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Realistic or Modern Its a Summer Party


Every Adventure Requires a First Step
Role Play Rating:

  • T- Teen (13 and up)

Role Play Status:

Open - Accepting

You get an invitation in the mail on the last week of school. (This is just a template this is not what it actually says.)


It tells you about a party that is happening at, one of the most richest girls houses! Theres no way your gonna turn it down, heck you have not even opened it yet and your already telling your parents that you will not be home for you don't know how long.

You open it and the invatation says,

I have invited all of the kids in our school from ages 15-18. So do not think your one of the only ones. This party will go on from the first day of summer till the last, and you can not leave! Think of it like an awesome prison with all you ever wanted. If you could not alread tell my parents will not be home till the day before the first day of school, so pack all of your stuff and i mean clothing and "Other Stuff" wink wink and come on over!


1: Follow RP nation rules

2: Let me know if you want anything weird to happen im always open for new things and other stuff!
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Name:katy mcalin



Sexual orientation:heterosexual (straight)

Appearance: (see image)

Realationship status: single

Personality: she knows when to have crazy fun times but she can also be sweet and serious and she loves trying new things she is not afraid of anything and is very outgoing.

Bio:she is a senior next year and she is very popular in her school she is secretly smart and has dreams of going to the uk for studies she wants to have the craziest summer experiance of her life.

Extra:loves everything that has to do with fashion !
Hannah waved good-bye to her parents, and wished them well on there trip to Hawaii, she wished she was going but then she remembered the party, after her parents pulled out of the drive way and turned the corner out of sight, she ordered all the maids butlers and servants to make her place look like party central, of course working for her parents they asked no questions and never say a word as to what goes on in this mansion of a house.

She laughed as she thought about how awesome and long this "Party" was going to be, she then ran up stairs and changed out of her summer dress that her parents loved and put on her white short shorts a pale pink bando and a see through white tank top. She then walked down stairs and went out on her front porch.

Hannah sat outside her house on the first day of summer, she was waiting in her newly changed out fit for who she was un-sure of, after all half the people she invited she had not even met yet. The only thing she was aware of, was this party was going to be remembered for a long time.

She sat down thinking that none was going to show up to a two month long party, so as she waited for her guests she drank a lemonade with extra lemon and crossed her legs, hoping her guests would be impressed.
Miley pulled up to this huge mansion. She parked got out of the car and said "Wow nice looks like this is going to a interesting summer." She walked up to the house and saw a girl sitting outside house. "Oh that must that girl Hannah" she waved and walked up to her and said "Hi I'm Miley."
Hannah watched as the car pulled up, and watched the girl walk up the stairs and in front of her. "Oh, hello im Hannah Hall, i guess that was sorta obvious. Im still waiting for some people. To be frank you are the first one here, would you like to see the house well were waiting?" Hannah asked as she motioned to the front door hoping all her servants had gotten the house ready in the time they had.

This marvelous place was so huge I could have gotten lost in it for days, and I was just looking at the outside. I had a backpack with me that I brought a few things in, and if I was going to be here for two months i was going to need a few of my own personal things. I parked my car with the others and there were quite a number of them by the time I got to the house. I looked at the assortment of cars and the kinds of people they would have transported here. I walked up the cobblestone steps, with each one the view got more and more grand and beautiful. It was about mid day now and I walked into the greeting hall where there were tv's couches and all assortment of things all around this room. The entrance room was just about half the size of my home, it was that unimaginable huge. I knew of our hostess, but not much more then that, her name was Hannah, and she was supposed to be one of the more beautiful girls in school. I started to scan the front of the house for our host to make my introduction, and to thank her for inviting me.
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Hannah looked around and saw a boy, instead of waiting for her answer she walked down the stairs and looked at him "Hello, and you are? Im Hannah Hall, this is my party she said as she motioned to the big house." She was wearing a see through tank top and didn't care, and she kinda giggled to herself about that fact and what her parents would do if they saw her.

I turned around when I heard someone call my name, it was Hannah, and she was wearing this cute tank top that I couldn't help but notice showed off just about everything she was wearing underneath. I instantly turned my mismatched eyes to her supple face. "Hi I am Gerald and I have to say your home is massive and magnificent" I reached out my hand to shake hers. A flurry of thoughts started to run in my head. Should I just shake her hand? Should I lightly grip it and kiss her hand like a gentlemen? Do rich families even do that still? What should I do?

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Miley watched as the guy was taking Hannah's hand she looked a him and thought 'Looks like the flirty type and I bet he's looking right down her shirt.' and rolled her eyes.

As I fumbled in my head I ended up doing what was natural and what came was that I held her hand and lightly kissed it and afterwards I felt like a fool and let her hand fall from mine. I looked around to try and take some of the attention from my redining cheeks. "So are we staying here for the whole two months?" I asked half embarased and half actually wondering the question. I also couldn't help but notice at a quick glance that Hannah had brought another person with her. I would introduce myself again but it would be redundant and look foolish.

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When he reached out his hand for hers thinking he was just going to shake it he goes and kisses it. It was cute but at the same time she wanted to laugh. Not being able to hold it in she turned around and laughed a little to her self.
Violet pulls up to the house, parked her car, and proceed to get out of her car. She grabs her suitcase from her back seat before approaching the house, seeing three people already hanging around. "I thought this was a house party. I didn't realize the party would be held outside of the house. I would have brought my camping gear" She says with a sly smile as she approached. "I'm Violet by the way"
Hannah giggled, "So are you a hopeless flirt or are you trying to be romantic?" She asked in her most bubbly voice. Hoping to make him blush. Then she sees a car pull up and the girl walk over, Hannah laughed at her remark "I guess your right, Violet i really like that name. Well lets go inside the house!'' She said as she walked forwards! In an army way

When they got inside she led them up stairs to the master bedroom which had like 10 beds, "This is were we will be sleeping since you guys were the first ones here you get to sleep in the same room with me, not that it matters though!" And she motioned to the beds she told them "Pick what one you like but the big one is mine!" as she smiled.

Hannah's Bed


I was getting quite red by the time we got into the bedroom, I noticed that all of the people around me were girls. Looking around the large master room I saw that Hannahs bed had a playboy on it. I laughed a little bit to myself as I put my pack down on the bed that looked like a cockpit of a plane. I loved electronics and didn't think many other people would mind if I took this one. I looked over to where all the girls were around the other beds and noticed I was going to be sharing a room with a bunch of girls. I walked up to Hannah a little shy and nervous "was there any events planned for this afternoon?" I tired to make eye contact with her without freaking her out with my different colored eyes.
"Should there be?" Hannah asked in confusion, "You know you should not be so nervous. I did not think this far ahead!" She looked around the room as everyone was choosing there beds and she went and sat on hers. She pulled out a stuffie and hugged it, wishing that she would not have to put up with any fighting, and then she laughed and layed down on her bed.

I found myself oddly drawn to this girl, she had been younger then I was and I was going into my last year of school due to starting school later then others. "So the better question would be, what are you going to be doing tonight?" it might have come off more flirtatious then I meant it to be, but she was thus far the only person that I knew here and wasn't fully comfortable on my own in this gigantic house. This Blue eyed girl, who seemed like a fun person to be around, was our host and I was inwardly hopeless and at her mercy.
"Well umm... I think i might do you!" She said in a funny but calm voice and then sat up on her bed and then stood up and walked towards him, "I hope you know i was just kidding okay Gerald!" She told him as she stood in front of him and smiled and the proceeded to skip around the room because she was extremely bored and was waiting for everyone to finish un-packing. As she skipped around she laughed.

I started to blush after she said that she might do me, I was a horrible embarrassed mess today, and this girl was my beautiful tormentor. I looked to the others around us and how they going about their ways. I decided in a moment of independence and seeing as they had a pool, that I was going to go swimming in their pool. It was large and could even be seen from the upper window here. I grabbed my black and red trunks, I had swimmers (a more latex swim shorts) but decided not to go with those, they seemed a bit too revealing. Unlike my host I was not that comfortable with my body and didn't feel like showing it off that much.
Hannah looked at him and then snuck up behind him "So you going swimming?" She asked hoping to scare him, she was quite amused by this easily embarrassed kid, you could tell he was different but in a good way.

I slightly jumped as Hannah came up behind me and scared me. I turned and looked into her big pretty blue eyes "Yeah I saw you had a pool outside" With my words i pointed out the window nearby to the pool on the bottom floor. "If that is ok with you that is?" I asked her just trying to be polite. "that is unless you wanted to show my the entire house first, then maybe have a swimming partner?" I couldn't help but start blushing as I went on. embarrassed i turned slightly away from her so she couldn't see my full redness.
Hannah giggled, "If you wanna go swimming then go! Its fine its not like theres sharks in it!" She said jokingly as she watched his face turn bright red and she thought to herself this is to much this guy is absolutely adorable and he blushes so much its not even funny!

I was a little surprised that she wanted to actually go swimming just on my whim. I looked to her "where should I get changed?" I asked her thinking to where the restrooms were, and that I couldn't remember where they all were. Face still red and starting to go back to normal I felt a little more confident in myself. "and should I just meet you down there?" I asked not knowing if she was going to take that long or not.
"The washroom is down the hall 8th door on the right! If im not busy then i will be down there!" She said in a normal voice hoping he would not catch the fact that she was a bit excited to be in the same pool with a guy, let alone anybody! She watched as he went down the hall in confusion and then she changed into her 2 piece rainbow bikini and went to the pool.

I eventually found my way into the restroom and changed into my black and red trunks. The restroom was about as big as my bedroom back home, and I marveled in its massiveness. I found my way down to the pool and sat at the edge of the pool and waited for Hannah to show up. I didn't want to be rude and just start without her was my line of thinking as I noticed that there were servants bustling around here and there preparing I dont know what. I had found myself lost in thought about what they could be getting ready for.

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