It's Music To My Ears

Jake let her cry on his shoulder as he wrapped his arms around her. "Ok. Ok." He didn't say anything else he just enjoyed the moment of them hugging. The only girl he loved. He knew he said he would do anything for her but that seemed hard. He wasn't sure how he felt about Cassie but he knew one thing. She loved him. That's what she had texted him after he hadn't answered the phone earlier. The text read 'Call me back when you can Love ya' Did she mean it? He wadn't sure but he knew that for now it was best to keep that litle text to himself.

Abby and Chloe had been hiding behind te building. They had been watching Sam and Jake. They giggled and pulled out their extremely soaker water guns. Then very sneakily but giggly they ran out to them. "Hey Love birds!" They shouted before soaking them but with their water guns.

Jake pulled away from Sam realizing he had just been SS-There short word for super soaked when they prank each other with water guns- by his little sister and her little evil friend. He watched the two as they giggled. "Alright you got me this time. " He said as he casually walked to his car and opened the door. Chloe and Abby were laughing so hard they didn't notive him do this. He then grabbed his own water soaker. Then casually closed the door. Then turned and fired. He laughed. "Gotcha!" He winked.
Sam watched and giggled as she was squirted with a super soaker. She looked at Jake and then to Abby. "I'll just meet you inside Jake." She called as she stuck her hands in her pockets and turned to walk to the old wear house. She had no idea on how to react, and let her hair fall on to the front of her face. She walked into the wear house and took her wet drum sticks out of her back pocket. She sat on her little seat and began to play a beat. Sam couldn't get her mind off of Jake.. Well, that was until Tony called. She smiled and held her sticks in one hand as she picked up the phone. "Hey T." She said as she gently tapped her drums.
Jake watched as Sam walked off he was kinda bumed out that she didn't stay but that was before he was once again squirted he smiled and continued playing with his little sister and Clo.

Nathan, the manager, sat in the warehouse on his laptop. Typing away. He noticed Sam, their amazing drummer, walk in. She must have been SS. He smiled and laughed some. She still looked pretty soaked. Although he'd never admit it. After all he was the manager and she was dating Jake. He personaly thought she could do better than him but it wasn't his place to say. He them closed his computer to go outside to tell the others they need to wrap it up and come inside.

(Sorry its kinda short I just didn't know exactly what to do. Are you going to create anoter member of he band?
(Yeah sorry)

Sam set her sticks down and walked off of her stand. She waved at the manager, Nathan, and walked off into the corner of the room. "Hey do you want to get some lunch after my band practice?" She asked as she looked at Nathan who was now walking to tell the others. Sam nodded and hung up the phone. No some did she get a text from another guy, James.hey cutie the screen flashed and Sam smirked. She hand been called by that name in who knows how long. Hey flirt (; Sam replied with a soft giggle.

Jamie had rushed out of his house at 9:10 speeding down the way to band practice. He decided to text Abby to tell her hat he would be coming soon. It's true that Jamie did have a little thing for Abby. She was gorgeous, and her brother was a piece of work. Jamie could only couldn't the times that he had caught Jake with another girl while dating Sam. Hey gorgeous, are you at the band place? He asked as he drove up to the wear house. He shut his car off, got out, and grabbed his duffle bag. The choreographer was in the house.
Jake came into the warehose when Nathan came out to get him. He took his shirt off as he stepped inside because it was soaked. It's not like they hadn't seen him with his shirt off afterall. He spotted Sam sitting and textin someone. He didn't know why but he wasn't so much in the mood of talking to her right now. So he just went over to the couch that he had claimed his own. He had so many "great" times on this couch. He smiled thinking of how many times he had used that couch for his own personal pleasure. He sat down on it. Next to it was his guitar. The crappy one. He kept that one here for the simple fact of not caring what happened to it. He pulled out his phone. He thought about texting Cassie back but he didn't really feel like talking to her either. Instead he checked his Instagram. He had posted a picture of him last night and it already had 200 likes, which really wasn't alot for him, He had plenty of comments from girls. Some that he knew, some that claimed they ad hooked up, some that he was positive he didn't know, and he even had a few comments from some "happy" guys. He rolled his eyes and sat down waiting for Nathan to tell them what to do next. While waiting he noticed Jamie walk in. He couldn't stand that guy. Funny thing is they use to be best friends but not anymore. He knew for a fact that he was interested in Sam. Jake trusted Sam but it was Jamie he didn't trust.

Abby and Chloe walked into the warehouse still giggly. They were pretty soaked. The two were like a pair. Abby noticer Jamie walk in. His hottness was too much to handle. Abby had had a crush on him ever since he was friends with her brother. He would never be interested in her of course. Even if he was Jake would never let that happen. Ugh Jake was so overprotective.! The only person who knew of her little crusg was Chloe. Abby smiled at Chloe who gave her that look. That meant I know what your thinking. They both took a seat on a purple fluffy couch.

Chloe sat down. She looked over at Jake who was so into his cell it looked like. She looked for Sam who was also into her phone. Confused on why they were sittiny together havent one of those make out sessions Chloe had to sit through, she turned to Abby. "Is everything ok with Jake and Sam?" She asked. Abby only shrugged. Abby clearly showed no interest in her brothers love life. But Chloe did. Chloe had the biggest crush on Jake but so did majority of the girls that knew him. She never told anyone this of course. Not even Abby who was her best friend. That was because Abby was Jake's sister and if Abby found out she would probably hate Chloe.

Nathan walked stood in front of everyone. He waited for everyone to get settled in. While he waited he scanned the room to make sure everyone was here. Abby, lead singer. Chloe, bass guitar and singer. Sam, drummer. Jake, guitarist. Jamie, choegrapher. They didn't have a keyboardist but that was ok. Once everyone was settled he spoke. "Ok guys listen up. I have some really great news that I'm sure you guys will love to hear. a record deal!" He smiled "We have to be in the studio tomorrow to start recording." He waited to let everyone take in the excitement. 
(sorry its kinda long lol)
Sam noticed Jake walk in, and immediately take his shirt off. She felt herself smile and then went back to the conversation with James. "Yeah. Uh huh, yeah, I gotta go." She cut the phone call short and hung up before she walked into the circle of members. She looked at Jake, took a deep breath, and sat down bed to him. "Hey I'm sorry for getting in your face, I should have trusted you." She told him, brushing her hair behind her ear and smiling up at Jake. She loved him, and didnt want to see anyone but her with him. It may have been very jealous of her to think that, it she truly loved her boyfriend.

Jamie sat down right as Nathan began to speak. He winked and nodded his head toward Abby before he sat down in the floor in front of her. He didn't care what Jake would think of this, he had his own problems to worry about. He leaned against the arm of the chair and smiled as he listened to Nate begin the run down for the day. He could barely focus on him, for there was a beautiful girl right next to him who he knew for a fact was single. Now if only she was interested in him...
Jake was suprised when Sam sat next to him. He looked at her. He didn't say anything at first. "Nah it's fine I deserved it." He said it without much expression or a smile. He had completely stopped paying attention to Sam when he noticed Jamie sitting a little too close to his sister Abby. He was quickly snapped back into reality when he heard about therecord deal. His smiled. He was so happy about this. This was perfect! They were actually getttting this opportunity. He looked at Nathan, "Nice job Nate." Nate nodded back to Jake with approval.

Abby beamed with excitement when she heard about the record deal. She turned to Chloe. "OhMyGOD!!! We are going to make an album!" She screamed and hugged Chloe. Just then Jamie took a seat in front of her. God he smelled good. She smiled. Now she was even more hapy. "Hey Jamie! You can sit on the couch if you want?" She said trying to hide how much she wanted him to sit there. She tried to pretend as if she didn't care if he did or not.

Chloe was more than excited about the whole record deal thing.She couldn't believe this was actually happening. It felt like a dream too her. She was so excited but it was cut short when Sam sat next to Jake. She frowned. That good mood was over. Why did he like her? She was clearly into other guys as well. Well Chloe had no proof of this but she just knew it was true.
Sam gave a relieved smile as she heard Jake's reply. "Well you really didn't deserve it but I'll agree anyways." She giggled before placing a soft kiss on his cheek. She noticed Jake having a mental stare down with Jamie and could only smile. He was a little too over protective but Sam wouldn't dare to bring it up in a conversation. She then noticed a set of eyes glaring into her soul as she heard of the record deal. "That's great Nate!" She exclaimed with the rest of the band. She couldn't believe that he had finally gotten then a record deal.

Jamie smirked as he saw Jake turn his attention to him. Any smart person would have denied the beautiful girl's request to keep the brother happy, but Jamie wasn't going to let some over protective brother ruin his chance with Abby. "Oh really? Thank you!" He exclaimed as he pulled himself on to the couch and smiled at Abby. He literally jumped from his seat as he heard of the record deal. "Sweet!" He nearly yelled with a small chuckle before leaning against the back of the couch.
Jake frowned when he noticed Jamie plopp himself next to Abby. He would have gotten up and confronted him but there was no need to make a scene. He trusted his sister after all. He turned back to Sam. He smiled at her. Funny he wasn't mad at her anymore. He kissed on her. "I'm sorry anyway." He said to her then kised her again. He then turned his attention back to his cell phone. He had another text from Cassie. It was driving him crazy now. The text read 'are you mad at me? I'm so sorry for saying I love you but I do please stop ignoring me' He smiled. Oh that Cassie. He decided to put her out of her misery and text her back. 'I'm not mad' He texted back. Then plopped his phone in his lap while he waited for Nathan to tell them what he wanted them to do. He put his arm around Sam to allow herto lay on him.

Abby smiled pleased that Jamie sat next to her. She then noticed her brother give her the evil eye. She ackwardly looked away from her brother and towards Jamie. She wondered what he was thinking. Did he actually want to sit next to her? Or was he just being nice. Abby was sure he was just being nice but she hopped for the best of course. She didn't say anything as she caught his smile to her. She must have turned a bright shade of pink. She looked away quickly. He had the best smile imaginable.

Chloe smiled when Jamie sat next to Abby. She was so happy for her friend. She looked over at Jake and Sam. She couldn't torture herself any longer so she just turned away before Sam caught her staring at Jake. She then played with her hair until Nathan told them what to do next.

Nathan smiled happy that everyone was just as excited as he was. "Alright everyone we need to get to work then! In your places everybody! Now!" Hehad to be stern sometimes. He waited untill everyone was in their places before he told them exactly what to do.
Sam wrapped her arms around his neck, "So am I." She whispered as she kissed him back and smiled as she broke apart before kissing him again. He was now looking into his phone which didn't bother her. She just leaned her head against his shoulder as they were told they had to get in their spot. She groaned and patted Jake's abdomen with a smirk. "Time to to big boy." She told him as she stood up and wink as she walked away swaying her hips seductively.

Jamie wrapped his arm around her shoulder and smirked. "Aw man! We gotta go... But I really like where I am now." He whined as he looked at he and stood up. "Come on gorgeous." He asked as he held his hand out to her. He winked at her and waited to feel her soft hand meet the palm of his rough and large hand. At this point, all he wanted was a night out with her.
Jake watched Sam walk off in amazement. Dang! Was all he could think! He smiled thinking how lucky he was when Cassie texted back 'Yay so can I see you later?' Jake read the text then looked at Sam. He thought about it. 'Yea sure' He texted back.He then slid his phone in his pocket and grabbed his old guitar. Then went to get in his place.

Abby's mouth dropped but she quickly closed it. Hoping Jamie didn't notice. She smiled and took his hand. "Ok!" She beamed then stood up. Her heart was beating so fast when her hand touched his. It was the best feeling ever. Ok maybe she was overreacting but she just well yea she was overreacting.

Chloe stood up noticing Abby hand in hand with Jamie. Well that esculated quickly. She thought. Chloe then walked over to grab her bass guitar which happened to be near where Sam's drumset was. As she passed Sam she made the fakest smile ever to her. That anyone could tell was fake. She then walked over to her spot with her bass guitar in hand. Ok maybe Sam didn't deserve it. She was still upset tho.
Sam tapped the beat of the first song as she waited for the band members to walk into their spots. She wondered what she would be doing that night, whether it be with Jake or James. She gently flicked her hair behind her shoulder and looked at Jake before receiving the fake smile from Chloe. Sam just rolled her eyes and gave a devious smirk as she rubbed her knee cap, waiting for the emtire band to be ready. She yawned a little but wasn't the slightest bit tired.

Jamie smiled softly, he walked over to the band and had already wrapped his arm around her waist. He smiled down at her and began to let go of her hand and waist. "Maybe we could continue that after band?" He whispered, leaning down next to her ear and smirked as he stood at his full height. He walked over to his little place on the side of the band and took out his little notebook. He wa going to look over the dance moves, to make sure that they were picture perfect.
Jake looked up and noticed Jamie with arms wrapped around Abby's waist.Yea That's it he couldn't take it anymore. He put his guitar down and walked over to his sister to pull her aside. "What the hell are you doing?" He asked not even regretting how mean it came out.

Abby rolled her eyes. She looked up at her brother. "Oh come on you can't tell me what to do!" She yelled loud enough so evryone in the waehouse could hear. "Why is it that you can have your share of girls. Yea Like I don't know what your really doing. Your always up in Sam's face about how much you like her yet everytime I turn around your talking up some other chick when she isn't around and you think you can tell me about relationships!!!" She yelled. Alot of eyes were on them now and the tension was in the air.

Jake let go of his sister arm. Then looked back at Sam. Then he turned back to his sister "You don't know what your talking about! I would never do that to Sam. Anyway this isn't about me and Sam it's about you and Jamie! I don't want to see you near him ever again!"

Abby looked at him with tears filled in her eyes but they hadn't yet fell down her cheeks. She left the subject about him and Sam alone for now"Why not?!" She yelled at him. She was still angry.

Jake watched as his sister was about to cry and no matter how much he was mad he really did want to see her cry. Same thing with Sam and his mom. Even Cassie. So he spoke in a softer voice. "Because I know him and know how he can be...and da**'t i just don't want to see you get hurt. Just not him. Please Abby. I know guys. I am one. And hell I do stupid stuff all the time. I'm always hurting Sam."Now he was talking more to himself. Then he went back to Abby. "I just don't want to date anyone like me got it?" He asked as sincere as possible.

Abby looked her brother in the eye. Then Chloe. Then Sam. Then Jamie. Then finally back to Jake. "Got it." Tears ran down her cheeks. "Fine I wont date him. I won't even talk to him ever again. Happy now?" She wiped the tears away as if she was the strongest girl in the world. She then walked over to the mc with confidence as she wasn't hurt at all. Not once looking at Jamie. As everyone in the room was dead silent and all looking at her she couldn't take. "What? Come on guys we need to practice. Let's go!" She watched as Chloe ackwardly got back in her place and got ready.

Jake rubbed his head in frustration. All he was trying to do was protect her but yet he kept feeling like the bad guy. He heard his sister so dropping the subject he went back to his place picked up his guitar and got ready to begin playing.

(Sorry this is soo long but I had to do it eventually lol
:) )
Sam watched silently as Jake and Abby had a less-than-silent argument. She couldn't help but to lend an ear to conversation. She hushed herself from gasping as she heard Abby yell at Jake. The next part was what got her. Your always up in Sam's face about how much you like her yet everytime I turn around your talking up some other chick when she isn't around. her eyes danced between the two siblings as their conversation continued.

Jamie's eyes raised from his notebook to see Abby fighting with Jake. He groaned softly, but set his notebook, and listened to the two bicker. He couldn't help but get flustered as Jake told Abby that she couldn't have a relationship with him. His head shook with vengeance as he watched Abby agree.

Sam sighed softly as she watched the two go back to their spots. She nodded, and clapped her drums sticks together. "1...2...3.. LET"S GO!" she said loudly before pounding on the tops of her drums. She pushed the conversation out of her mind for now, and let the music move her. She would have to deal with Jake later. He was the least of her worries now.

Jamie shook his head as he went over the moves in his head as he listened to the band begin to play. He wished he could have said more to Abby, but now, she wasn't going to speak to him. His sad eyes looked over the blank piece of paper in front of him, and began to make new moves. He ran his hand through his hair and sighed softly as he wished that this day was already done, even though the day just basically just started.
Abby started singing one of their songs 'My life would suck without you' (Side note.The one by Kelly Clarkson in real life) She wasn't really in the mood for singing so it wasn't her best but it would have to do for now. She tried her best not to look at Jamie throughout the song.

Chloe sang the song when it was her turn to come in but she mostly just played her bass section. She loved this song. It was one of her favorite. Abby had wote it herself. Chloe listened as Abby sung the song. It was pretty clear that she wasn't singing it as good as she usually did. But Chloe knew she was trying. Chloe glanced at Jake a few times throughout the song. She felt bad. For both of them. Chloe snapped out of her thoughts so she could focuse on the task at hand. The band.

Jake played his part. He felt in tune with the guitar. Music was the only thing that was always there for him. No matter how mad he was he was able to play the guitar with ease but he couldn't quite focuse at the moment.

Once the song was over Nathan stopped them. "Ok ok. I'm sure you all weren't playing your best. I get it." For whatever reason Nathan looked right at Sam. "You guys can't let personal things keep you from playing your best. Your a band. One band."He now looked at Abby. "From the top people!"

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Sam flipped her hair behind her shoulder and into a ponytail as Nate began to talk. She pulled a FlatBill out of her draw string bag and took a FlatBill out. As she looked up, she saw Nate looking at her. She tilted head and furrowed her eyebrows as she nodded her head to his comments.

Jamie coughed slightly, glancing at Abby before looking at Nate. "Yeah... Come on guys, we are all a family. We can do this!" He announced as he stood by Nate and raised his hands slightly. He gave a slightly convincing smile to his band members but focused on Abby as he walked back to his duffle bag, waiting for the song to start again.

Sam nodded again, "Yeah, we got this guys!" She agreed, tapping her sticks together. "1...2..3!!" She yelled once again, and tapped an even louder beginning rhythm on her drum set. She glanced at her band members before letting all of her worries go. It was time to play, play for real, be serious, and play with heart.
Abby nodded towards the manager and Jamie. Who was she kidding? She liked that boy so much. That's why this time when she sung "my life would suck without you." She looked straight at Jamie. She didn't care if Jake saw. She felt the song this time and really got into it. She felt as tho she could sing forever and she truly did love this song. She doesn't know what it inspired her to write it but it's just great.

Jake nodded at the manager but completly ignored Jamie. "Family. Right." He said under his breath before allowing his fingers to slid across the strings. He played and played. This time with more feeling. It was like he was transported to another place when he played. A place that he didn't feel like an A**hole have the time.

Chloe smiled and nodded at Nathan's little pep talk and Jamie's. She played her part with ease and sung out her part when time. She smiled at Abby. This time she could tell that she really was trying. Maybe it was Jamie's little words of wisdom. Chloe smiled shaking her head before returning to her bass. She let everynote come off the bass guitar with passion.

Nathan smiled once they finished this time. Pleased that they had listened to him. "Now that's what I was talking about!" He clapped his hands together with excitement. Then he looked at Sam. "You guys were great really." He smiled at Sam then quickly turned away blushing some. "Do you guys want to take a quick break? I think Jamie has some things he might want to go over with you guys too. Then we can practice our next song." He suggested as if it was a question but it really was an order. After dismissing them he took a seat. He took his laptop out and started typing away.
Sam looked up, once again meeting Nathan's eyes as the song finished. She smiled and looked away as he did, and hopped off of her seat. She walked by Jake, smiling, and stood next to Nate. "Hey, what record deal did we get?" She asked as she sat at his feet and gave a coaxing smile. She felt bad for brushing past Jake, but she WAS allowed to talk to other people without his permission. He couldn't control her like he did to Abby.

Jamie smile as the song ended, quickly rushing to Abby. "Hey, uh, can I go over some moves with you?" He asked as he glanced at her with a hoping and willing smile. He hoped he could teach her the moves without getting punched by jake again.

Jake looked up to see Sam completely walk past him to talk to Nate. Altho it bugged him some he let it go. After all Nate was the manager he didn't think he would try to make a move on Sam. He took his guitar off. He noticed Jamie walk over to Sam. He was about to go say something to him buthe was interrupted when Chloe came up to him. He took a seat on the couch and so did she right next to him.

Chloe smiled at Jake. "Hey!" She beamed as she sat next to him. She could tell he was still a little upset. She ackwardly put her hand on his lap and faced him sincere. "Look Jake. I know you want to protect Abby and all but you have to let her make her own mistakes. She's smarter that you think you know. Abby said looking him in the eye."

Jake was taken by suprise by Chloe's willingness to cheer him up. He mostly knew Chloe for pranking him but now he was seeing her in a whole new light. "Yea. I know but.." She cut him off

"But nothing." Chloe said firmly. "Maybe your right about Jamie but do you really want Abby to hate you for trying to control her life?" She asked him still with a sincere tone.

"Guess not." Jake admited. Chloe did have a point. He looked at Chloe. Wow. She actually understood him and wasn't yelling at him but instead talking to him as if he wasn't a jerk.

Chloe smiled at Jake and for a split second wanted to lean in to kiss him but then she remembered he had a girlfriend and turned away.

Jake smiled back at Chloe. "Thanks." He said to her and he meant it. They both sat there. They started talking about other stuff giggly and such. He all of sudden wasn't even paying much attention to his sister and Jamie or Sam and Nate.

Abby looked over to Jake. He and Chloe seemed to be having a deep conversation. What the? Was there something she didn't know about. If Jake was trying to hook up with Chloe she would freak. Not her best friend. She was snapped out of the moment when Jamie asked if he could show her some moves. She smiled up at him asshe reached for her water bottle and took a sip. "You sure that's a good idea? I mean you heard my brother. He doesn't want me talking to you." Abby joked, mocking her brother.

Nathan looked up from his laptop happy to see Sam there. "Oh uh we got a 360 deal. You know what that is?" He asked shutting his laptop because Sam was way more intersesting than whatever it was he was doing on his laptop.
Sam turned her head, seeing Chloe putting her hand on Jake's lap. Her heart sank, and her cheeks blushed brightly. She turned back to Nate, and moved to his side. "Um, no I really don't know what that is.. Sorry." She told him as she looked up at Jake and then to Nate. She pushed her hair behind her ear and tried by to stare at Jake. "Uh, could you maybe explain it to me?" She asked with a soft smile, not wanting to have to deal with any drama during that moment.

Jamie smirked, chuckling at Abby's comment. "Hey I don't care what he says. Nothing, absolutely nothing, is going to keep me from interacting with you." He explained as he took her Han and spun her around slowly. "So is that a yes, or will my legendary dance with the fairest maiden in the land have to wait for another time and place?" He asked giving her a wink. Every second of his attention was towards her.
Nathan could tell Sam seemed a little distracted but he decided to tell her what it was. " With a 360 deal, the label gives the artists a big advance and joins with them in a kind of “partnership”, sharing in any and all profits made by that artist.It's really the best deal because with the ever increasing decline in physical CD sales, labels entered into these deals with artists to create other profitable opportunities. These profits usually include a share of touring, songwriting, and merchandising. The label pays for everything and basically invests in the artist as a brand that can be used as a source of advertising revenue." He stopped talking realizing she probably didn't really care about his geeky manager stuff.

Abby smirked at him. "That was unbelievably cheesy." She said with a giggle as she looked up at his face. She felt butterflys in her stomach because of Jamie but mostly of fear that her would come in at any given moment and ruin their fun. She looked over at her brother. Who was still chatting up Chloe. Seriously when did they become best friends? Abby knew her brother was so protective out of love but didn't she have the right to make her own mistakes? Abby looked back up to Jamie's pleading eyes as he waited for her to respond. "I'm sorry but I.." She looked back over to her brother then back up to Jamie. "I can't." She pulled away from Jamie. "I really need to umm work on this song I'm writing for us.I think it will be great." She said. Abby looked up at him waiting for some kind of response.

(I don't want to write what Chloe and Jake are talking about all the time so this is basically what there talking about. Chloe is showing Jake a song she write about him but he doesn't know its about him of course but that's it for now! :) )
Sam had decided to listen to Nathan, at first, all she wanted to do was get her mind off of Jake. However, she ended up really being interested in what he had to say. She nodded her head and smiled understandingly. "Oh really?" she muttered, brushing her hair out of her face and looked up at Nate. She could only smile as he finished and she placed a soft hand on the top of his hand. If her 'boyfriend' was allowing Chloe to put her hand on his lap, then he probably shouldn't have a problem with a hand on a hand. "Then, I am glad that you're our manager, because there is no way I could keep that straight." she giggled innocently.


Jamie could only lend a small laugh as he heard her response. He gave her an inquiring look and shook his head. "Well guess what, that's too bad Miss Abby, I'm going to teach you any ways." he explained and took her head and pulled her closer. "Please?" he asked before spinning her around slowly once again and smiled as he looked into her eyes. He gently braced her back with the palm of his hand and flicked his hair to the side slightly, and hoped that she would agree to letting him teach. Even if she said no, he would teach her. No retarded brother was going to stop him from teaching his only crush dance steps to a song.

Nathan smiled. He was happy that she had actually shown interest in what he was saying. Then he flinched from the sudden suprise of her hand on his. Her hand was soft and warmed and it was a pleasurable feeling on his hand. He blushed slightly and looked into here eyes. Her eyes were inviting and beautiful. All of s sudden he snapped out of his trance and pulled his hand away quickly. "Uh yea." He said ackwardly. "Anyway um maybe we should wrap this break up?" He asked her really just trying to change the subject.

Abby smiled. She actually loved his persistence. It was like it was his mission to teache her the dance. "Well.." She said looking up at his face. It reminded her of a little kid who wanted a cookie so badly and even tho you knew hismother would be mad if you gave it to him you just couldn't resist that face. "you are the dance instructor. Which means technicaly you are suppose to teach me the moves. I mean it's your job. So we really wouldn't be doing anything wrong." She was saying this to kind of convince herself that it was ok. She sighed. She sure hopped this would't cause Jake to flip. She knew he wasn't afraid to start a fight. She just didn't want anyone to get hurt.
Sam blushed, nodding as her hand slipped into her pocket and sighed softly. "Yeah, sure.." She mumbled as she stood up and walked towards the couch. She looked at Jake and Chloe and choked up. She took a deep breath and walked past them, keeping her eyes to the floor and walked up to her seat. She put her headphone on and pulled her knees up to her chest and hid her head under her FlatBill. She just felt like disappearing that very instant and just starting the day over. She was loosing her boyfriend to his sisters bestfriend and was just ready to give up.

Jamie smirked and placed a hand on her hip. He walked behind her and smirked, "Just follow my movements and then we'll all be good. He moved hips with his hands and moved her legs back and forth with his. "Do you want to hang out after practice?" He whispered as he placed his head on her shoulder and looked at her. He didn't care what her brother would think. She was more important to him than his own safety.
Nathan watched as she walked off. He felt bad and a shot of paim hit his heart. He stood up. "Hey everyone!" He said projecting his voice so that he could get everyones attention. "Breaks over. I wanna go ahead a continue rehearsal! So places everyone please and thank you!" He looked at Sam still feeling bad. He shook it off and waited for everyone else to take a seat.

Abby followed Jamie's moves. Smiling. She heard him when he asked if they could hang out after practice. She wanted to say yes of course but she wasn't really sure. "I'll think about it." She said before following instructions and going into her place. She kept looking at Jamie however. She felt way better than she had not to long ago.

Jake stood up. It was great talking to Chloe. He felt a whole lotbetter than he had awhile ago all thanks to her. He looked over at Sam who seemed to be sad. Maybe she was on her monthly? Nah that was unlikely. Was it weird that he knew when his girlfriend's time came? He smiled.He didn't really bother to see what was wrong with her. Afterall she hadn't really shown any interest in talking to him during the break. She brushed right past him. He just shrugged and strapped on his guitar. He was really ready for rehearsal to be over. He usually loved being here. Before they would all be happy. Joking around and pulling pranks on Nathan but today everyone seemed to be moody.

Chloe stood up and walked over to her spot strapping on her bass guitar. She smiled at Abby who didn't return the smile. Chloe was suprised by this. What's her problem?

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