It's Music To My Ears

Jake caught the necklace he had given her and was suddenly upset. He was confused. He thoughy he was doing the right thing. But of course like everytime he was the jerk. He angrily shoved the locket in his pocket and drove to Cassie's. The whole ride he kept thinking about Sam. He could easily turn around and go back but he didn't. She would get over him. Then she will be happy he broke upwith her. He kept trying to convince himself this the whole ride home.

Nathan sat in his aparment on the couch watching Spiderman. He was such a comic book, well marvel nerd. He was eating popcorn as well.Then he finally recived a text from Sam. He opened the text and read it with a confused look on his face. Jake must have said something. That's what he assumed. "Well ok is everything alright?" He texted back. He was concerned.
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Sam closed her eyes and rolled over before opening her eyes and seeing all of the pictures of him and her together and groaned. "Stupid! Stupid! Why'd you let him go!?" She asked herself as she got the text from Nate. We broke up ): she responded and threw her phone on the ground. She took the picture of Jake that sat on her bedside table. She ran her finger over the his chin the the picture and shook her head as she leaned her head against the frame. She wouldn't be able to get over him. But obviously, he was going to have another girl just like that.
Nate frowned as he looked at the text from Sam. He sighed. He guess he knew this would happen but he always had hope that they would work out their problems. He texted Sam back. "Wanna talk about it?" After he sent the text he slid his phone back in his pocket. Now he was frustrated. He hopped the breakup wouldn't affect the band but he also hopped Sam was ok. Well he knew she wasn't but geez. He didn't know what to do or think.

Jake arrived at Cassie's house. He wasn't really sure why he had come over to her house buthe did. When Cassie opened the door she saw that he had been crying. Cassie gasped. "Have you ben crying?" She asked concerned. Jake just shrugged and then hugged her. He began crying some again. Cassie was the only person he didn't mind crying in front of. Cassie hugged hi back before saying. "Oh my gosh. come in come in." She said shocked and worried. Jack walked inside and Cassie closed the front door.
Sam looked down at the blinking screen with Nate's name, and picked the phone up. She blocked the phone and replied with a small smile creeping onto her face, but quickly vanished. Can you come over? I really need a friend... She asked as she hit send and rolled on her back. Her parents weren't home, and her sibling were somewhere else. She pushed her dark brown hair behind her ears and, and threw her hat off of her head. She sank into the bedding and pillows and sighed. She shook her head, thinking hard about how she could have previously thought that Jake was the one for her. Obviously she was wrong.

Jamie pulled the car up into a space and turned it off, smiling as he looked over to Abby. He walked out of the car and casually walked over to her side of the car. "Here we are." He announced as he opened her door and extended a hand out towards her. He looked at the place which he had just parked in front of, a movie theater, right next an Olive Garden. He smirked and turned back to Abby, waiting for her hand in his.
Nathan felt his phone vibrate in his pocket. He quickly pulled it out of his pocket as he read the text. Sam asked if he could come over. Nate smiled slightly and texted back. "Sure. I'll be there soon." He then slid his phone back in his pocket and turned the tv off. He then stood up from the couch to find his keys which were on the counter. He grabbed them and left his apartment.

Nate finally got downstairs and to his car. He then began driving to Sam's house. He knew where Sam lived because he was the manager and he knew where they all lived. He was only 3 miles away from her so it didn't take to long to get there. When he did, he parked the car in front of her house and got out. Then he walked to her front door and texted her. 'I'm outside'.

Abby sighed. He didn't answer her question. Abby just looked up at Jamie who was now waiting for her to get out of the car. She looked and saw they were parked at a movie theater. She hesitated and didn't get out of the car. "Movies? I thought we were just going to get something to eat at In-N-Out burger?" She asked as she looked at his hand that was still extended out to her.

Jake sat on Cassie's bed. He had told her everything and like always she had made him feel alot better but he was still bummed out. They sat their now eating some cookies. Cassie was good at making cookies. "Ok so if you love Sam so much why are you at my house and not at hers?" Cassie asked Jake before biting in to another chewy chocolate chip cookie. Jake looked at her and finished chewing before he answered. "I told you we broke up." Cassie just looked at him and rolled her eyes. "I know but why arent you there apologizing and saying that you want her back? Why are you here eating cookies with me?" She asked as she got closer to his face. Close enough that he felt her warm breath on his face. He swallowed hard and thought about her question. "I.." He started to say but was cut off when she tried to kiss him.
Sam jumped at the text from Nate, nodding her head at the response and sat up in her bed. She didn't think Nate would mind her messy appearance. She ran her index finger to the ends of her hair and pulled her phone out of her covers and saw his text. It had only taken him a few minutes to get to her, which a actually felt nice to Sam. She walked to the front door and took a deep breath before unlocking it. She saw Nate and gave him a weak but appreciating smile. "Thank you for coming so quickly Nate." She said to him as she took his hand and began to bring him into her house.

Jamie smiled softly, "Yes I know." He told her as he spun her around, and showed her the in and out burger that was behind them. He looked down at her and tilted her head; something seemed off. "Oh no, what did I do now?" He asked her as he placed a gentle hand on her shoulder and looked into her eyes. He felt like he was forgetting something, but wasn't sure. He looked down with a concerned expression as he waited for Abby's answer to his question.
Nate allowed Sam to take his hand and bring him into her home. He closed the front door behind him and quickly smelled the aroma of the place. It smelled very similar to Sam herself. "Ah no problem." He said in reply to her thanks to him. He looked around her house which seemed way too quiet for a family. She was probably home alone he assumed. At the thought of this he almost smiled but did not.

Abby looked up at Jamie's concerned face. She swallowed and looked away fom here. "Nothing." She said before pulling away from him. "Jamie." She paused before continuing. "Why did you ask me out? I mean I assume this is a date so why did you ask me?" She looked at him anxious for his response.
Sam wrapped her arms around his neck. She laid her head on his shoulder and closed her eyes. "You are really nice Nate.." She drifted off and whimpered softly. She used her other hand to brush her hair out of her face and looked up at him. "I'm sorry if I stain your shirt.. I could never cry on Jake.. He wouldn't let me." She explained as she turned her head into his neck.

Jamie took Abby's hands and smiled softly, "I asked you out because I can't stand to see you with any other guy. You are the only girl I want in my life, and it was time for me to take action." He explained as he looked into her red, waiting patiently for her response to his answer.
Nathan was taken by suprise when Sam wrapped her arms around his neck. He smiled a little a wrapped his arms around her somewhat tiny waist and allowed her to lay her head on his shoulders. "Oh it's just a shirt." He laughed some. "Stain it as much as you like." After he said this he turned her to face him and lifted her chin up to him. He did it as if he was going to kiss her which he really wanted to do but he didn't. "So tell me what happened? Why did you guys break up?" Nate started thinking and hoping that it hadn't been because of him. Afterall he was sure Jake had seen Sam talking to him during rehearsal and he had asked her to stay afterwards. Then Sam asked him to dinner. Did Jake find out about that? Nate shook his head and looked down at Sam and waited for her response.

Abby pulled her hand away from his. Yea it was sweet and all what he said but could she beileve him? He seemed like a good actor. He probably said that same thing to plenty of other girls. "What about Sam? I know you had a thing for her. I mean everyone did. Jamie I've liked you since you and Jake were friends and you never payed me any attention but all of a sudden you like me. I don't know. I just don't get it." Abby looked up at Jamie hopping that she hadn't ruined things with him but she just wanted to know that he truly did like her.

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