still handing him the sword. With a sigh her took the weapon from her hand, examining ever inch of the blade. With his shirt in this other hand he tossed it in the air. He quickly threw the sword like a spear, peircing the cloth and shooting the objects into the ground, the tip of the sword peicing the ground and sticking up. "My point is made?..." He didn't try and sound rude, but wanted to make his statement.
Zinnia watched Neire throw his shirt in the air, then he launched the sword and it pierced through the clothing. There goes a ruined shirt, Zinnia thought. She crossed her arms over her chest, then shrugged her shoulders. "Maybe," the Huntress said simply. Zinnia sighed. "Let's get started with this training. You'll have to do hand-to-hand combat again, because well..." She pointed to the sword still impaled into the ground.
Neire let out a complaining sigh. "Are you going to hold that above my head forever? What a drag..." Suddenly, Neire heard a familiar song spring to life on the speakers. It was Barthowlemew by The Silent Comdey. For Neire it was exciting, motivating, something to fight to. "Hurry up..."
Zinnia let his first comment go unanswered, and instead gestured her arm toward the target awaiting Neire. "Alright, go ahead," she said. She looked at her own target demon, and clutched her weapon tighter.

((I've got writer's block -__-))
(do not fear)

"My pleasure" Neire didn't skip a beat as he lunged at the moster, the exciting feeling of battle coursing through him once more. While in the moment, he forgot the demon would move this time, so it quickly side stepped Neire lunge. He tumbled on the ground, making sure to recover. Neire stood back up to take in his opponets figure. It was shorter, more slender, over-all more humaniod then his previous. This gave Neire an idea, he ran up to to the monster and just before impact he jumped up and pushed over its shoulders. He untied part of his hand raps and threw them over the demons neck. He grinned when his planned succeded, but that grin quickly left. It simply made the monster fall over instead of chocking him, he let his legs give out. "Smart..."
Zinnia watched Neire practice, and she nodded to herself. She spotted what had been done wrong. "You gotta turn their head upward a little more. For this kind of target, breaking the neck is the weakness." She said. When it came to the types of Demons, Zinnia was knowledgeable on their specific weaknesses, which always came in handy when she was fighting a monster herself.

Neire may be a Normal, but he was shockingly well at this combat. He was getting there, though.
Neire grew angry, walking past the monster, ignoring it's excistince. "Zinnia, give me some magic. Something anything. I'm sitting here fighting but I can't fight like you." He looked down and his fist shook in anger as he looked back up at her. "Why are you gonna sit here and treat me like I'm different!?"
Zinnia frowned. She restrained herself from raising her voice when Neire did. It was reflex thinking, but doing that would make things worse. She still looked straight into his eyes and stood her ground. "You are different. But I'm not treating you like dirt," she replied. "Look, I'm not belittling you and saying you're s***. I'm trying to teach you, and that's what I was assigned to do." Zinnia added. The white-haired young woman lowered her weapons to her sides.

"And we don't even know if magic is stable to the human system. It could go haywire and destroy you."
Neire couldn't help but shake, terrible memories flooding his mind. "You aren't treating me like shit and you are making fun of me or anything like that. But the way people look at me, it's NO different then before." The shaking could quickly turn to tears, but he ran over to the sword and took it in arms. He tightened his grip to the point that he believed the handle would break under the pressure. Him and the demon struck eye contact and they dashed to each other, full speed on both ends. A few meters in-between each-other Neire stuck the sword in the ground and jumped on the top, being launched into the air above the beast. In a swift moment he side kicked the demon with full force, putting full force on the neck. He landed on his knee behind the now staggering demon.
Zinnia felt her shoulders stiffen when she caught the quick sight of Neire's eyes glistening.

She saw him charge toward the monster, and lift himself over the sword that was pierced into the ground, and kick the beast's neck. She wanted to remind him that a Normal coming into Jaheilux had never happened, so everyone else was still adapting. The Huntress was going to leave that topic along for now, since it was pretty touchy. At this rate, with combat like that, he wouldn't need a sword, but he'll need one anyways.

Zinnia walked up to him and said quietly, "Good job, Neire."
Neire didn't move from his knee, trying to calm himself down. He sighed and stepped up from the ground and looked to Zinnia. His eyes didn't move, nor did he voice escape him. He just thought as he stared at her. He finally twitched a bit before his eyes moved to the ground as he walked to the beast, catching it's breath on the ground. "What now..."
"Whaddya mean 'what now'?" Zinnia said. "I suppose we can eat. I'm hungry," she added. "C'mon, let's take a breather." The white-haired Huntress waved her hand and stepped toward the door.

((Shortest post eva x_x I am having a huge writer's block right now I'm seeing an impasse in the plot right now :/ I'm starting to get frustrated with my own posts))
(It's fine. Maybe they should just hunt something soon?)

"Fine by me I guess." He followed Zinnia out the door hoping to get something good to eat. "Say Zinnia. What do you think, about all this. Me being here, or just this place in general. . I mean, you would be a great 'normal' I mean youre pretty and intellegent. That would get you pretty far."
((Yeah that'd be good))

"Pretty and intelligent?" Zinnia looked toward the wall as they stepped forward, concealing her face from Neire's view. "I didn't expect to hear that from you," she said. Zinnia didn't know it herself, but she had a soft grin on her face. When she realized this, her smile slightly dimmed from the confusion. Wait, why am I smiling? Because of the compliment....? She inwardly shrugged her shoulders. Naaah...

"Well, anyway, I really like here. Training fields are great as always, food's great. And it feels like a lot of these Hunters and Huntresses are my family..." Zinnia told him. Ace, Jack, Eyla, Dash---they were close to her. "And you being here? It's been more interesting...in a good way," she added.
Neire shrugged his shoulders. "I guess I can understnad that. And hey, about the complimeant, I mean why not. There's no point to lie about anything. Might as well say it as it is. You've probably noticed this by now from me..."
Zinnia grinned. "No kidding; you are a straightforward guy. But it's respectable." She descended down the row of stairs with Neire and turned past a corner, and after taking two lefts, they reached a set of double doors. "Here we are! We call this the eatery. Take a deep breath when you step in; it smells amazing." Zinnia then pushed open the double doors, and took a step forward. She took a deep breath then sighed with delight. The aroma was hearty, and welcoming. The irresistible scent was different each day, and it was enticing and made her stomach growl.
Neire looked down at the lack of his shirt. "Well I'm not very decent. I guess I'm not here to please anyone. But do you think I can get some new cloths at some point?" He had noticed that everyone here was more formal, at least nicer looking then he was. He figured that if he was going to be here he might as well look similar, but not too close.
Zinnia looked behind her shoulder and her mouth shaped as an 'o' as she nodded. "Right. I forgot," she said, and turned back around in disappointment. Her stomach growled with anticipation, but she closed the double doors. They'd get back to the food issue after getting Neire a shirt. It'd be weird if he kept walking around the Base shirtless like this---not like it was against rules or anything, it was just odd to see for anybody.

"Yeah, we've got a part of the Base where there are clothes and stuff. They're combat clothes, but at least it's something."
Neire took his fist and hit the button to open the double doors back open. "You're hungry. You stay here and eat, I'll catch up with you later alright." Neire let out a soft, reassuring smile as he went off in the general direction he believed was correct, though he had no idea where he was going. Out of all the countless halls and rooms this facility, Neire finally reached the one that was marked :Battle Clothing. He silently stepped inside as it seem a blacksmith/tailor was making more of her battle clothing.

"Excuse me, but I'm kinda in need of something to wear." "Certainty sir, may I have your name?" "Um Neire..." The lady gently twitched. "Ah I see. Well if you would come this way we might find something to suit your interest. Now we aren't claiming to have the most fashionable wear, but it's battle efficient." An array of example clothing were laid out on hangers along the wall, showing each ones designs, strengths, and weaknesses. "Of course, each one is custom made and you may at least have the pleasure of choosing your color. Now if you may, model number and color?" Neire peered at each of the models, finding one that exactly fit his taste. "Model 61, color black." "Thank you sir, we will contact you when it is ready." Neire silently bowed as he walked out of the room, heading back to the mess hall.

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