Jaheilux (weirdbraxto & Moonlit Dream)

"Oh, he can block and dodge. But only if your fast enough, your hits may get him," Zinnia stepped forward past the door frame, and there was a brief wave of pixels on the floor weaving around her feet. "Go on, run and hit him with your best shot," she stepped aside to allow room for Neire. Zinnia smiled.
"Not what I wanted to hear..." Neire let out a deep sigh before looking up at the beast, luckily it wasn't some huge supernatural beast, it was a little more humanoid. He knelt down, gearing up before he ran with full speed to the beast. He jumped forwards, throwing his hand behind him and then slamming it into the upper shoulder. He smiled, the beast started to dodged but still took a bit of an impact.
Zinnia observed Neire fight from a distance, she folded her arms and nodded when his strike reached the Demon. The Huntress cupped her hands around her mouth. "Don't forget to use your surroundings! Observe the environment!" she called out. He was doing good so far, a little more tweaking on details, attacks, and dodges and Neire would be able to protect himself.
Neire let out a pant of breathe, that punch really took it out of him. He ignored what Zinnia was saying, he was getting into the fight. He continued his midair swirl, hitting the demon with the back of his other hand, landing back on the ground. He jumped back, looking at the beast, it had a slight taunting smile, he couldn't do anything to it. "Damnit..." He was rather disappointed, forgetting how new he was to this. He looked back up at Zinnia, an idea in mind. "Hey, come down here. There's something I want to do. I want you to walk backwards and dodge my punches from side to side, getting faster as it goes.." He didn't like the idea of being in charge like this, he just wanted to fight and fight fast, and if this is what it took.
((Is Neire talking about Zinnia programming the clone to walk backwards as he dodges? Just to make sure))
"Hold on, I can fix something," Zinnia called back. She went over to the wall that held the keyboard and screen. She adjusted the enemy's defensive mode to what Neire asked for, but she also made another Demon materialize at a safe distance from where Neire was.

Zinnia was also going to practice with him and show him how to do things as well. She walked up to the Demon, glaring at him. Even though they were programmed clones and not the real thing, she still hated them.
Neire took in the monster once more, thinking of exactly what he wanted to do with it. He threw himself at the monster and let out side to side puches, making the monster step back each time but able to dodge them easily. After about ten punches, he went to his knees, out of breathe. "I can't hit anything, this is harder then I thought...."
Zinnia started her own fight after Neire pretty much gave up. She began with a swift high kick directed toward the monster's face; he ducked under her leg while backing up. Zinnia threw a punch---the Demon backed away again. Except, her enemy stumbled after stepping across some trash.

Zinnia took her chance and bolted toward him, and executed an uppercut. She jumped up and performed a spin kick right across the dummie's jaw---he was sent to the wall as he tripped and fell. "That's what I meant by using your environment." The Huntress said. "And don't force out all of your energy at once. Keep a steady balance of it. Don't go in a battle full assault."
Neire peered over at Jinnia, an almost irritated look on his face. "I'm trying not to, but I'm not as good at this as you are..." He braced himself once more, letting out a breathe before bringing a kick up to the beast face, causing him to block with his arm, telling that he was hurt. A rather satisfied grin crossed Neire's face.
"Sorry, I'm so used to hanging around Hunters, y'know?" Zinnia said. Then as she saw Neire's kick hurting the Demon she smiled and folded her arms. "Remember: not too forceful with your energy. Conserve that. Keep the same steady pace that you have right now," she told him.

It would be a while until Neire would be able to handle a fight with a real Demon, if that time ever came.
Neire returned back to a normal stance. "Yeah yeah I know..." He threw himself into a sideways stance and threw a punch at him, but then quickly turned to his other side and punched with the other hand, making an actual motion. Neire noticed this and smiled to himself, repeating the same process.

(Okay so it is really hard to explain his fighting style, so this is what I based it off of, the character Neji, the one with white eyes. I don't expect you to watch it all and the fighting starts at 5 or so mins. [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GKHZDwnI1jU[/media])
Zinnia took mental notes of Neire's fighting, seeing how quick he was to regain his stance in order to throw another punch. He was good at agility. Watching Neire train reminded Zinnia of how determined she used to be when she was recruited here, in Jaheilux. Having Ace as a mentor was tough but in the end it helped Zinnia greatly with combat.

"Keep going! That's good!" she said.
Neire regained his focus and had a satisfied smile. He was glad that Zinnia was at least proud of something he did, so he continued to do the same motion over and over, trying to perfect it. He slightly changed his stance after a few reps, one that would allow him to jab at his opponent instead, giving that a few trying before slamming him with his palm, causing the demon to stutter back.
Zinnia continued to watch from a distance and she saw Neire smile. He seemed better with a smile. She could tell that he must have found the Demon's weakspot, if he managed to make it stagger backward. Though, it's not always this easy... she thought. This dummie was just one type of Demon. There were many others with different abilities. But for now, Neire was having a good performance.

"Hey! Think you can finish him off?"
"Yeah.." Neire took his palm off the demons chest and jumped back, putting his hands together and shut his eyes. He suddenly opened them and almost seemed to instantly appear in front of the monster. After a quick secession of five jabs he flew both of his arms behind him and shot them forwards, both palms landing on the demon dead accurate. Neire had a smile of satisfaction on his face.
Zinnia saw the Demon fall back, and she clapped as she sauntered up to Neire. "How'd you learn to fight like that?" she asked him. "You're not a bad Normal when it comes to agility, like you said." Zinnia patted his shoulder twice, a congratulations gesture that she unknowingly got from Ace.
Neire looked over at Zinnia, peering at her touching his shoulder. "Uhh, thanks." He wasn't sure what to think of it, but I guess it was pretty good to be better then a normal, but knew he was no where close to the skill of a hunter.
Zinnia released her hand from Neire's shoulder once she was more aware of it. She looked down at the Demon. He had gotten back on his feet. "You wanna take a break right now? We have a longue room." Zinnia was being easy on him for his first day, plus he was never used to Demons yet. It didn't feel right to keep him training too much within the first hour.
Neire shrugged his shoulders, adjusting the hand wraps on him. "Yeah, why not. I need something to let me sit down and think for a bit, but I know that won't be the case for a while." As he was done tweaking the last strap he looked up at Zinnia. "Will I have to get a tattoo of that mark since, well you know." Neire didn't mind tattoos, in fact he had some, many different kinds in random spots on his body. He subconsciously shrugged his shoulder to show the tattoo that he had, showing he didn't mind them.
Zinnia gestured for Neire to follow again, and answered his question. "I don't think it'll be that simple. It's more like Hunters are born with that tattoo...and when it comes to identity, it's more like a curse than a blessing," Zinnia said. "For example...if a Demon saw you, they'd probably think, 'Oh, I'm getting dinner tonight' but they wouldn't expect you to know how to fight like a Hunter. That way, they're thrown off guard," she explained. "It all depends on Hugh and what he thinks. You'll probably have to say The Oath to be part of the Jaheilux."
Neire followed behind Zinnia to the lounge. "Well whatever the case is, I want the tattoo..." Neire couldn't qutie put his mind as to why, but he felt like he deserved the tattoo, or at least owed them as to getting it. It was like a symbol, for good or for bad as Zinnia says. "My hands... I want one on each of the top of my hands...."
Zinnia chuckled a bit. "C'mon, this isn't a tattoo shop. Though I'll talk to Hugh about what we'll do about you having the Mark." With a toss of her hair she got to a vending machine and inserted some coins. Then she punched a button with the side of her fist. It wasn't the ordinary kind of soda drink like Coca-Cola, Sprite, or Mountain Dew as Normals were familiar with. It was a Hunters' drink. Zinnia handed to Neire and got her own kind.

"Try it. I think you'll love it," she smiled.
Neire shrugged his shoulders and popped the lid open and took a drink. "Well, it defiantly needs one..." He swallowed the odd tasting drink, much different then what he was used to. "Hmm, it's defiantly not the best I've had, but I'm never much of the soda type of guy." He took another drink before falling back down on the couch, leaning back and relaxing.
Zinnia went over to the pool table which was near the couch Neire was sitting on. "Hmm then whay type a guy are you? You don't look like a tea sort of guy," she assembled the numbered balls into the form of a triangle.

"Hey, Zin!" a voice called out to her.

Zinnia looked up with her strange-colored eyes. "Eyla! Haven't been able to talk to you in a while," she smiled at her friend, who was in her early twenties. Eyla was a blue-eyed blonde with curly hair that reached her shoulders. Eyla was very known for being a very creative Weaponsmith of Jaheilux and also repairing weapons when Hunters needed it.

"Yeah, repairs have gotten my time stacked up and full, but I like working my job." Eyla looked over to Neire. "You're our new recruit right? We haven't had a chance to met yet; I'm Eyla," she held out her hand friendily, and some bracelets on her wrist chimed with life.

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