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Realistic or Modern Its a Summer Party

Hannah had made it down the stairs and in front of the pool as Gerald was sitting down she climbed up to her diving bored hopefully without him noticing and then canon balled into the pool splashing him with what seemed like a wave of water. Then she swam towards him, "Hey Gerald i think your a little wet!" She said laughing.

As I spaced out into thought i hadnt noticed Hannah coming out to the pool. The next thing I knew was a torrent of water came splashing me and soaking me suddenly. She came up laughing to me and I decided to do something I haven't done before. I was going to tackle hug a girl and dunk us both into the water. I jumped in with my cute two piece wearing target in sight, I grabed her close to me and rolled my head and body backwards and let my legs fall beneath me. I then realized that this was the closest to a girl I had ever been, other then family but that was different. As I resurfaced I wiped my eyes clean of the water "hows that for getting wet?" I chuckled a little bit as I got my eyes finally clear.
Hannah cam up laughing, "Well, i was already wet and so were you!" She said as she splashed him with water and then went under the water and swam to the other side of the pool, as she came up she was laughing, and she sat at the other end of the pool and pulled in what looked like a tube and it looked like a doughnut she sat in it and floated around for a bit.

I swam after her as she swam to the other end of the pool, the first girl I wasn't completely embarrassed around and we were already swimming together and playing around like rambunctious little kids. I came up to see her in a tube just floating there. a mischievous grin came over my face as I thought about what I would do next. Weather she saw or not didnt matter to me, it was still going to be fun. I got under the water and started swimming as fast as I could right towards her to tip her over, or tickle her out of the tube.
Since she was paying attention she grabbed a water gun of the side of the pool and not one of those cheap ones one of the good expensive kind and as he came up to tip her over she sprayed him in the face and ten got out of the tube and swam to the other side of the pool this time doing the breast stroke.

I took a squirt of water right to the face, and then I heard her make contact with the water and knew she was off. I was bigger then she was and had more muscle and I could swim faster. I eventually came right close to her and was able to grab her feet in mid stroke. I pulled her farther back and kept a hold of one foot with my hand and arm, and with my other hand started tickling her feet while in the water.
Miley step out side seemed like they were outside having a water gun fight. "Well well what going on here?" she giggled.
Hannah kicked him in the face, "I have to go and talk to my guests! Oh hi Miley, he was just being a dufus!" She said as she smiled and got out of the pool.

The kick to the face hurt quite a bit and as she got out the other friend, Miley, came out to the pool and diverted her attention towards the new incoming guests I had not yet meet. I was tempted to follow, yet I didnt want to bother my host and her party planning. "I will swim about a bit more" I told them both as I dived back under the water and nursed my slightly hurt ego, and face. Ha a girl like that ever interested in you more then a plaything until something greater come along, keep dreaming boy.
Gerald said he was going to swim some more and dived back in. "Ok" she said as she shrugged her shoulders and went in the house.
She laughed, "Hes a bit odd but i like him, hes not like the other guys who are always idiots. He actually kinda funny!" She smiled and walked to the house, "So what bed did you pick?"

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