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One x One It's all about connection

Ahhhh I can't wait to see that!!! Lauren's such strong person in terms of self-worth and academia and when a strong character comes along I kinda wanna see what gets them feeling vulnerable. It's a lot more fun than it should be LOL
Sorry if Lauren is churning through emotions like crazy. ;~; Figured that was how someone who's never really felt a connection to someone else before on a romantic level would feel. Confused, then sad, then mad, then better, etc. etc.

IDK man, I've never been in a romantic relationship. ._.
Dude, I haven't been in a romantic relationship either but I think we're doing pretty good! I think it's perfectly fine for Lauren to be going through it like that. She's figuring things out and working through stuff. I like seeing that honestly :D

Garret's a little bit of a pain for me to write. Most of my previous characters were a little emotionally stunted whereas Garret's accepting of his feelings and he understands what he feels but just decides to push them aside for later LOL it's a little weird to write.
Pfft Garret. It's really strange writing a character type that I've never written before. Most of my characters lean more towards Juliet, you know, the overly rude, reckless kind of people. Lauren's more calculating when it comes to anything and everything she does and her doubts don't rule her so I'm having difficulty just speckling them in while keeping her completely confident in herself.


I'm sorry, I swear I'm more mature than this usually... It's my first RP that I've done based on someone else's idea in a while so. Yeah. I have things to look forward to. :P


oh god, don't ever be sorry for that!!! I love that you're as excited as I am!!! :D
Excitement! Lauren and Nina meeting and all that jazz! Garret and Lauren meeting and all THAT jazz!


I kinda can't wait for Sylvia to meet Garret and be like "Really. Really. Seriously. You're the guy that Lauren likes? Really. What. What is this."

It's gonna be so great!!!!

Will Sylvia be disapproving of Garret or would she just be like "huh. okay. could be better but whatever" LOL
Sylvia would be more exasperated as the guy that Lauren finally bothers trying to pursue a relationship with is someone she met randomly over text. So more like exasperation over how they met because she's the mother hen and would be like "WHAT IF THEY WERE AN IDENTITY THIEF LAUREN. I KNOW YOU TWO ARE GETTING ALONG GRAND RIGHT NOW BUT WHAT IF. YOU SHOULDN'T TALK TO PEOPLE THAT LONG OVER TEXT LAUREN.

Meanwhile, Evelyn:


Yay, her friend finally gets a somewhat normal social life, complete with a partner!



She doesn't really care and is just going to go along with everything.

And Chellsea:


As far as she knows, Lauren's aroace like Juliet and is so confused and HOW DID YOU TWO MEET LIKE THAT AND HAVE IT WORK OUT LIKE ALRIGHT.
what wonderful use of gifs LOL

i'm so looking forward to Garret being ABSOLUTELY overwhelmed by their reactions. It's going to be fantastic.
Thank. Thank.

Lauren's going to be so awkward I just realized, especially if Nina get's there before because she's going to be like "So how's asking out your co-worker doing?".

And OMG Lauren bringing Garret over to see her roommate and family and you know they will all show up at once and be like "HEY DUDE"
oh i think they'll both be pretty awkward. Garret will be so confused but I'm thinking of making him lie, just to make it a little more complicated Looool

Aw, poor Garret. He's gonna get interrogated so much. Poor dude. Hopefully Lauren will be there to rescue him?
Lauren the entire time is just like "You're dating your co-worker. You're interested in your co-worker" because how do romantic relationships work and she didn't actually read that whole paragraph that ended up dissolving into talking about her because whoopsie.

Ooo, is Nina gonna learn soon?

Yeah. Sylvia's gonna bust out the legal jargon and Juliet is going to glower while Evelyn screeches in joy in the background while Chellsea continues to be confused.

Lauren will be there to drag him off to somewhere more relaxing, don't worry. xD
And Garret will probably be bouncing around inside like "Oh my god. Look at her. Look at this face. She's real. They're real!" it's going to be incredible and I cannot wait until it happens yessssssss

Yeah!! I'm hoping we could skip to Friday soon so that I can write up what Nina's reaction will be when she finds out!!

Oh, I'm gonna pray for my poor Garret because he's dead meat after this pftttttt

Well, at least he has someone on his side LOOOL
Lauren like "Yes. I am real. Look at me. Real. Yes. Indeed. As is your co-worker. Who is also real. Very real. And you like her. Also very real."

And Garret's gonna be like "Haha...yeah...real. Totally real...So real that it hurts. Real...Yes..."

Hold onto your horses, buckero, I've got some writing to do. i swear that didn't sound as lame in my head.
Gotta go eat! Also I have no horses to hold how dare.

LOL Garret and Lauren both being like "That co-worker though. She's something" when they both really don't care that much about Nina in that sense.

I live!
Skipped to Sunday! Can't wait for Nina and Lauren to meet. :D If they talk, we might have to resort to shorter posts, which I won't mind so long as they move the plot forward.
Oh, there will be, man. There will be. If we have any say in it, then there will always be angst and misunderstandings.


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