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Realistic or Modern Ivy League

@Pluvious I might as well check the notifications (although the site does notify me about the same particular threads just from time to time). Well, I guess I can't really do much when another one suggests the RP gets closed, so I'll just wait patiently~ (Wish me luck with waiting!)
Oh no! I'm sorry I meant to say that I've been real busy! I have a chem class that is from 11am-5pm and I am so sorry for not posting in your rp! I didn't mean to agree with her on the clique stuff xD and I'll tag in my rp! @Pluvious
Ah-ha, gotcha. Well, your opinions are both appreciated and welcome, though different that they are. And no worries about being busy. I get that, man. School (and real life) should definitely come first - aim for that 4.0! And thanks for the link! :)
I'm still very interested in this idea, despite what my lack of frequent posting would suggest. I'm going through some things irl right now that make it difficult for me to post as often as I would like to.
Hey Freddie, thanks for your input! No worries - life comes first. I'm still on the fence about keeping this open. It might be best to put a pin in it and revamp it at a later date. I'll be sure to let everyone know for certain what's going to happen once we've heard from the rest of the group.
I still really like the roleplay too! It seems alot of roleplays ive been doing have been going south too. it sucks!
Thanks for the reply, Jess. I'm sorry this RP isn't moving at a quicker pace, and I agree, it's too bad that it's losing interest. The longer I think on it, the more I want to just wipe it away. Once I've heard from @Gigi I'll let you all know what's going on.
Hey guys, I still haven't heard from Gigi but I've decided to pull the plug. Thanks for your hard work on those character sheets (I know I'm a persnickety GM) and for your interest! Who knows? Down the road I may revive it. Like I said earlier, since I began this RP I've come up with lots of ideas to make it (hopefully) more fun and engaging. If I bring it back, rest assured I'll tag all you lovely people. :D

Anyway, see ya'll around!

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