It's Music To My Ears

Sam looked up from her concentrated silence, and saw Jake. She brushed her hair back and pushed her legs onto the ground. She didn't even feel like talking, just playing her drums. Even the room and the mood seemed sad, and that wasn't normal. "Okay... Let's do this!" She agreed as she tapped a beat into her drums. She looked at her band members and waited for Nate to continue to talk. She yawned and stopped her playing. She couldn't help it feel slightly embarrassed.

Jamie smiled, watching Abby go to her spot. He shook his head slightly and leaned against the wall. "What's the haps big man?"he chuckled and rubbed his neck. He couldn't wait to see his band members work their stuff. He yawned a little and took his note book out and began to write. He needed moves for the entire hand. His inspiration was all on Abby; his beautiful muse was standing right in front of him and he couldn't help but stare at her.

(I'm skipping rest of rehearsal hope that's ok!)

Nathan smiled as he wrapped everything up. "Alrighty guys! That was great really!" He said loud enough so that he was sure he was heard. "Ok you guysare dismissed. I will email you the location of the studi since that's where we need to be tomorrow. Other than that go out there and do good and be good." He said this as if he was their parent or something. Although he wasn't much older than they were. "Oh! I almost forgot Sam can you stick around for a bit and you too Jamie?"

Abby smiled. Shewas actually so happy it was all over. She was so ready to leave. She heard that Jamie needed to stick around. She thought about sticking around to wait fot him but she didn't know how long he would be. So she hopped on her skateboard and went to a skatepark. The skatepark was empty and abandoned but that's the way she liked it. It gave her a place to go to be on her own and just think. She didn't want to go home because she didn't feel like dealing with Jake. She didn't really feel like talking to Chle right now either.

Jake stood up. He heard that Sam needed to stay for awhile. He was suprised by this. He knew she talked to Nathan earlier and she saw him put her hand over his but he didn't think too much of it. But now he was asking her to stay for a while. Was there something going on he didn't know about. He shrugged and went to take a seat in his car. He had to wait afterall because he needed to give Sam a ride home.

Chloe left the warehouse. She noticed that Abby didn't even speak to her or wait up. Wel that's strange. Chloe went home
Sam was putting away her drumsticks and jumped down the steps to go to the side of Jake. However in mid stride, she was called back by Nate. She sighed and mentally rolled her eyes as she looked back at Nate. She looked back at Jake before jogging over to Nate. "Yes?" She asked as she sat on her seat and spun around as she waited to hear what he wanted. She really needed to talk to Jake and it was time for her to go home. She stopped spinning and looked up at him and waited to see what he wanted.

Jamie was about to run up behind Abby, but was taken back by Nate. He pressed forwards and planted a little kiss on her cheek. "Hey I'll text you after I'm done here." He whispered as he let go of her and walked back to Nate. "What's the haps big man?" He asked as he leaned against the wall. He rubbed his neck as he watched as Abby walked away. He couldn't help but wish that he was hugging Abby once again. He was going to make her his.
Nathan turned to Jamie first. "Well Jamie, I just wanted to talk to you about arranging a set schedule with your choegraphy and regular rehearsal. I think it would work out better if you arranged a set time to meet with them." He thought for a moment. He always had a million things on his mind "Well you really only need to work with Abby. Correct?"
Jamie nodded, "Yep okay." He agreed and stood, grabbing his duffle bag. He rubbed his forehead and nodded his head as he grabbed his notes. "Yes, I'll be needed to work with Abby." He agreed and began to walk to the door. "Can I go now? I gotta go catch up with someone." He explained as he looked back and Sam and Nate, hoping he was free to go catch up with his beautiful crush of a life time. Abby.
Nathan looked at Jamie who was obviously in a rush and he thinks he can make a pretty good prediction of why but he didn't say so. "Ah go ahead why not. I'll speak with you later." He said with a smile before turning to Sam. He looked at her as if trying to decided if he should tell her what he had planned to tell her. Instead he stalled a bit. To be sure if it was such a good idea plus he didn't want Jamie to overhear. "So how are you?" He asked casually as if they were catching up over coffee but this wasn't just a question to start a conversation. He truly wanted to know how she was and if she truly was ok.
Sam turned to Jamie as he left, and quickly snapped her head in Nate's direction. She did the little comedy drum roll after Nate began to speak and gave a small chuckle. "Well what do you want to know?" She asked with a slightly inclined eyebrow. "I'm angry about my boyfriend being a two timing lier, and kissing other girls while with me." She explained as she spun in her seat and looked straight at Nate. "Or do you wanna know the fake girl answer?" She asked as she shook her head slightly. "I'm fabulous and nothing is wrong at all." She mimicked the girly girls and rubbed her forehead. "How are you?" She questioned, returning the already asked question.

Jamie ran of of the building, glad to finally be out of that death trap. He scratched his forehead and climbed into his car. He took out his phone and pulled up Abby's name. 'Hey gorgeous u wanna go get a bite to eat? I'll pick u up?' He quickly sent to her and drove out of the wear house parkinglot. He sped down the street and placed his phone in a cup holder, anxiously awaiting Abby's reply as he stopped at a stoplight.
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Nathan looked at Sam and half smiled as he took a seat closer to her. Yea he had made u his mind. "Well to be honest I'm not that great myself. It's because of you. I can see Jake hurting you and it hurts me. I mean I know it's none of my buisness but why do you even bother? I know you love him. I can see it in your eyes when you look at him. But wouldn't you rather be with someone who would never make you feel like your in competition with another girl. To show you that you are the only girl in his life that he loves." He looked her in the eyes kinda hinting that that guy could be him but he didn't say that. He didn't want to creep her out or scare her off. "You being sad or mad at Jake is effected your drumming is all I'm saying." He added this to insure that she didn't think this conversation was too weird
Sam looked up at Nate, she slid off of her seat and and sat next to Nate. She took a deep breath, and suddenly, they had gotten on the subject of Jake. She pushed her dark hair out of her eyes, and kept her sad eyes locked to her feet. "Yes bu-" she was cut off by his next sentence. Everything that he was saying was true. She sighed again and let her head lean against his shoulder. "I know, I know, he's not the best guy.. But maybe I could give him another chance?" She asked as she looked up at him. She wondered what he meant by some other guy. She placed her hand on the shoulder opposite of the shoulder that her head was on, and let her eyes push into his strong build. "I know, and I really need to do something about us, and drumming is my passion." She agreed as she looked up at him, "What should I do Nate? I'm so confused.." She whimpered and wrapped both of her and around his neck and buried her head in his neck. He could never to this with Jake.
Nathan looked down at Sam. He lifted her chin up so they were eye to eye. They were so close he could feel her warm breath on his face. He could easily kiss her but he didn't. "I think you should follow your heart Sam." He said in kind of a low whisper with a serious expression on his face. He looked at her waiting for a response.

Abby was sitting at the skatepark when she recived a text from Jamie. She smiled upon opening it. She texted back 'Yea ok. Meet me @ my house.' She said this because she didn't want him to know about here secret hideout. She hopped on her skateboard and road home.
Sam looked into Nate's eyes, searching them for a response. How had she not seen him before? This perfect- no, she was Jake's girlfriend, she wasn't going treat him like he treated her. She stared deeply into Nate's eyes before she nodded her head slightly, "But what if I don't know what it's telling me?" She asked looking up at him, returning the serious expression that played between the both of them. She couldn't hear her heart trough all of the thoughts that were raging in her mind.

Jamie smiled at the text, nodding as he turned his car into the direction of Abby's house. He couldn't wait to spend some time with her. He pulled into the driveway and turned his car off as he opened the door and walked to the trunk. He sat down on the now closed trunk and took ou his phone from his back pocket. 'Im waiting' he replied before he set his phone beside him and waited to see a princes come from either direction.
Nate looked at Sam. That was a good question. He admitted to himself. He pulled away from her. Allowing her hands that were still around her neck to fall. He leaned back further away from her as if he was finally back to his professional ways. "Well is he giving you a ride home?" He asked seriously. Realizing if Jake was giving her a ride home. He was probably wondering what was taking Sam so long.

Abby made to her house at about the same time he did. She smiled and went over to his car. He was sitting on the trunk and he looked great. She looked around as if her brother would pop up at any moment and ruin her life. She walked up to him. "I'm here." She said with a smile.
Sam dropped her hands, looking away from Nate, and shrugged. She looked away and took out her phone. "Um, I don't know if he's hooking up with anyone or not." she sighed, and began text Jake. "Are you still picking me up? Or do I need to give myself a ride home. " she quickly texted him, and looked back at Nate. "I texted him, and I'm sorry if I made you feel uncomfortable." she apologized and ran her fingers through her hair and sighed softly.

Jamie smiled and picked her up. He spun her around, then set her down and smirked as he looked down at her. "Hey look, my beautiful lady has come. The sun now shines." he chuckled and wrapped an arm around her waist. "Do you want to go out and get something to eat?" he asked as he looked around and then back to Abby. "I'm buying." he announced as he ushered her to the car slightly.

(Errrg writer's block! )
Nathan looked at Sam. "Oh no you didn't make me uncomfortable at all. I really didn't mind." He said blushing some. "I just.." He paused. Shoud he tell her why he pulled away? It was because he was tempted to kiss her but he knew he couldn't. It would only cause more damage to her relationship with Jake and that's not what he wanted. He liked her but he only wanted her to be happy. He decided not to. "Anyway let me know what he says. If he's busy I'll give you a ride."

Jake sat in his car outside the warehouse. He had almost fell asleep when he got a text from Sam. Her text suggested she was mad at him which didn't make any since and really pissed him off. "I've been sitting out here waiting for you since rehearsal ended!" He texted back. He didn't even care if it sounded mean to her.He rolled his eyes. She was acting like she was waiting on him.

Abby looked at Jamie and tried to keep herself from laughing. "Are you really that cheesy?" She said as she let him take her to the car. Then she smiled at him. "Of course your buying I'm broke. " She said with a wink as she looked up at him. She thought about what it would be like to kiss him but she has never kissed anyone. So she didn't know if she was even good.
Sam got the text from Jake and stood up, "I gotta go.... Um, maybe we can hang out later?" She asked as she stuck her phone into her back pocket. She looked at Nate and at the text, okay sorry..... :/ she replied as she sighed and opened the door. Her eyes stuck to the floor as she opened the door and walked out to Jake's car. She looked at him, and opened the door. "Hey." She mumbled as she looked up at him and to her hands. "I'm um... Sorry for snapping at you..." She apologized and pulled her hair behind he ear as she buckled herself up.

Jamie smiled softly as he looked down at Abby and let himself pull her hair behind her ear. He placed a small kiss on her forehead. "Oh yes, I am that cheesy." He explained as he opened the car door for her and walked to the other side of the car. He got in and turned the engine on as he waited for his gorgeous beauty to join him in the car. He couldn't help but look out at her as he yawned a little.
Nathan called after Sam but was already gone by then. He sighed and started to pack up. That wasn't exactly what he had planned but oh well.

Jake watched as Sam finally made her way to his car and then got in. Jake sighed and ignored her when she apologized. He just turned the music up. A sign that he didn't want to be bothered. He buckled up and pulled out of the driveway. Then he began driving her to her house. He wondered what his sister was up to.

Abby smiled getting into the car. She began getting worried her brother would show but she didn't say anything. She just buckled herself in and waited for them to leave.

(Sorry its short)
Sam sighed, holding her head with her hand and looked at outside as the cars passed them. She took her phone out and texted Nate. Want to head out for a movie and dinner tonight? Jake is probably hooking up with Cassie again.. She texted and slid her phone back into her pocket as she waited for a response. She felt bad but then mad; life was confusing at that moment.

Jamie smiled and drove out of the drive way, have you decided where you want to go beautiful?" He asked as he turned the radio down and looked over at Abby before he drove down the street. E couldn't wait to spend as much time as possible with Abby. It was going to he some fun.
Jake arrived at Sam's house and parked in front so she could get out but spoke before she did. " Sam." He said no looking at her and in almost a whisper. "Do you want to break up?" He said quickly and then turned to face her for the first time since she had gotten in the car. He swallowed hard but kept a serious look on his face. He didn't want to crack a smile. He wanted to make sure she knew he was serious and not joking.

Abby looked out the window. It was beautiful in the summer where they lived she loved it. Jamie's voice interrupted her thoughts so she turned to face him. Beautiful. She smiled. "We could just go to In-and-Out Burger." Shhe looked at him waiting for a response but not wanting to make it seem like she was staring at him. She couldn't help that think this was all wrong. That she shouldn't be with him in this car. That she shouldn't be going behind her brothers back. She tucked a strand of hair behind her ear a nervous habit of hers, as long with nail biting. Her nail biting has gotten better tho and her nails have grown some.

Nathan had found his way to his car by the time he recieved the text from Sam. He read it and tried hard not to smile. He thought about if he thought that it was such a good idea. He wanted to but that didn't make it right. Did it? He started texting back but kept changing his answer before finally saying. 'Call me l8r' He sent it and that's all he said. It didn't really answer her question but he needed to think about it. He would tell her on the phone. He decided.
Sam swallowed the lump in her throat, her heart and mind racing as she heard Jake's question. She thought hard, going over everything that they had been through. "I... I don't know....." She mumbled, rubbing her forehead as she unbuckled herself and placed a hand on her lap. "Do you want to break up?" She returned the question. They had been together for almost a year now, and what a year it had been. Sam nervously ran her fingers through her hair and looks toward Jake for the answer of the repeated question. Then she got the text from Nate, not even cracking a smile. She didn't look at it, nor did she respond to the text.

Jamie listened to Abby, nodding his head as he turned the car towards In-And-Out Burger. He watched as she pulled her hair behind her ear and began to bite her nails. He reached his hand across the center console and gently took her hand into his. "You don't have to be nervous Abbs, I'm here, were going to have a good time, just as friends, possibly more..." He trailed off as he merged into a lane and drove the car. Jamie hoped that she wasn't having second thoughts about their little rondevou. He yawned softly as he was stopped at a red light, and rubbed a hand through his hair as he looked from the road to Abby, then back again.
Jake turned away from her and looked at his pants. He was thinking. To be honest he wasn't sure himself. Breaking up would be the easy way out but staying together would be the harder choice. But isn't that what relationships wee about? Working things out? Or was that just the bull crap that they said in movies? "No." He finally said facing her again. "I don't wannna break up." He said this while looking her in the eyes. "My dad," he said suddenly turning away out of fear he would cry. He didn't want to let her see him cry. "He cheated on my mom all the time. I remember hearing her cry but then I didn't really understand. She loved him. Too much. So much to the point where she began to forget just how badly he was hurting her. Then he left." He paused trying to keep himself together. "I instantly hadto step up. Be a man. Take care of my mom and my little sister. Something my father should have been doing. I became determined to not let any guy treat my mom or my little sister the way my dad did." He then turned to her. "And I was determined to never be like him."

"We aren't alike. I'm nothing like him. He cheated on my mom cause he didn't care about her. He only cared when he got caught." He said coldly. "But Sam I do care. I care alot about you and I never want to hurt you and I never did." He touched her cheek and toyed with the idea of kissing her but he wasn't done. "Cassie is great. She is hot and shes knows all the right things to say but me and Cassie would never work. Shes just not the type of girl I want to be with. I wanna be with you because your perfect to me. You make me feel complete and you keep me from being like my dad. You do Sam. Your the perfect girl to me. I'm in love with you. Noone else just you." He stared at her for while longer with his hand on her cheek before pulling his hand away.

"But I'm not perfect for you. Your smart, beautiful, your just amazing. And I keep hurting you. Just like my dad hurting my mom. I don't want to hurt you anymore. I don't want to see you cry." A tear fell down his cheek now." I want you to be happy. I want you to be with someone who treats you right. A guy that you can trust." He paused "I don't want to break up with you but I think it's a good idea that we break up." He finally said as if she didn't get what hewas trying to say all along. He stared at her face waiting for a response. He thought about how pretty. He remembered when he first saw her. She was different than all the girls he had been with. She was way different. No girl ever made him feel so alive. He had tried so hard to get with her but she had played hard to get. It was hard but he had finally gotten her and he was so happy. Now they had beendating for a year. Was he really ready to just let her go tgat easily after all this time? No. He wasn't letting her go. He was setting her free. Free of unhappiness. He was doing her a favor. Afterall he didn't deserve her. He never did. She was to good for him. He looked at her wanting to kiss her but remained at a distance. Searcing her face for a reaction.

Abby looked at Jamie and smiled. It felt good to have the warmth of his hands on hers. "I'm not nervous." She lied. Then she heard her phone go off. It was probably Chloe who she had no interest in talking to at the moment. "So um when did you get your car?" She asked changing the subject. She hadn't been on many dates-well she assumed that's what this was- so she wasn't really sure what to say or do. Plus Jamie was a little oldrr than her so he was way more mature than the guys in her grade. She waited for his reponse as she looked at his attractive face. The face that had made her fall in love with him. Ok maybe not fall in love. She was being a little like Juliet she concluded. But Jamie did remind her of Romeo with his cheesy lines and his constant reminder to her on how attractive she was to him. She smiled as she waited for his response. She tried desperately to ignore that little voice in her head that was telling her to go home.

(Geez!! I'm sorry! That ended up being alot longer than I intended!
xD )
Sam looked at Jake her mind continued to race as he spoke, her heart thumping against her chest and her thoughts blurring over. She was taken back by this side of Jake. A tender side that showed his compassion. She watched him as he looked away and began to speak again. She felt her heart drop as he spoke of his mother and father. Sam placed a soft hand on top of his hand as she felt his fingertips meet the center of her cheek.

She keep er her moth to speak but could only feel a dry throat and slightly salt tears run down her face. "Jake I-" she stopped and listen more. Almost rolling her eyes at the mention of Cassie, but stopped herself. Sam looked up and tried making eye contact but failed. She placed a hand on his shoulder

"I don't want to break up, we've had a relationship for a year and te been wonderful for me." She explained as she turned his head towards her. "Can we please try? I don't want to loose you this easily." She asked as she looked into his eyes desperately. "But if you don't want to... Then if you want to make me the un luckiest girl in the world, we can break up." She explained and tried not to cry as much as she thought that she was.
Jake looked at Sam's watering eyes and it made him feel terrible. He reached his hand to pulled her hair back. Then rested his hand on her cheek. "I'm sorry Sam but the best thing to do is break up. I'm sorry I really am. I don't want to do this either but I think its the right thing to do." He looked into her eyes lovingly. Then he leaned in as if he was going to kiss her but then decided not to. "I love you Sam ok?" He thought about how today was the first day he had tole her that. When they were sitting on her bed. At that time everything seemed right. Everything seemed perfect. Now he was breaking up with her. How ironic.Maybe he was making a mistake by letting her go but maybe it would be a mistake to stay with her.
Sam placed her hand on his hand as it rested on her cheek. She looked away tore her face away from his hand. "But-" she mumbled and wiped her tears on the back of her hand. "Fine. Just please drive me home... I need to go home." She explained as she hid her face with her flat bill hat. She lifted her head and looked at Jake. He said he loved her, it she didn't believe it. Earlier they had kissed and told of their love, and now he was breaking up with her. She shook her head and didnt respond. She hid her eyes in her arms and cried to herself. It wasn't very loud, but every whimper was a stab in her heart.
Jake smiled and tried to keep from laughing but he couldn't help but do so. "Umm Sam we are at your house." He said. They had been parked there since the convo started. He continued to smile at her. Then waited for her to get out of the car. He felt bad that she was crying and wanted to hold her and make her feel better but he couldn't. That was bad idea and he knew it. He had just broken up with her afterall.
Sam looked at the house, "Oh." She mumbled and opened the door. "I'll see you later." She said as she unbuckled and stepped out of the car. "Here's your necklace." She growled and tossed the little locket to him. "Give it to the next girl who you find.. Who can replace me." She explained and slammed the car door. She ran up the driveway and to her door. She opened it and slammed it, and walked to her room. She took her phone out and buried her face into her pillow. I have to cancel tonight she texted Nate and then pulled her blankets over herself.

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