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Realistic or Modern Ivy League

Hey all, sorry for the long wait, but the wait is now over. Chapter One has begun!

Again, I'm not imposing a posting order, but if you folks would prefer one, I'd be happy to facilitate it. Otherwise, post at will! :)

Depends how nosy your character is. Maybe Larkin is trying to find the laundry room and stumbles across the meeting once it's going. Maybe she sees the others going downstairs and follows. Maybe Larkin intends to meet her neighbors, and strikes up a conversation with them as they're leaving the dorm? Or maybe they strike up a conversation with her? (If you nudge her into the common room/hallway, I'll be sure to have James interact with her). :)
@Amaranthine @Freddie

I've changed my mind. Both of your characters have also received invitations. Initially, I wanted some sort of divide between the group we have, but we can just as easily have that where all the characters are included in secret meetings.


Of course! Your character may discuss the card with anyone.
I'd just like to mention something~ *clears throat* I have this habit of editing certain typos I left in my posts (such as formatting or misspelled words, inaccuracies as well), so if anyone notices that a post of mine from a couple of hours, days, weeks and so forth is edited, you shall not be worried about me changing or adding whole sentences/paragraphs or even editing out sentences/paragraphs - just misspelled words, forgotten words (like of, the, in, etc.) and formatting the text (colour, size, font, etc.). ( :) )
@Jess Buck @Amaranthine

Hey guys, just wanted to see if you needed any help with how to start your posts. If you've just been busy, that's not a problem. But if you've been stuck, I'd be happy to help! So, post below or send me a PM if you'd like to work out a cool entrance for your character. :)
Oh, hey! Didn't realize you were away! But welcome back - hope your vacay was super snazzy. :) Nothing crazy significant has happened. Before going forward I was waiting for everyone to at least get one intro post up. So once you've gotten your post up, we'll keep on a-chuggin'.
Hey everyone!

I've reread everyone's posts consecutively just now and I noticed that a few characters have entered into conversation with each other. Before pulling us forward, it's probably best for those characters who have been spoken to to respond. You don't need to drag out small talk (in fact, please don't drag out small talk). Simply acknowledging that another character has spoken to yours is enough. Just be aware of the kind of impression your character might leave depending on his/her actions/words.

What I propose we do from now on is tag the player of the character with whom your character is interacting. Example: Jay (my character) asks Caden (Stoked911's character) a question. At the end of my post, discretely, I'll just tag Stoked911. That way she knows her character is being interacted with directly in that post and she knows a response is necessary. If other characters are present, but not directly addressed or affected by the action, dialogue, etc., then no tagging is required. In this case, I'll leave it up to your discretion as to whether you'd like your character to jump in or not. How does that sound? Plausible? Awesome? Asinine? It's okay, you can be honest with me. And, you know, if there's a system you've used or observed in the past that was successful, I'd love to hear about that too!

As of right now, it looks like...

  • Larkin is speaking directly to Elkie ~ 7:30pm @Stoked911
  • Jay is in his dorm by himself ~ 8:00pm

@Gigi @WeabooTrash

Neither Nathan nor Lukas are speaking to each other, but it's also unclear if they are both in their dorm at the same time. As Gigi never explicitly says that Nathan leaves the room, I assume he's there when Lukas arrives, but there's been no roommate interaction yet. And that's okay! Some roommates just don't talk to each other when they first meet. Remember, this is Nathan's and Lukas' first impressions of each other. It's a prime moment for them to sniff each other out - see if they're going to be dealing with a weirdo for the next year or someone they can gel with. But no pressure. Not speaking is an action, too, so long as you make sure something is happening in your post.

One last thing - I haven't updated it yet, but I will add posts as our role play progresses. So make sure you're all watching the Overview tab. This is where school gossip will be shared to keep us all up to date about what's going on with our characters, their relationships and the story. Right now I'll be the only one posting here. If you guys would like to also utilize this section to include some creative dialogue between characters, I'd be all for that as well. (Note: it will NOT be used as some invisible character a la Gossip Girl or Pretty Little Liars. No one's plotting to sabotage anyone... yet. Muahahaha!)

P.S. What I've highlighted in green are areas where I'd really appreciate your feedback. Talk to me! Please? :D
Hey, I will be at a camp all this week. I will have a break on Wednesday where I can try to get stuff together, but I will most likely not be back until Saturday. Let me know if this affects anything!
Gigi said:
@WeabooTrash If you want I can edit my post to where Nate had to go get something and returns and talks to Lukas. .
There's no need to edit it~ If you want an interaction, you could just write it in your next post and then Nate and Lukas stumble upon each other in front of the door to room 421 or something of the sort. (He still hasn't left, plus your character arrived before mine.)

@Pluvious , how often can each person post, if there is a certain order or limit of doing so?

P.S.: I read Pluvious's post after writing this one and I know I shouldn't be going through my notifications starting from newest to latest, haha. Well, Lukas is still in room 421, as I mentioned, while I thought Nathan had already left to the basement (I apologise, Gigi, if I misunderstood!), so I imagined Lukas arriving into an empty room in the beginning. Please, someone correct me if I misunderstood!
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WeabooTrash said:
There's no need to edit it~ If you want an interaction, you could just write it in your next post and then Nate and Lukas stumble upon each other in front of the door to room 421 or something of the sort. (He still hasn't left, plus your character arrived before mine.)
@Pluvious , how often can each person post, if there is a certain order or limit of doing so?
There isn't a strict posting limit or order, but try not to derail and runaway with your own story. This is a group role play, after all, so any scenes that don't involve all characters should be concise (not necessarily short, but not drawn out either). If you can't wrap up a conversation in a two-three posts (per character), then post here so we can all help brainstorm how to end, change or interrupt the scene on a dynamic note and push the story forward. Does that answer your question, Weaboo?
Hey folks, I know it's been a while. Just checking in to see if ya'll want to keep this going. I've personally been rethinking this idea. But if everyone is still excited about it, then we'll keep going! (If, however, you're feelings have faded to "meh, it could continue or die, but I don't care," then letting it die would be the kinder thing). Just let me know!
My vote would be to let it die (either that or kick me). I really like the premise of this roleplay, but have never really liked the idea of cliques and exclusive organizations. Also, I will be going on vacation very soon and will not be able to post for another week. If I was not leaving, I would probably lean more toward keeping the roleplay going, but I simply don't have the drive or the time.
Thanks for your input, Amaranthine. I'm sorry the direction of the role play wasn't to your liking. Have a great vacation!
I wouldn't like for this roleplay to die as the progress to very long lengths with such an interesting idea. So, I would say that I'm still excited about it! (Apparently I'm having notification problems and happened to miss plenty of important posts to threads I'm still watching... I apologise about that!)

P.S.: Your reply does answer my question and also gives me extra handy information~ Thank you!

Really? Sorry! I thought I was throwing an interesting obstacle in the mix by sending everyone those sneaky invitations. Didn't realize it had annoyed some of you. Well, lesson learned. Anywho, if you send me a link to your RP, I'll take a gander. :)


Another partner of mine has been having issues with notifications. He had apparently turned off all notifications when he meant to unfollow one thread. So, maybe check your settings? Thanks for your input, Weaboo. I'm afraid if one more person opts to drop, then I'll walk away from the RP.

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