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Fantasy It's a Pirate's Life for Me (One on one) (Closed)

Amaya Itami

It was a dark and stormy day at sea "Cap'n look!" shouted a crew mate. Diane turned her head sharply and brushed the hair out of her face. There not far from their ship she saw it. The Devils horns. Two sharp rocks jutting out of the see like horns on the Devil. She laughed "That's nothing!" She yelled "Jack! Man the wheel I'll be saving us from disaster!" She snarled with a smile. She jumped off the railing of the captains deck and climbed a post up to the birds nest. "Here we go! Watch out boys you might want to hold on to something down there!" The men groaned and held onto whatever was nere. She laughed and tied a loop into a length of rope she found in the nest. Just before the devils horns was a smaller less threatening group of rocks. She threw the rop and snagged one of the smaller ropes. Holding on tight she pulled on the rope as hard as she could and didn't dare slack her grip as the boat swung around, Avoiding the Devils horns. Only when they were safely on course away from the death trap did she release the rop and let it fly away. She slid down the post and and stood with one hand up, hugging the pole "Wasn't that fun? Now we're of again to find our treasure! For the French!" She cheered "For the French!" The crew cheered after her "Not the country!" "Not the country!" "But for me!" "But for me!" "Nous partons naviguer sur la mer, trouver le trésor et le garder pour moi!" She laughed and kicked jack from behind the wheel, "Get out of here dog it's the captains place." She smirked as the clouds parted and made way for the sun. "The favor of God?" A crewman shouted "Or the wrath of Satan!" Another shouted. "Shut up at this rate we'll be spotted in no time!" Diane yelled.
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"Cap'n do you see up ahead?" A first mate asked the peach fuzzed face Captain that smiled looking through a telescope. "Indeed I do, Men we've found a Beautiful French Vessel in our waters. We'll treat them with an old fashioned welcome ain't that right lads!" The captain yelled as his men cheered "Now let's see what kind of loot they have! Full speed ahead William" Simon ordered standing at the very end of the bowsprit holding onto a rope. "Once we get back home boys! Drinks on me!" Simon yelled out. As his men cheered, all except one who watched as his plan soon came together. With the distance soon closing to less than a quarter of a mile Simon's ship came beside Diane's ship one of his men in the crows nest had already changed the flag to match the French. "Let's see if my practice has gotten me anywhere." He whispered before yelling out "bonjour là-bas, je souhaite parler au capitaine. Veuillez baisser votre ancre pour que nous puissions parler." He hoped that it would go smoothly until he saw one of the pirates who was very familiar "wait... you! You were with that Captain last time he came to the Caribbean to trade" Simon yells pointing at Jack and coming aboard "Where's Captain Kirkland?" He asked
The crew men gave him a sorry look and made way for Diane to come down to the edge. Diane didn't really appreciate his accusatory tone when he asked her where her father was. "No need to pretend. I remember you too" She yelled out as she walked down to the side of her ship and stood on the rail. "I'm Captain Kirkland now. What do you want?" She asked.
Simon still held a smile not understanding yet what has fallen to the Kirkland he called to know a friend "So the old lad put his cap and crew on his daughter, Ah my old friend was generous to those close to him. He's most likely still on the ship to keep his old crew from causing a mutiny." Simon said joking not accepting what fell upon his ears. "He must be below deck right?" He said walking below deck past the crew "Ay Kirkland ye be down here?" He called out
Diane followed him with a frown. "He isn't here. He's dead. Now i don't recall giving you permission to board my ship." She said pulling out a revolver on him.
As soon as he heard Diana's revolver behind him click he pulled his dagger and simply puts the tip into the barrel "I wonder if you remember Your "father" giving me this dagger. It has helped me throughout my journey. Hate to use it against his family" He said shrugging as if not giving a care. "One more thing, there is a reason why I do not wear a big Captain hat" He said slapping her wrist holding the revolver away and pulling down her hat and moving past her deeper in.
Diane growled as she pulled her hat up as fast as she could. She followed him. "If it's a fight you want you can have it. Next time you disrespect me like that I'll throw you into Davy Jones Locker. Capitaine sans valeur, quel genre de capitaine n'a pas son chapeau, lâche!" She yelled at him rather furious. Her men whispered around them "Arrête de japper, chiens!" She barked at them. "You, what's your title anyways. I've never particularly heard of you." She said while eyeing him.
Hmm, you're right I should have a hat mind lending me yours lass?" He asked reaching forward but all of a sudden the ship seemed to be pushed by something and someone comes below deck "Cap'n there's a kraken!" One of Denise' s crew screams before getting pulled "crap, alright men we need to load the cannons to blow whatever hold it has on us" Simon ordered Denise's men. "We need to cut the tentacles holding on to the ships while the cannons get ready" He yelled readying his Saber and dagger going above deck.
Diane looked at him incredulously "First he boreds her ship without permission then commands her men? " Non! chargez les canons en premier ... écoutez bien, verman, vous prenez des ordres de moi. il se trouve que ma commande est la même .. et toi! and you! Stop commanding my men and sit down this ain't your ship!" She yelled as she ran to the top deck. Her men loaded the canons and she put her revolver away as she went up the the helm.
"How about you turn your anger towards that" pointing at the kracken in the water "If we don't get you loose then we'll all be in Davy Jones' locker or worse in the gut of this monster" he drives his dagger in and across one of the tentacles that held onto the ship it release and tries to swipe but misses him by a few inches "Come on Lass I will need your help!"
Diane drew her sword "Don't be calling me lass, scoundrel." She saw as she cut a tentacle just before it could reach him. Her men were firing cannons and slowley there seemed to be less tentacles but something still wasn't quite right. She could feel it in the air. "Why's it attacking only my ship. Yours isn't all that far away!" She complained while slicing another tentacle.
After the kraken was scared off Simon turned back to his ship and it was a little peculiar that his ship would sail away. He took his telescope out and looked "what the- my men! The kraken didn't leave it's eating my men Ahab threw over board!" He yelled out and looked again only to quickly grab Diane pulling her below deck as the sound of cannon balls went off crashing onto the bow of the ship "I should have through Ahab over a long time ago, this mutiny! We need to move at of their range now!" Simon yelled.
"Oh no you don't i'm not sailing on a ship with you! Hommes! attachez-le et donnez-lui son bateau." She commended. She immediately hopped back up to the helm and swung the wheel. Most of her men manned the cannons and fired back as they tried to maneuver away. A selected bunch were crowded around Simon, All with revolvers or knives pointed at him. "I suggest you don't fight back." She yelled to him.
"Damn it Diane, my Cannons can fire explosives!" Simon yelled as he watched a cannon ball fly through the air crashing into the sail inbeding it's self into the floor as a long fuse was coming short very fast. "Damn it!" He yelled pushing past her men and getting shot in the arm as he pushed her unto a dinghy and dropping it into the water as her men took cover and the explosion shook the ship. "Great, your welcome.." He said holding his arm as he watched his ship coming to the side to dock luckily not spotting Simon or Diane "well Lads, the bastard and the false daughter are dead. Now Jack was it I believe we can make an arrangement" Ahab said taking their old captain's hat and putting it on.
Diane stared at Simon in shock. "I was doing great until you came along. I don't know your name and you just forced me to abandon my ship!" She yelled. "I can't believe this no one tells me what to do." With that she took off her boots and coat and promptly dove into the water. one problem. only half of her was in the water. Something, presumably simon, had grabbed her leg. She hung helpless and frustrated over the side of the dinghy. She took this chance. She screamed as loud as she could while no one could hear her since her head was underwater.
Jack eyed Ahab. He was someone to fear but he had a strong alliance to Diane and previously captain Kirkland. "Perhaps we can. But first i'd like to have that back." He said pointing to the captains hat. "If it's all the same I'd like to think that we could sail on equal ground. Capitaine et capitaine. Pouvez-vous me comprendre dans cette langue?" His hope was that this man was less well versed in languages than his former captain.
Simon held onto Diane's leg "damn it Diane we're not leaving but you'll tip the dinghy at this point!" Simon whispered yelled pulling her as much as he could up before the dinghy took any more water. He sighed and managed to pull her up as he simply pointed at the rope that hangs over the ship. He ties it to the dinghy.
Ahab looked at the man "Quit speaking your gibbering language. I don't understand any of the damn language!" he said putting the hat on Sam and smiled "Now let's drink up! The little bastard has many barrels of Rum and Whiskey!" Ahab cheered as his men brought over barrels
Diane frowned silently at him and sat half wet with crossed arms as far as she could be from him.
Jack laughed half heartedly. yes lets drink, to our new capitaine!...." He turned to Ahab. "What is your name, captain?"
Most of Simon crew was getting drunk singing a song "Sail away where no ball and chain can keep us from the roarin waves!" they sang as Ahab smiled "Bah, The bastard thought my name was Ahab, but of course that poor sea monkey is swimming with the fishes You can call me Barbossa!" he said holding a mug out to Jack "Take it, boy, it's a celebration!" he said laughing.
Below on the Dinghy Simon and Diane sat and listened "Geez I hated that song" he whispered before looking over at Diane the sea breeze brought a chill and he noticed Diane was feeling it he took off his jacket and held it out to her "You'll freeze to death before we get to cut them down when they are out cold so take it" he said looking away from the girl as much as they had some ups and downs her hair in the moonlight was a sight.
Diane looked at him coldly. "I'd rather drown." She said through clenched teeth. she was indeed cold and her own jacket was wet from the water in the dinghy. But she didn't care. "I'm no child. I'll survive." She said looking away from him. She looked at the water and at that moment she missed her father deeply. he would know what to do. He'd probably start by throwing simon into the water. She smiled a bit. then the singing on the ship stopped. She looked up sharply.

Jack and all Diane's other men drank to their hearts content with barbosa. Or so it seemed. Jack didn't drink all that much and managed to be the last one standing. He was slightly drunk but not so bad that he didn't have his wits about him. Barbosa was lazily flopped over the helm and many other men were knocked out on the side. Jack had seen simon grab Diane and jump off. now he just needed to check which side they were on. He assumed they would have known enough to follow the ship somehow.
"You know it's more childish to turn it down," he said as the singing stopped and he looked up to see Jack pop his head over the railing. "There's your first mate now, He's a good man." Simon simply said before climbing up the rope that was tied to the dinghy as soon as he reached the top he held a blade to Simon's neck "This is your fault." he simply said obviously a little drunk. "Perhaps chewing on some peppermint before kissing your captain welcome back I know that's some strange greeting back on the mainland of those strange people" Simon said as he took some extra rope and began to tie up his traitorous crew one by one.
Diane smiled and climbed up after simon. She was slower than him because of her cold and so made it up to see first that he was tying up the members of his crew. She turned and not even an inch away from her was jack. "Bonjour capitaine, je suis désolé d'avoir pris tant de temps à la rescousse." he said with a smile. Diane drew back. since his breath smelled like whisky and rum. "You're drunk just help Simon as i get us back on course we must be way off by now. Oh, and i'll take that thanks." She said as she plucked her hat off Jacks head. Jack bowed and went off to help simon. "How could you let her freez like that." He said as he shook his head.
Simon simply looked back at her. "I tried but that's her pride taking over," Simon said as Jack started to tie up Barbossa until a hand grabbed his "Now Jackie boy, you don't think I'm an idiot do you?" Barbossa said as he dropped Jack to the ground "Boy's gotta work on his liquor don't you think Captain Kirkland?" Barbossa said as he held his hand out to Simon "Now Nobeard, give me the map or Kirkland's first mate and your friend dies" Barbossa ordered as some of his men were going back onto the other ship and Simon handed over the map only for Jack to grab it and it rips in half as he kicks him overboard onto the other ship his men set sail and Barbossa laughs "Until we meet again Captain No Beard" Barbossa let out laughing as Jack walks over to Simon "What the hell Simon, Kirkland didn't give you that map to just give away! Especially for my life!" Jack yelled at Simon putting the half of the map he had against Simon's chest.
//My bad so Barbossa knew of Jack's whole ruse and had some of his closest men be awake for the surprise, using Jack as a captive to get Kirkland's map that he gave to Simon, Jack also knew of the map and is angered at him for even giving it to Barbossa in the first place. I kind of thought of this all happening while Diane was busy setting the ship back on course//

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